friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Noisy& n) {
return os <<;
friend class NoisyReport;
struct NoisyGen {
Noisy operator()() { return Noisy(); }
// A Singleton. Will automatically report the
// statistics as the program terminates:
class NoisyReport {
static NoisyReport nr;
NoisyReport() {} // Private constructor
~NoisyReport() {
std::cout << "\n-------------------\n"
<< "Noisy creations: " << Noisy::create
<< "\nCopy-Constructions: "
<< Noisy::copycons
<< "\nAssignments: " << Noisy::assign
<< "\nDestructions: " << Noisy::destroy
<< std::endl;
// Because of the following definitions, this file
// can only be used in simple test situations. Move
// them to a .cpp file for more complex programs:
long Noisy::create = 0, Noisy::assign = 0,
Noisy::copycons = 0, Noisy::destroy = 0;
NoisyReport NoisyReport::nr;
#endif // NOISY_H ///:~
Each Noisy object has its own identifier, and static variables keep track of all the creations, assignments (using operator=), copy-constructions, and destructions. The id is initialized using the create counter inside the default constructor; the copy-constructor and assignment operator take their id values from the rvalue. Of course, with operator= the lvalue is already an initialized object, so the old value of id is printed before it is overwritten with the id from the rvalue.
To support certain operations such as sorting and searching (which are used implicitly by some of the containers), Noisy must have an operator< and operator==. These simply compare the id values. The ostream inserter follows the standard form and simply prints the id.
Objects of type NoisyGen are function objects (since there is an operator( )) that produce Noisy objects during testing.
NoisyReport is a Singleton object, because we only want one report printed at program termination. It has a private constructor, therefore, so no additional NoisyReport objects can be created, and it has a single static instance of NoisyReport called nr. The only executable statements are in the destructor, which is called as the program exits and the static destructors are called; this destructor prints the statistics captured by the static variables in Noisy.
The one snag to this header file is the inclusion of the definitions for the statics at the end. If you include this header in more than one place in your project, you’ll get multiple-definition errors at link time. Of course, you can put the static definitions in a separate cpp file and link it in, but that is less convenient, and since Noisy is just intended for quick-and-dirty experiments, the header file should be reasonable for most situations.
Using Noisy.h, the following program will show the behaviors that occur when a vector overflows its currently allocated storage:
//: C07:VectorOverflow.cpp
// Shows the copy-construction and destruction
// That occurs when a vector must reallocate
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Noisy.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int size = 1000;
if(argc >= 2) size = atoi(argv[1]);
vector<Noisy> vn;
Noisy n;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << "\n cleaning up \n";
} ///:~
You can use the default value of 1000, or you can use your own value by putting it on the command line.
When you run this program, you’ll see a single default constructor call (for n), then a lot of copy-constructor calls, then some destructor calls, then some more copy-constructor calls, and so on. When the vector runs out of space in the linear array of bytes it has allocated, it must (to maintain all the objects in a linear array, which is an essential part of its job) get a bigger piece of storage and move everything over, copying first and then destroying the old objects. You can imagine that if you store a lot of large and complex objects, this process could rapidly become prohibitive.
There are two solutions to this problem. The nicest one requires that you know beforehand how many objects you’re going to make. In that case, you can use reserve( ) to tell the vector how much storage to preallocate, thus eliminating all the copies and destructions and making everything very fast (especially random access to the objects with operator[ ]). Note that the use of reserve( ) is different from using the vector constructor with an integral first argument; the latter initializes each element using the default copy-constructor.
However, in the more general case you won’t know how many objects you’ll need. If vector reallocations are slowing things down, you can change sequence containers. You could use a list, but as you’ll see, the deque allows speedy insertions at either end of the sequence and never needs to copy or destroy objects as it expands its storage. The deque also allows random access with operator[ ], but it’s not quite as fast as vector’s operator[ ]. So if you’re creating all your objects in one part of the program and randomly accessing them in another, you may find yourself filling a deque and then creating a vector from the deque and using the vector for rapid indexing. Of course, you don’t want to program this way habitually; just be aware of these issues (avoid premature optimization).
There is a darker side to vector’s reallocation of memory, however. Because vector keeps its objects in a nice, neat array (allowing, for one thing, maximally fast random access), the iterators used by vector can be simple pointers. This is a good thing—of all the sequence containers, these pointers allow the fastest selection and manipulation. Whether they are simple pointers, or whether they are iterator objects that hold an internal pointer into their container, consider what happens when you add the one additional object that causes the vector to reallocate storage and move it elsewhere. The iterator’s pointer is now pointing off into nowhere:.
//: C07:VectorCoreDump.cpp
// Invalidating an iterator