1.Starting with SingletonPattern.cpp, create a class that provides a connection to a service that stores and retrieves data from a configuration file.
2.Using SingletonPattern.cpp as a starting point, create a class that manages a fixed number of its own objects. Assume the objects are database connections and you only have a license to use a fixed quantity of these at any one time.
3.Create a minimal Observer-Observable design in two classes, without base classes and without the extra arguments in Observer.h and the member functions in Observable.h. Just create the bare minimum in the two classes, and then demonstrate your design by creating one Observable and many Observers and cause the Observable to update the Observers.
4. Change InnerClassIdiom.cpp so that Outer uses multiple inheritance instead of the inner class idiom.
5.Explain how AbstractFactory.cpp demonstrates Double Dispatching and the Factory Method.
6.Modify ShapeFactory2.cpp so that it uses an Abstract Factory to create different sets of shapes (for example, one particular type of factory object creates "thick shapes," another creates "thin shapes," but each factory object can create all the shapes: circles, squares, triangles, and so on).
7.Create a business-modeling environment with three types of Inhabitant: Dwarf (for engineers), Elf (for marketers), and Troll (for managers). Now create a class called Project that creates the different inhabitants and causes them to interact( ) with each other using multiple dispatching.
8.Modify the example in exercise 7 to make the interactions more detailed. Each Inhabitant can randomly produce a Weapon using getWeapon( ): a Dwarf uses Jargon or Play, an Elf uses InventFeature or SellImaginaryProduct, and a Troll uses Edict and Schedule. You decide which weapons "win" and "lose" in each interaction (as in PaperScissorsRock.cpp). Add a battle( ) member function to Project that takes two Inhabitants and matches them against each other. Now create a meeting( ) member function for Project that creates groups of Dwarf, Elf, and Manager and battles the groups against each other until only members of one group are left standing. These are the "winners."
11: Concurrency
Objects provide a way to divide a program into independent sections. Often, you also need to partition a program into separate, independently running subtasks.
Using multithreading, each of these independent subtasks is driven by a thread of execution, and you program as if each thread runs by itself and has the CPU to itself. An underlying mechanism is actually dividing up the CPU time for you, but in general, you don’t have to think about it, which helps to simplify programming with multiple threads.
A process is a self-contained program running with its own address space. A multitasking operating system can run more than one process (program) at a time, while making it look as if each one is chugging along on its own, by periodically switching the CPU from one task to another. A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a process. A single process can thus have multiple concurrently executing threads.
There are many possible uses for multithreading, but you’ll most often want to use it when you have some part of your program tied to a particular event or resource. To keep from holding up the rest of your program, you create a thread associated with that event or resource and let it run independently of the main program.
Concurrent programming is like stepping into an entirely new world and learning a new programming language, or at least a new set of language concepts. With the appearance of thread support in most microcomputer operating systems, extensions for threads have also been appearing in programming languages or libraries. In all cases, thread programming:
1. Seems mysterious and requires a shift in the way you think about programming.
2. Looks similar to thread support in other languages. When you understand threads, you understand a common tongue.
Understanding concurrent programming is on the same order of difficulty as understanding polymorphism. If you apply some effort, you can fathom the basic mechanism, but it generally takes deep study and understanding to develop a true grasp of the subject. The goal of this chapter is to give you a solid foundation in the basics of concurrency so that you can understand the concepts and write reasonable multithreaded programs. Be aware that you can easily become overconfident. If you are writing anything complex, you will need to study dedicated books on the topic.
One of the most compelling reasons for using concurrency is to produce a responsive user interface. Consider a program that performs some CPU-intensive operation and thus ends up ignoring user input and being unresponsive. The program needs to continue performing its operations, and at the same time it needs to return control to the user interface so that the program can respond to the user. If you have a "quit" button, you don’t want to be forced to poll it in every piece of code you write in your program. (This would couple your quit button across the program and be a maintenance headache.) Yet you want the quit button to be responsive, as if you were checking it regularly.
A conventional function cannot continue performing its operations and at the same time return control to the rest of the program. In fact, this sounds like an impossibility, as if the CPU must be in two places at once, but this is precisely the illusion that concurrency provides.
You can also use concurrency to optimize throughput. For example, you might be able to do important work while you’re stuck waiting for input to arrive on an I/O port. Without threading, the only reasonable solution is to poll the I/O port, which is awkward and can be difficult.
If you have a multiprocessor machine, multiple threads can be distributed across multiple processors, which can dramatically improve throughput. This is often the case with powerful multiprocessor web servers, which can distribute large numbers of user requests across CPUs in a program that allocates one thread per request.
One thing to keep in mind is that a program that has many threads must be able to run on a single-CPU machine. Therefore, it must also be possible to write the same program without using any threads. However, multithreading provides an important organizational benefit: The design of your program can be greatly simplified. Some types of problems, such as simulation—a video game, for example—are difficult to solve without support for concurrency.
The threading model is a programming convenience to simplify juggling several operations at the same time within a single program: The CPU will pop around and give each thread some of its time. Each thread has the consciousness of constantly having the CPU to itself, but the CPU’s time is actually sliced among all the threads. The exception is a program that is running on multiple CPU. But one of the great things about threading is that you are abstracted away from this layer, so your code does not need to know whether it is actually running on a single CPU or many. Thus, using threads is a way to create transparently scalable programs—if a program is running too slowly, you can easily speed it up by adding CPUs to your computer. Multitasking and multithreading tend to be the most reasonable ways to utilize multiprocessor systems.