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         21.             Using the approach in CarBuilder.cpp, model the house-building story that was given in this chapter.

        22.             Change both of the dining philosophers examples so that the number of Philosophers is controlled on the command line, in addition to the ponder time. Try different values and explain the results.

        23.             Change DiningPhilosophers.cpp so that the Philosophers just pick the next available chopstick. (When a Philosopher is done with their chopsticks, they drop them into a bin. When a Philosopher wants to eat, they take the next two available chopsticks from the bin.) Does this eliminate the possibility of deadlock? Can you reintroduce deadlock by simply reducing the number of available chopsticks?

A: Recommended reading

General C++

The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup (Addison-Wesley 1997). To some degree, the goal of the book that you’re currently holding is to allow you to use Bjarne’s book as a reference. Since his book contains the description of the language by the author of that language, it’s typically the place where you’ll go to resolve any uncertainties about what C++ is or isn’t supposed to do. When you get the knack of the language and are ready to get serious, you’ll need it.

C++ Primer, 3rd Edition, by Stanley Lippman and Josee Lajoie (Addison-Wesley 1998). Not that much of a primer anymore; it’s evolved into a thick book filled with lots of detail, and the one that I reach for along with Stroustrup’s when trying to resolve an issue. Thinking in C++ should provide a basis for understanding the C++ Primer as well as Stroustrup’s book.

Accelerated C++, by Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo (Addison-Wesley, 2000). Takes you through C++ by programming topic instead of language feature. Excellent introductory book.

The C++ Standard Library, by Nicolai Josuttis (Addison-Wesley, 1999). Readable tutorial and reference for the entire C++ library, including STL. Assumes familiarity with language concepts.

STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, by David R. Musser et al (Addison-Wesley, 2001). Gentle but thorough introduction to the concepts underlying STL. Contains an STL reference manual.

 The C++ ANSI/ISO Standard. This is not free, unfortunately (I certainly didn’t get paid for my time and effort on the Standards Committee—in fact, it cost me a lot of money). But at least you can buy the electronic form in PDF for only $18 at http://www.cssinfo.com.

Bruce’s books

Listed in order of publication. Not all these are currently available.

Computer Interfacing with Pascal & C, (Self-published via the Eisys imprint, 1988. Only available via www.BruceEckel.com). An introduction to electronics from back when CP/M was still king and DOS was an upstart. I used high-level languages and often the parallel port of the computer to drive various electronic projects. Adapted from my columns in the first and best magazine I wrote for, Micro Cornucopia. (To paraphrase Larry O’Brien, long-time editor of Software Development Magazine: The best computer magazine ever published—they even had plans for building a robot in a flower pot!) Alas, Micro C became lost long before the Internet appeared. Creating this book was an extremely satisfying publishing experience.

Using C++, (Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1989). One of the first books out on C++. This is out of print and replaced by its second edition, the renamed C++ Inside & Out.

C++ Inside & Out, (Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1993). As noted, actually the second edition of Using C++. The C++ in this book is reasonably accurate, but it's circa 1992 and Thinking in C++ is intended to replace it. You can find out more about this book and download the source code at www.BruceEckel.com.

Thinking in C++, 1st Edition, (Prentice Hall, 1995). Winner of the Software Development Magazine Jolt Award for best book of 1995.

Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition, Volume 1, (Prentice Hall, 2000). Downloadable from www.BruceEckel.com.

Black Belt C++: the Master’s Collection, Bruce Eckel, editor (M&T Books, 1994). Out of print (often available through out-of-print services on the Web). A collection of chapters by various C++ luminaries based on their presentations in the C++ track at the Software Development Conference, which I chaired. The cover on this book stimulated me to gain control over all future cover designs.

Thinking in Java, 1st Edition, (Prentice Hall, 1998). The first edition of this book won the Software Development Magazine Productivity Award, the Java Developer’s Journal Editor’s Choice Award, and the JavaWorld Reader’s Choice Award for best book. On the CD ROM in the back of this book, and downloadable from www.BruceEckel.com.

Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition, (Prentice Hall, 2000). This edition won the JavaWorld Editor’s Choice Award for best book. On the CD ROM in the back of this book, and downloadable from www.BruceEckel.com.

Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition, (Prentice Hall, 2002). This edition won the Software Development Magazine Jolt Award for best book of 2002, and the Java Developer’s Journal Editor’s Choice Award. The new CD ROM in the back of this book now includes the first seven lectures from the 2nd edition of the Hands-On Java CD ROM.

The Hands-On Java CD ROM, 3rd edition (MindView, 2003). Over 15 hours of lectures and slides covering the basics of the Java language, based on Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition. Available only at www.MindView.net.

Chuck’s books

C & C++ Code Capsules, by Chuck Allison (Prentice-Hall, 1998). Assumes that you already know C and C++, and covers some of the issues that you may be rusty on, or that you may not have gotten right the first time. This book fills in C gaps as well as C++ gaps.[ ]

Thinking in C: Foundations for Java & C++, by Chuck Allison (not actually a book, but a MindView, Inc. Seminar on CD ROM, 1999, bundled with Thinking in Java and Thinking in C++, Volume 1). A multimedia course including lectures and slides in the foundations of the C Language to prepare you to learn Java or C++. This is not an exhaustive course in C; only the necessities for moving on to the other languages are included. An extra section covering features for the C++ programmer is included. Prerequisite: experience with a high-level programming language, such as Pascal, BASIC, FORTRAN, or LISP.