i = sieveChars.find('P', i);
i = sieveChars.find_first_not_of('P');
while (i != string::npos) {
i = sieveChars.find_first_not_of('P', i);
int main() {
SieveTest t;
return t.report();
} ///:~
The find( ) function allows you to walk forward through a string, detecting multiple occurrences of a character or a group of characters, and find_first_not_of( ) allows you to find other characters or substrings.
There are no functions in the string class to change the case of a string, but you can easily create these functions using the Standard C library functions toupper( ) and tolower( ), which change the case of one character at a time. The following example illustrates a case-insensitive search:.
//: C03:Find.cpp
//{L} ../TestSuite/Test
#include <cctype>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"
using namespace std;
// Make an uppercase copy of s
string upperCase(const string& s) {
string upper(s);
for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
upper[i] = toupper(upper[i]);
return upper;
// Make a lowercase copy of s
string lowerCase(const string& s) {
string lower(s);
for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
lower[i] = tolower(lower[i]);
return lower;
class FindTest : public TestSuite::Test {
string chooseOne;
FindTest() : chooseOne("Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo") {}
void testUpper() {
string upper = upperCase(chooseOne);
const string LOWER = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
test_(upper.find_first_of(LOWER) == string::npos);
void testLower() {
string lower = lowerCase(chooseOne);
test_(lower.find_first_of(UPPER) == string::npos);
void testSearch() {
// Case sensitive search
size_t i = chooseOne.find("een");
test_(i == 8);
// Search lowercase:
string test = lowerCase(chooseOne);
i = test.find("een");
test_(i == 0);
i = test.find("een", ++i);
test_(i == 8);
i = test.find("een", ++i);
test_(i == string::npos);
// Search uppercase:
test = upperCase(chooseOne);
i = test.find("EEN");
test_(i == 0);
i = test.find("EEN", ++i);
test_(i == 8);
i = test.find("EEN", ++i);
test_(i == string::npos);
void run() {
int main() {
FindTest t;
return t.report();
} ///:~
Both the upperCase( ) and lowerCase( ) functions follow the same form: they make a copy of the argument string and change the case. The NewFind.cpp program isn’t the best solution to the case-sensitivity problem, so we’ll revisit it when we examine string comparisons.
Finding in reverse
Sometimes it’s necessary to search through a string from end to beginning, if you need to find the data in "last in / first out" order. The string member function rfind( ) handles this job.
//: C03:Rparse.cpp
//{L} ../TestSuite/Test
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../TestSuite/Test.h"
using namespace std;
class RparseTest : public TestSuite::Test {
// To store the words:
vector<string> strings;
void parseForData() {
// The ';' characters will be delimiters
string s("now.;sense;make;to;going;is;This");
// The last element of the string:
int last = s.size();
// The beginning of the current word:
int current = s.rfind(';');
// Walk backward through the string:
while(current != string::npos){
// Push each word into the vector.
// Current is incremented before copying to
// avoid copying the delimiter:
s.substr(current, last - current));
// Back over the delimiter we just found,
// and set last to the end of the next word:
current -= 2;
last = current + 1;
// Find the next delimiter
current = s.rfind(';', current);
// Pick up the first word - it's not
// preceded by a delimiter
strings.push_back(s.substr(0, last));
void testData() {
// Test order them in the new order:
test_(strings[0] == "This");
test_(strings[1] == "is");
test_(strings[2] == "going");
test_(strings[3] == "to");
test_(strings[4] == "make");
test_(strings[5] == "sense");
test_(strings[6] == "now.");
string sentence;
for(int i = 0; i < strings.size() - 1; i++)
sentence += strings[i] += " ";
// Manually put last word in to avoid an extra space
sentence += strings[strings.size() - 1];
test_(sentence == "This is going to make sense now.");
void run() {
int main() {
RparseTest t;
return t.report();
} ///:~
The string member function rfind( ) backs through the string looking for tokens and reporting the array index of matching characters or string::npos if it is unsuccessful.
Finding first/last of a set of characters
The find_first_of( ) and find_last_of( ) member functions can be conveniently put to work to create a little utility that will strip whitespace characters from both ends of a string. Notice that it doesn’t touch the original string, but instead returns a new string:.