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    bindata.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&d),



} ///:~

The file data.txt is created in the ordinary way as an ASCII file, but data.bin has the flag ios::binary to tell the constructor to set it up as a binary file. To illustrate the formatting used for the text file, here is the first line of data.txt (the line wraps because it’s longer than this page will allow):.

07\28\2003 12:54:40 Lat:45*20'31", Long:22*34'18", depth:  16.0164, temp: 242.0122

The Standard C library function time( ) updates the time_t value its argument points to with an encoding of the current time, which on most platforms is the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1 1970 (the dawning of the age of Aquarius?). The current time is also a convenient way to seed the random number generator with the Standard C library function srand( ), as is done here.

After this, the timer is incremented by 55 seconds to give an interesting interval between readings in this simulation.

The latitude and longitude used are fixed values to indicate a set of readings at a single location. Both the depth and the temperature are generated with the Standard C library rand( ) function, which returns a pseudorandom number between zero and a platform-dependent constant, RAND_MAX, defined in <cstdlib> (usually the value of the platform’s largest unsigned integer). To put this in a desired range, use the remainder operator % and the upper end of the range. These numbers are integral; to add a fractional part, a second call to rand( ) is made, and the value is inverted after adding one (to prevent divide-by-zero errors).

In effect, the data.bin file is being used as a container for the data in the program, even though the container exists on disk and not in RAM. To send the data out to the disk in binary form, write( ) is used. The first argument is the starting address of the source block—notice it must be cast to a char* because that’s what write( ) expects for narrow streams. The second argument is the number of characters to write, which in this case is the size of the DataPoint object (again, because we’re using narrow streams). Because no pointers are contained in DataPoint, there is no problem in writing the object to disk. If the object is more sophisticated, you must implement a scheme for serialization, which writes the data referred to by pointers and defines new pointers when read back in later. (We don’t talk about serialization in this volume—most vendor class libraries have some sort of serialization structure built into them.).

Verifying and viewing the data

To check the validity of the data stored in binary format, you can read it into memory with the read( ) member function for input streams, and compare it to the text file created earlier by Datagen.cpp. The following example just writes the formatted results to cout, but you can redirect this to a file and then use a file comparison utility to verify that it is identical to the original.

//: C04:Datascan.cpp

// Test data generator

//{L} DataLogger

#include <fstream>

#include <iostream>

#include "DataLogger.h"

#include "../require.h"

using namespace std;

int main() {

  ifstream bindata("data.bin", ios::binary);

  assure(bindata, "data.bin");

  DataPoint d;

  while (bindata.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&d),

         sizeof d))

    cout << d << endl;

} ///:~


The software industry is now a healthy, worldwide economic market, and applications that can run in various languages and cultures are in demand. As early as the late 1980s, the C Standards Committee added support for non-U.S. formatting conventions with their locale mechanism. A locale is a set of preferences for displaying certain entities such as dates and monetary quantities. In the 1990s, the C Standards Committee approved an addendum to Standard C that specified functions to handle wide characters (denoted by the type wchar_t), which allow support for character sets other than ASCII and its commonly used Western European extensions. Although the size of a wide character is not specified, some platforms implement them as 32-bit quantities, so they can hold the encodings specified by the Unicode Consortium, as well as mappings to multi-byte characters sets defined by Asian standards bodies. C++ has integrated support for both wide characters and locales into the iostreams library.

Wide Streams

A wide stream is a simply a stream class that handles wide characters. All the examples so far (except for the last traits example in Chapter 3) have used narrow streams, meaning streams that hold instances of char. Since stream operations are essentially the same no matter the underlying character type, they are encapsulated generically as templates. As we mentioned earlier, all input streams, for example, are connected somehow to the basic_istream class template, which is defined as follows:

template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT> >

class basic_istream {…};

In fact, all input stream types are specializations of this template, according to the following type definitions:

typedef basic_istream<char> istream;

typedef basic_istream<wchar_t> wistream;

typedef basic_ifstream<char> ifstream;

typedef basic_ifstream<wchar_t> wifstream;

typedef basic_istringstream<char> istringstream;

typedef basic_istringstream<wchar_t> wistringstream;

All other stream types are defined in similar fashion.

In a "perfect" world, this is all you’d have to do to have streams of different character types. In reality, things aren’t that simple. The reason is that the character-processing functions provided for char and wchar_t don’t have the same names. To compare two narrow strings, for example, you use the strcmp( ) function. For wide characters, that function is named wcscmp( ). (Remember these originated in C, which does not have function overloading, hence unique names are a must.) For this reason, a generic stream can’t just call strcmp( ) in response to a comparison operator. There needs to be a way for the correct low-level functions to be called automatically.

The principle that guides the solution is well known. You simply "factor out" the differences into a new abstraction. The operations you can perform on characters have been abstracted into the char_traits template, which has predefined specializations for char and wchar_t, as we discussed at the end of the previous chapter. To compare two strings, then, basic_string just calls traits::compare( ) (remember that traits is the second template parameter), which in turn calls either strcmp( ) or wcscmp( ), depending on which specialization is being used (transparent to basic_string, of course).