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Why has Author always been suspicious that that parenthesis may be inadvertently modifying the wrong activity?

And looked the ocean?

For years, Stanley Spencer regularly put on his clothes over his pajamas.

And came and went that way no matter how formal the occasion.

Meleager, who compiled one of the earliest anthologies, indicating how many of Sappho’s verses he had included:

Few. But roses.

I shall never see Atthis again, and indeed, I really long to be dead.

The first painting Gauguin ever sold was to Degas.

Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it’s awful!

Says Estragon.

Every man is as God made him, and often a good deal worse.

Says Sancho Panza.

William Carlos Williams died at seventy-nine — having lived virtually all of his life within a ten-minute walk of where he was born.

North’s translation of Plutarch, which Shakespeare so heavily depended upon.

And which was actually translated from the French version of Amyot.

Hermann Hesse was at one time a patient of Jung’s.

9 Ridge Road.

Rutherford, New Jersey.

The two hundred extant First Folios.

The forty-six Gutenberg Bibles.

Beethoven. Schubert. Liszt.

All pupils of Salieri.

Antigonus II, who drunkenly told Zeno the Stoic to make any request whatsoever and as king he would fulfill it.

At which Zeno requested that he step outside and vomit.

Baltimore, Edgar Allan Poe died in.

As Heraclitus saw it, Homer should have been driven from the lists and beaten with rods, for all the deceitful and adulterous acts he showed the gods involved in.

A mere trifle consoles us, a mere trifle distresses us.

Said Pascal.

Names are known to this day of artists who painted scenery for Aeschylus and Sophocles.

The Wandering Jew was claimed to have been seen in Lübeck in 1601 and 1603.

And in Paris in 1604.

If the sun were to go out, how long would we continue to see the sun?

Why has Author composed that line as a question when he would have known how to calculate the answer by the age of twelve or thirteen?

Eastward Ho! On which Jonson, Chapman, and John Marston collaborated.

And which for years the Oxford Companion to English Literature listed as Eastward Hoe.

Frederica von Stade’s father was killed in World War II. No more than weeks before her birth.

Sunt lacrimae rerum.

A hunchbacked toad.

The playwright-critic John Dennis called Pope.

Sickly, D. H. Lawrence called Yeats.

Mayakovsky angrily condemned the suicide of Sergei Essenin, in print, as an act of cowardice—

Five years before killing himself.

Agatha Christie has been translated into more languages than any other English author except Shakespeare.

Eight minutes, twenty seconds. Give or take.

Boccaccio offered a series of public lectures on the Divine Comedy in Florence as early as in 1373.

Electra, in blue jeans.

Which is not from a Yannis Ritsos poem.

Wordsworth’s illegitimate daughter.




Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

Being maried to an author is a very hard life.

Said Nora Joyce.

Saint Teresa’s corpse was twice stolen before it was at last returned to Ávila for burial.

Pindar was buried in Thebes.

According to Pausanias, at a racetrack.

Macaulay insisted he knew every word of Paradise Lost and of The Pilgrim’s Progress by heart.

Benjamin Britten was a conscientious objector in World War II.

Giambattista Vico’s mother was illiterate.

As was his wife.

Diana of the Crossways.

Defoe was nearing sixty when he published his first novel.

Hardy was nearing sixty when he published his first volume of poems.

Benjamin Franklin was still making marriage proposals to younger women in his mid-seventies.

Why should not old men be mad?

Darer, Holbein, and Quentin Massys all did portraits of Erasmus.

Diego Rivera’s 1932 mural in Rockefeller Center. With its portrait of Lenin that he refused to remove.

Whereupon the Rockefellers effaced the entire wall.

The Mexico City Rivera mural that included the phrase Dios no existe.

Which in that case he finally agreed to alter.

Marlowe was two months older than Shakespeare.

As recently as in the year 2000:

A small Cimabue panel of a Madonna and Child discovered under the stairs in a country manor in Suffolk.

Karl Marx reread the Oresteia once every year.

Soutine’s famous Carcass of Beef, which he painted from an actual eviscerated steer in his Paris studio.

And which decomposed to such a degree that neighbors finally brought the police.

Good Lord, how you have to mess about in life!

Said van Gogh.

I paint what I think, said Rivera.

Paganini, who owned a Stradivarius viola, commissioned Harold in Italy because he knew Berlioz needed the money.

And then never performed it because it wasn’t challenging enough.

Toronto, Glenn Gould died in.

Caravaggio’s father was a stonemason.

That lump, Ezra Pound called Robert Lowell.

Oscar Wilde died in 1900.

Bosie Douglas in 1945.

There are 16,696 lines in the Iliad.

I must die; must I then die complaining?

Asked Epictetus.

If your Hercules had his hair cropped, he would not show skull enough to hold his brains.

Said Cellini of a sculpture of Baccio Bandinelli’s.

Two of the thugs hired to castrate Abélard were themselves caught and mutilated. And also blinded.

Stravinsky, born near St. Petersburg, became a French citizen in 1934.

And an American in 1945.

In his manic, suicidal last year, Randall Jarrell was once called upon to introduce Hannah Arendt to a college gathering — and talked for twenty minutes about Johnny Unitas.