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“What kind of dream?”

“It’s hard to explain.”

Not waiting for me, Dorian unwrapped the bundle himself. My heart lurched as I braced myself to see it again, an elaborate work of platinum, laden with diamonds and amethysts…

But it wasn’t.

The crown he held was gold and very, very delicate. I hesitantly took it and studied the fine details of it. There were little roses etched into it-roses with lots of thorns. Tiny emeralds-nothing too overwhelming-were scattered amongst the golden leaves. It didn’t resemble Storm King’s crown at all.

“This is Girard’s work,” I said with certainty.

“It is,” Dorian agreed, running a finger down my bare arm. He seemed relieved that I had taken the crown. “You aren’t the only one who can commission projects.”

“But he works for Katrice.”

“Not anymore. Remember that day you met him? I told you then he was an opportunist. He’s rolled the dice and decided we’re the side to align with-which, of course, we are. He’ll come in very handy for weapons, I think.”

My eyes were still on the crown and its beauty. I couldn’t explain how relieved I was that it was nothing like the crown from the vision. Hesitantly, I lifted it and rested it on top of my head. I looked to Dorian for confirmation. “What do you think?”

He smiled, reaching out to straighten it and arrange my hair slightly. “Go see for yourself.”

Climbing out of bed, I walked over to the full-length mirror and surveyed myself. I was still naked, all that pale skin contrasting with the red of my hair and the glitter of the crown. My hair didn’t have the blond that Jasmine’s did, but it had the occasional gold highlight, and the crown made those locks gleam as they rested just past my shoulders. The emeralds were subtle, not gaudy, but vivid enough to further set off my hair and eyes.

“So what do you think?” Dorian asked.

I glanced over at him, still sprawled on the bed and watching me with amusement. I turned back to the mirror, studying my naked, crowned self. I smiled.

“I think it looks good on me.”

ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.119 West 40th StreetNew York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2009 by Richelle Mead

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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ISBN: 1-4201-1111-6