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Maximillian Forestwhisper is both a respected friend of this tower and a guardian of the wilds. I brought you here to seek your council, but I do not require it.”

The Arch-mage eyed her angrily.

“Then, do you aim to help this ranger?” He asked, staring at her.

“I aim to weigh all the information and try to come up with the best solution,” she said as she straightened herself in her chair.

Rone observed her closely, trying to get an idea of which way she would decide, but nothing about her expression gave him any clue.

“Young man I will ask you to wait in the hall, I wish to speak to the Arch-mage alone. I will call you when we are finished.” Rone was going to protest, but the look she shot him told him it would be a waste of breath.

So, reluctantly, he headed out the door to wait for their decision. Once outside the historian's chamber, Rone slumped to the floor, resting his back against the wall. He was still sitting there when an orb of yellow light passed through the closed door and into the hallway with him.

He knew it was a summoning orb, as it buzzed near his head as if inspecting him. Then darted off down the hallway back towards the waiting area. Curious, he stood up and watched it bob and weave down the hall until it turned a corner and went out of sight.

He wondered who they were summoning, then leaned back against the wall to wait once more. Moments later, the sun elf girl who had shown him the way in came back down the hallway and entered the door of the historian's chambers. She never said a word just passed by as if he wasn’t there at all.

Long moments passed, and his patience was beginning to grow slim when the door opened, and the elf girl looking more irritated than ever poked her head out.

“They will see you now.” She said and turned to walk away. Rone followed her in and once again stood before the Arch-mage and historian.

“We have decided to help you, Thorn Caller, but not without assurance the Heart will not fall into the wrong hands.” Rone watched their faces as he sat down to listen to what they had to say. The Arch-mage was the first to begin.

“We will give you the information we have and will even send a cleric to Thornbriar village to try and help Maximillian. But, there is something we need from you as well. You must take a member of our order with you on this quest. They will be our liaison and keep us informed of your progress.” Rone leaned forward, his anger getting the best of him again.

“I do not need a babysitter Arch-mage, nor do I have the time to babysit someone not accustomed to the wilds. If this quest turns out to be as dangerous as everyone seems to think, I cannot guarantee anyone's safety.”

“The Arch-mage was going to say something else, but Casandra cut him off.

“And this is not open for discussion Rone. That gem is dangerous. We will help you, but you must be willing to give some in return. Once the gem is located and the cleansing ritual complete, we want it brought here to be placed for safekeeping. If you truly wish our help, then this is what is required. Otherwise, be on your way and leave us to our work.”

The Arch-mage seemed almost to smile at Casandra’s dynamic nature, before speaking again.

“Trisha here will be the mage we send with you, she’s only an initiate, but her prowess with magic should be enough to offer you aid.”

“You can’t be serious?” So, this quest, the one that’s supposed to be so dangerous, you want to send an initiate on? One that’s clearly not spent any time in the wilds, let alone ever been in a real fight. Are you trying to get her killed? Because I could understand that with her attitude, but there are more humane ways of doing it.”

Rones sarcasm caused Trish to flush red with anger, but she managed to keep it together as the Arch-mage spoke up.

“You would do well to remember you came to us for aid ranger; we did not seek you out. This initiate is top of her class in elemental magic. She would be an asset to any quest. She stands ready to become a full-fledged mage of the Crimson Order, all she lacks is a real test of her abilities. We think this would qualify. So, either take it or leave it.”

Rone looked at Trish rolling his eyes at the grin she now had stretched across her face.

“Fine, but if she ends up dead, it’s not my fault.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Agreed,” was all the Arch-mage said as he nodded to Casandra.

“Well, now that the formalities are out of the way, we can get down to business.” She stood from her chair and moved to one of the large bookshelves in the back of the room. After a few moments of plundering through old books, she came back to the table carrying a single folded page.

“We do not know where the Heart is precisely, but what we do have, is half of the map that will take you to it. The other half is with the LunaFae. Their historians were charged with keeping the other half safe. When the gem was hidden, it was deemed necessary to make sure no one person could know its location.

You will have to seek out Lunarie Stargazer in the city of Dusk Haven. She will know where the other half is. She will also be able to tell you what will be faced in getting the heart.” Her words hung heavy on Rone, what did she mean what he would face?”

“Can you not tell me what I will be facing?” Rone asked, watching the historian unfold the map piece.

“I cannot because I do not know. But I can tell you whatever it is. It will be more dangerous than anything you have faced before.” The seriousness of her tone told Rone she spoke the truth, and it was more than a little unsettling.

This whole time Trish had remained quiet, causing Rone to wonder if she was being forced to go against her will. But if that is what was required to save Max, then it really didn’t matter to him.

“Then, I will leave immediately for Dusk Haven, and I truly appreciate the help.” The historian studied his face for a moment then handed him the map piece. Upon looking at it, he was shocked to see it was completely blank.

“What Is This? There’s nothing on this parchment?” He asked, looking confused. Casandra smiled,

“Because it is enchanted, it will only show itself once the map has been made whole again.” She replied, looking even more amused.

“That’s another reason we are sending Trish; only an elemental mage can cast the spell that breaks the enchantment.” Rone looked at Trish, who just shrugged her shoulders.

“There's something else,” The Arch-mage said as he focused his gaze on Rone.

“Tell no one you do not have to about your quest. To do so would only invite more trouble. That gem is a potent artifact. It’s a lure for others to gain that power for themselves would be nearly irresistible. If you find it, do not let it slip out of our hands.”

Rone nodded his agreement then crossed his arm over his chest in a gesture of salute.

“I give my oath as a Thorn Caller of the wilds. It will not be taken from me until it is brought here.” The Arch-mage and Casandra both nodded their acceptance of his vow. This was the help Rone had come to find, though not in the form he had envisioned. Still, it was a place to start, and more than he had before coming here. He only hoped it would be enough.


Zannith Daltorea walked among the charred ruins of Grey ridge. He was lost in his own thoughts as Gru’Kar, chief of the Black Boar Orc tribe, stood watching him. To his right was his brother and a constant thorn in his side, Gru’Nak.

“Tell me, brother, now that the old ranger is dead, why do we not finish what we started and kill the rest of those dogs?” Gru’Kar turned towards his brother and shook his head.

“Because brother, they will be expecting that. This dark elf offers us the chance to erase the Thorn Callers from Agnar completely. All we must do is help him take the artifact away from the HoloFae after he brings it here. That will be when we destroy our enemies. Zannith assures me, once he has the gem, it will give him all the power he needs to make sure none survive.