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Rone and Trisha Rode slowly through the streets of Dusk Haven. Making their way to the Moon and Stars inn where Traijen and Katrina had gone to have a drink.

“Rone, do you intend to face the golden dragon if it comes to it?” Trisha asked, surprising Rone with the concern in her voice as she did.

Rone shrugged and sighed,

“If I have to yes, but I pray it doesn’t come to that. I’m decent enough in a fight, but I have no desire to test that skill against a dragon. Especially one that is the last of his kind.” Trisha nodded in understanding and changed the subject.

“How drunk you think we will find Traijen and Katrina?” She asked with a grin.

“Knowing Tray, I’d say pretty drunk.” He laughingly replied.

Both of them laughed as Fang let out a sharp growl and shook his head as if to say he agreed as well.

“I must admit Fang when I first saw you, I thought you were just another dumb animal, but you’ve grown on me. And, you have impressed me as well.” Trisha said to the big wolf as he walked along beside her and Rone.

Fang looked up at her and barked, then hopped a little, signaling that he liked her statement. His reaction, however, caused several of the people on the street to stop and stare as if to make sure the big wolf wasn’t about to attack.

“He’s harmless folks,” Rone said aloud, trying to quell their fears before someone called for the city watch. He breathed a sigh of relief as they entered the alley that led to the inn and took them out of the main street.

“Wait here, boy,” He told Fang as he and Trisha tied their horses to a nearby post and went inside to find their companions. Upon entering, it was immediately apparent something was wrong. Loud voices and the sounds of fighting rang through the Inn.

Trisha looked at Rone, and together they quickly scanned the Inn’s main room to find a large crowd gathered at the top of the stairs that led down to a second dining hall and gambling den inside the basement.

Rone pushed through the crowd and made his way down the stairs, followed closely by Trisha. Once inside the dimly lit room, they could see what the commotion was about. Traijen was in the center of a circle of angry elves, and he was roughed up a bit. Having a swollen left eye and blood trickling from the corner of his mouth from a split lip.

On the floor in front of him lay two other elves Rone recognized. One was Traijen's older brother Silas, the other his cousin, Xander. Katrina sat at the table behind Traijen, cheering him on as he threw a final punch at Xander, who was trying to get up from the floor.

The blow knocked the elf out completely, and Traijen raised his hand in victory.

“Anyone Else want some?” He shouted to the crowd as he grabbed a mug form his table and took a deep gulp of its contents.

Rone made his way to where Traijen was standing and looked down at the two on the floor.

“So, what part of staying out of trouble did you not understand?” He asked, irritated.

“What this? Why that’s no trouble, it was just a misunderstanding with some family that’s all.” Traijen said as he spat on the floor next to his unconscious brother.

“What happened?” Rone asked, shaking his head.

“Silas seemed to think I needed some sense beat into me, seems father still thinks I should stay in the city and learn the family business. I saw all I wanted of being a money lender while growing up. At least when I rob people, I don’t take their life’s work or the very homes they live in.” Traijen said, kicking his brother hard in the leg.

“We should probably go,” Rone said, placing a hand on Traijen's shoulder.

“Your father may be a crook, but he holds a lot of sway in this city. That’s trouble we can’t afford right now.” Traijen nodded his head, and the four of them made their way back upstairs and into the street.

“Great fight Traijen, I’m actually impressed. I thought all LunaFae was too busy watching the stars to learn how to fight like that.” Katrina said, slapping Traijen on the back.

“Not all of us,” He replied with a grin.

As they untied their horses, a group of passing watchmen caught sight of Katrina and immediately turned towards the companions.

“Hail DokalFae, what’s your business in Dusk Haven?” The apparent leader of the group asked as he held up his hand to stop them from walking past.

“My business is my own,” Katrina said, looking angry.

“Not when I ask you about it, it’s not.” The guard said, placing his hand on his sword hilt.

“I am guard lieutenant Toland, and you’re on the street in my district. That makes it my business.” He said with a wicked grin.

“Now tell me what you’re doing here, or I’ll see you thrown in the pit. Whoring on the street is illegal. If you want to do that kind of thing, go join one of the brothels in the red quarter.” His words caused the two guards with him to laugh out loud as if it was the funniest thing they had ever heard.

“Do I look like a whore to you? Or is it that the only way any of you idiots could possibly bed a woman is by paying her?”

“How dare you speak to me like that, you ash skinned witch. I’ll gut you where you stand.” The guard said as he started to draw his sword.

Rone grabbed his hand, preventing him from unsheathing the weapon and moved in close, so the guard was forced to look only at him.

“Think very hard about what you’re about to do lieutenant. I’m a ranger of the Thorn Callers’, and this lady is with me. I try to obey the laws where ever my travels take me, but I will not stand by idle while those I travel with are mistreated.

Traijen had already reached for his daggers, and now Fang was standing at Rone’s side as well. His fur standing in rows of bristles on his back and the low growls of warning he gave, caused the other two guards to back up a few steps.

The lieutenant's voice betrayed him as it quivered a little when he spoke again.

“So, a HoloFae is trouncing around with a dark elf whore, and I’m supposed just to walk away?” He asked, trying to sound much tougher than it actually did.

“If you’re a smart man, yes,” Rone answered in a tone that said he was not bluffing.

“Maybe we should let this one go, Toland. They don’t seem to be causing no trouble.” One of the other guards said, poking the lieutenant in the back of the shoulder.

“You should listen to your man Toland,” Trisha said as the orb of mage flame sprung to life in her hand.

“Fine, but don’t let me catch you around here again,” Toland responded, sounding even more unnerved than before. With that, he and his men whirled around and quickly walked away.

After they were gone, Katrina threw her arms around Rone, hugging him tightly.

“What was that for?” He asked, looking both surprised and embarrassed.

“I’ve never had anyone stand up for me that way,” she said, flashing that brilliant smile that made Rone blush. Only deepening his surprise when she kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you as well, Trish, I appreciate it.” She said, hugging Trish as well.

As surprised as Rone was, Trisha straightened her robe and said.

“Right, well, we should get back to the Library Rone. The historian said she might be able to help us reach our destination faster.”

As the companions mounted their horses and started up the street, Traijen called out from behind them.

“Hey! Where’s my hug? I was going to kick his ass too.” Rone and the others just laughed and continued up the street. Even Fang barked sharply at Traijen then hurried on to catch up with Rone.