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How do we know this DokalFae will not try it herself? Everyone knows how they covet power,” Her words seemed almost to strike Katrina physically. Causing her to flush with both anger and what looked like a hint of shame. But it was Rone who replied before Katrina even had the chance.

“Now that’s not fair, Trisha, Kat has given us no reason to think she would betray us,” Rone said, surprising everyone with his sudden willingness to take her side.

“So what Rone? You would risk losing the heart to a stranger?” Trisha asked angrily.

“Not to mention what would happen to your father and the forest if something like that was to occur.”

Her words caused Rone’s anger to flare now as well.

“What do you know of it, Trisha?” You have been tucked away in the Crimson Tower since you were little. You know nothing of what it means to be in the real world or to be unwelcome by it.

The only reason I am tolerated in most places is because I am a Thorn Caller. And as for my father and my home, I will do whatever is needed to see them survive. You have no right to bring them up. Let alone use them in some childish attempt at guilting me into your way of thinking.

Or maybe it’s that the spoiled SolFae mage has to follow the lead of a lowly HoloFae? Is that it? Or is it that you can’t get past the fact one half of my blood happens to be a dark elf? Maybe you worry I’ll keep the heart for myself, preventing you from becoming a fully recognized mage of the Tower.”

As Rone’s voice grew with his swelling anger, even Fang had blinked to a safer distance from him. Laying down behind an outcropping of stone and sticking only his head out to watch what happened.

Trisha and the others stood there in astonishment at the fury of Rone’s words. It was as if a dam had broken inside him, and now all his frustration was pouring out like the waters of a raging river.

Rone noticing the others all just staring at him now whirled and stormed off towards the direction of the village. Unwilling to discuss it any further.

As he walked off, Trisha turned to Katrina and Traijen.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you were a bad person Kat, and I wasn’t trying to guilt Rone into anything. I only wished to make him see what’s truly at stake.”

“I’ve been Rone’s friend for years, Trish. Believe me when I say, if anyone can keep their eye on what’s right, it's him.” With that Traijen and Katrina, both hurried to catch up to Rone. Leaving Trisha standing there wondering if it had been a mistake for the Arch-Mage to send her on this quest


The sun had just cleared the mountains and was now illuminating the entire forest of Agnar, as Kellet Ravensmile returned from his trip to the Thorn Caller outpost in the elven forest of Esterle.

He had left to check on their brothers there shortly after Max’s funeral and was glad to be returning home. Already word was spreading that Tobias had exiled many of the members and was planning a suicide mission against the Orcs of the Black Boar tribe. Leaving Kellet to wonder what had happened to his friend.

He had known Tobias for years, and while he had always had a bad temper, this was not like him at all.

As Kellet rode through the forest, the taint of the Chimera poison was showing more than ever. Many of the trees had already lost their leaves and were showing signs of rot.

Grey splotches now covered many of their trunks, and some had even grown soft in their roots, causing them to topple over completely. Around the base of many, lay whole colonies of dead termites that had fed on the poisoned wood and succumb to disastrous ends themselves.

As Kellet made his way towards his home, the smells of rotting trees and shrubs, turned his stomach. Threatening at times to cause him to gag. In all of his long years, he had never seen such drastic change on a large scale.

As a WaldFae, this senseless destruction hurt him to his core. Wood elves tend to have a much stronger bond with nature than the other races, and Thorn Callers even more than most.

Looking at the destruction that had already spread through the forest, and knowing it was only going to get worse if something wasn’t done soon. He had to wonder if it was even worth the fight anymore.

He quickly shook the thoughts from his head, reminding himself that his connections to the forests and nature of Earthera were both a blessing and a duty. They must find an answer or risk losing the whole of Agnar.

And what of the Black Boar Orcs? Why have they not been affected by the poison? How is it they can travel through the forest without fear?

He was still pondering this when he arrived at the bramble wall that surrounds Briarthorn village. Even the magical barrier of brush and thorn was now showing signs of wilt. Thorns that were once strong and sharp now looked brittle and blunted.

He spoke the words that caused the hedge to open and allow him entrance, then quickly rode into the village to seek out Tobias.

He didn’t have to search long for his friend when he found him in the main house. As he opened the door and made his way inside, he was taken back by what he saw.

Tobias was looking rougher than he had ever seen. His dark hair now streaked with grey, and his blue eyes seemed dull and distant. He reeked of sweat and whiskey as Kellet embraced him with a hug.

“Good to see you Kellet, You’re here just in time.”

“In time for what Tobias? Where is everyone? I saw no sign of Decker at the forge, and when I asked about him, Terrance would only say he was gone?”

A hint of sadness crossed Tobias’s face as he turned toward the small table by the window and filled his mug with strong liquor.

“To his grave, I’m afraid, along with dear Sagina.” His words struck Kellet hard, causing him to drop into a chair next to the table where Tobias now stood.

He rubbed his hands through his hair and leaned over, trying not to become sick from the grief.

“What happened?” Kellet asked, barely managing to get the words out as he fought to hold back his tears.

“I was forced to kill them, I’m afraid. They attacked me, and I was left with no alternative.” The growing lump in Kellett’s throat now threatened to choke him as his mind reeled with Tobias’s words.

“Tobias, what the hell is going on? I leave for a little while, and this is what I come back to? First rumors of you exiling members and now this. What’s gotten into you?”

“Into me?” Tobias shouted, slamming his mug down onto the table.

“I am trying to save our home! Me, and me alone! Everyone else wants to hunker down, while I alone have the guts to say we need to attack the Orcs! We have already lost Max, and we are losing our home Kellet!

“Can’t you see that? I ordered everyone to prepare to attack the Orcs, to drive them from our home once and for all. Many of them did not wish to, they called me crazy, and maybe I am. But I will not sit by and watch our home die without at least attempting to save it.”

Kellet could see the determination burning in Tobias’s eyes, along with something that filled his heart with both dread and fear.

For in Tobias’s eyes also burned the flames of madness. The kind only seen in someone who is completely lost, to their own common senses.

“Tobias, this is wrong, my friend. Look what you have done! You have all but assured the Orcs a victory, and quite possibly doomed all Agnar in the process!

Think Tobias, with our numbers dwindling and the forest dying, once we are gone, there will be no one to stop them from conquering these lands.”

“I will stop them!” Tobias shouted as he slammed his fist on the table again, this time so hard the mug bounced off the edge of the table and landed with a clanking sound onto the stone floor.