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“I will stop these Orcs! Even if I must do so alone. Those who chose exile are cowards, and those who stood against me are dead. Only those loyal to the Thorn Caller oath has remained. I will lead them into battle with those damnable Faespawn and drive them from our lands. Just as Max foresees.”

“Listen to yourself, Tobias, you’re talking like a madman. Max cannot foresee anything. He’s dead Tobias. Dead and in the ground!” His own frustration growing now, Kellet leaped to his feet. He didn’t know whether to leave or strike his friend across the face.

“I thought I would be able to trust you of all people Kellet, I see now that was a mistake. One that I will not make again. I will lead those still loyal to our order against the Orcs. With or without your support.”

They’re not loyal Tobias, their scared. I saw some of those that stayed. Terrance, Lucius, and the others. They joined our ranks to atone for their own sins. They have nowhere else to go. Most are only allowed to remain free because they are Thorn Callers. If they were to choose exile, chances are they would be arrested on sight. Especially once word of their exile traveled.

And for the sake of all that’s good Tobias, you killed Sagina and Decker! If that’s not madness, I don’t know what is.” Kellet wanted desperately to reach his friend. Wanted him to see the chaos he had caused. He wanted him to stop this madness before there were no Thorn Callers left.

“I will not debate this with you any longer, Kellet. Either you are with me or against me. I offer you the same mercy I did the others. Either join me or be exiled from Agnar and the Thorn Callers forever.

But if you chose exile, you must leave now. If you do not, I will kill you.” Tobias placed his hand on his sword and waited for Kellet to answer.

Tears flowed freely down Kellett’s face now. As he realized, his long-time friend was indeed to far gone to reason with. He looked at Tobias and felt nothing but sadness.

“So, this is how the legacy of the Thorn Callers ends, in madness and regret. I’m sorry, Tobias, but I cannot follow you in this. Nor do I have the heart to kill you. But know this, I am returning to Esterle. There I will send word to any of the Thorn Callers that have been driven away just as I have.

In Esterle, we will rebuild, and we will carry on the Thorn Caller ways. If you manage somehow to survive this, do not come there. If you do, I will see to it you pay for your sins.

Any of those still in the village that wishes to come with me will be welcome. I pray that you find not only your senses but a good death as well. Fare thee, well, brother.”

Kellett’s heart was breaking into as he started towards the door, knowing chances are it would be a very long time if indeed ever before he returned here again.

“You do as you feel is the best brother, and I will do the same.” Kellet heard Tobias say as he neared the door to leave.

Then another sound echoed in the now quiet room. The sound of the safety on a crossbow. Kellet’s blood ran cold, and he thought about diving for the door but knew the effort would be a futile one.

“So, this is what it comes to then?” Kellet asked over his shoulder.

“This is what must be done,” Tobias responded, squeezing the trigger.

As Kellet lay dying, unable to move. He could hear Tobias’s footsteps coming toward him.

“I did it, Max, I stopped him. Yes, I know. No, I couldn’t let him do that. I understand. I will march on the Orcs by morning, I promise.”

Kellet never got to hear the rest of the conversation as the thrum of a crossbow rang out once more.


The companions made the rest of the journey to Katrina’s village in near silence. Only speaking when they would ask about the landscape, or to get directions.

As the village finally came into view, Katrina brought them to a stop.

“Listen to me Rone, the people out here may all be exiles, but they are still DokalFae and will not trust you. They will seek to discover why you are here and will trick you into revealing it if they can.

I’m going to tell them you are adventurers I hired to see me home safely. That should be enough to get you the supplies you need, especially if they think you are leaving. If you are still determined we should part ways, once we are in the village, I will draw you a map through the badlands.

If you follow it correctly, you should be able to avoid the other villages and the raider camps.”

Rone nodded his understanding and gave his thanks as the companions headed for the village once more.

“Fang, it might be best for you to wait outside the village. No need for us to cause more alarm than necessary.” Rone said, rubbing Fang’s ear.

The mighty blink wolf just sniffed and growled a little, showing both his understanding and dislike of Rone’s suggestion.

“I know, I’d rather have you with me too. But until we know it’s safe, we better not risk it.”

It wasn’t hard to tell the big wolf was displeased as he blinked away, using the cover of large stones and rock outcrops to make his way to the far side of the village.

Katrina again voiced her warning about giving up too much information, and the companions made their way towards the village.

The village was surprisingly busy as they made their way through the streets towards the town center. Rone was surprised to find it wasn’t unlike most communities he had seen.

Stone houses lined each side of the road, and some even had flowers growing under the window seals. He wasn’t sure what he had expected but found himself impressed by the resourcefulness of the people here.

Most stories he had heard about the badlands depicted it to be nothing but a lawless wasteland. No better than the dread wastes the or tribes owned.

As they neared the village center, Katrina took Rone by the arm.

“Wait, that’s my house!” She said, pointing towards the charred ruins of a small home that apparently had burnt down recently.

Katrina broke into a run as she rushed towards the destroyed building. Rone hesitated for only a moment, then hurried to catch up.

Stopping at the entrance, Katrina peered inside frantically, only to become even more distraught.

“Leana! Are you here?” She cried out as she searched the ruins in a panic. Rone stood in the doorway and was shocked by the scene inside.

Even with the damage from the fire, the evidence of something horrible happening here was apparent. The smell of burnt flesh still lingered in the air and a large stain that could only have been made with blood. Marked the stone floor of the main room.

The deep stain spread outward from there, in a splattering pattern that touched every wall. After seeing the grizzly scene, Rone was sure if not for being burned away by the fire. Those stains would have been apparent on the ceiling as well.

From behind him, Rone heard Trisha Gasp as she and Traijen entered the doorway. Inside the adjoining room, he could hear Katrina’s heartbroken sobs.

Rone entered the room and saw Katrina kneeling on the floor in tears. The look on her face was one of both anger and pain. Above her, written on the wall in what appeared to be the same substance as the stains in the main room, was the elvish word for Betrayer.

Rone knelt beside Katrina and put his arm around her shoulders to offer comfort, but to his surprise, she shoved his hand away and leaped to her feet.

“Get away from me! This is your fault! I was a fool to let you get under my skin like that. I let myself get soft for what? Some HoloFae on a dead man’s mission?”

Her words cut Rone deep as he stood there, dumbfounded by her outburst. He had no idea what she meant, but the grief on her face told him she wasn’t thinking clearly.