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“I belong to no house, nor do I serve the DokalFae people.” Rone wasn’t sure if the dragon was genuinely curious, or just toying with him.

“No, I suppose you don’t.” The SkyFae said, taking in another deep sniff of the air around him.

“Well now, you are a special little HoloFae, aren’t you. Why I have not known one of DokalFae blood being a child of the forest in over two millennia.”

“I was under the impression it had never happened before,” Rone said, sounding a bit too boisterous. His words making the great dragon chuckle a little in response.

“Well, you would be wrong, boy. I flew the skies of Earthera when there was only one race of elves. Before their petty squabbles and lusts for power doomed them to a life of separation.

There was a time boy when all mortals shared the schools of magic. They were not separated by race or color, or even by borders. All were one people, and all were Fae.

“Forgive me great SkyFae I meant only to acknowledge my curse of being different,” Rone said as he bowed low, in a sign of apology. Though he never once took his eyes of the dragon as he did.

“You are the one called Draconis, are you not?” Rone asked, trying to change the subject to something hopefully less touchy for the dragon.”

“I am,” Draconis responded, seemingly surprised.

“And who might you be? I have not heard a mortal speak my name in over three centuries. Not since my friend Pietro. That’s his head over there on that rock.” The dragon said, pointing a claw toward a small stone in the corner with a skull placed upon it.

“He isn’t as talkative as he used to be,” Draconis said with another deep chuckle. Though this time, it seemed almost sad.

“So, tell me, HoloFae, who are you? And what do you want with the Dragons Heart?” Draconis’s question was so to the point that it took Rone a moment to best consider how to answer it.

“My name is Rone. I am a Thorn Caller from the forest of Agnar. My home is dying, poisoned by a dark mage using the venom of a Chimera. I was told the heart could save the forest and its people. If I do not find a way to stop it and it reaches the Crystal River, thousands could die.”

“So, it’s a Hero’s quest, is it?” Draconis asked, raising up to stare intently at Rone.

“I am no hero,” Rone said with the sadness of Max’s death and the loss of the other rangers now washing over him.

“But I do seek to stop the destruction of innocent lives if I can,” Rone said, standing tall and meeting the dragons gaze evenly.

Draconis stared at him a moment then looked towards the doorway where Rone’s companions waited.

“Come in here, adventurers, I would look upon those who are on such a noble quest.”

Rone waited for Traijen to poke his head in, then nodded for them to comply. He wasn’t sure why, but he did not feel the SkyFae posed a threat to them. At least not an immediate one.

When everyone had made it inside and now stood next to Rone, Draconis smiled at them.

“You have a good group of supporters, Holofae. They smell of loyalty to your cause, and perhaps something more personal,” he said, winking at Katrina. Who only blushed and turned away.

“Sadly, though, you would be better to let your forest and its people pass into memory than to use the power of the heart.”

“How can you say that, Draconis? If that poison reaches the Crystal River, it will spread much further than Agnar. It will poison lands for hundreds of miles.” Rone couldn’t help himself. The dragon’s suggestion to let even more innocent people die angered him.

“The heart is a relic of the old world HoloFae. Its magic comes at a steep price. One, I do not think you would be willing to pay if you knew what it was.”

Draconis showed no sign of anger in his response, though. Only sadness as his tone hinted at secrets that he alone knew.

“Then tell me what this price is and let me decide for myself,” Rone answered, trying to keep the anger from his voice as he pleaded.

“I am bound by a sacred oath never to reveal the price of its power. I am only allowed to convey the fact that it is beyond anything a sane man would wish to pay.”

Rone looked at the others, silently asking them if they still thought he should continue. Trisha stepped forth and took him by the arm.

“Rone whatever the price we must be willing to accept it. We cannot let all those people die simply to save ourselves.”

He looked at her then turned to Traijen and Katrina.

“What about you, guys? I can answer for me, but I would not include you in such a thing without first hearing your thoughts.”

Traijen looked at Rone and was considering what he should say, but Katrina stepped forth and kissed Rone on the cheek.

“I will follow you until the end, Rone.” She said, placing her hand on his cheek. When she stepped away again, Rone turned to Traijen.

“And what do you think, Tray?”

“I think we are all out of our minds, but we came this far. I don’t see leaving empty-handed if we can help it.”

“Rone nodded and clasped his friend on the shoulder. Then he turned back to Draconis.

“We are willing to pay the price Draconis, whatever it may be.”

The golden dragon rose to his full height, which naturally towered above them. Then looking down at them with both sadness and disappointment, he spoke again.

“Then you are a fool, HoloFae. For that gem is cursed, and will most likely consume you all.”

“It is our lives to keep or throw away as we see fit dragon,” Rone responded defiantly.

“So be it,” Draconis answered sadly.

“You are the first ever to come seeking the heart for anything but their own personal gain. I have smelled your spirit, and I know you speak the truth. But there is something I require before you can claim your prize.

Are you willing to hear my bargain? Because without it, I will never relinquish the heart to you. Do you understand?”

“I do, but I will not allow my friends to come to harm Draconis,” Rone said, gripping his swords a little tighter.

“So, you are a hero then. Good, it will take a firm conviction to grant me what I seek. I wish for you to slay me HoloFae. I have dwelled here for too long. It has been centuries since I tasted the clouds on my lips or felt the wind in my wings.

I am SkyFae; we were meant to glide the winds of time. But for my betrayal, I was sentenced to spend eternity in this wretched hole.

So long have I been here, my wings have grown brittle and fallen from my body. Taking with them my will to stay on Earthera. I do not wish to see the dawning of another age. I want to join my fallen brothers and live among the stars with the rest of my brood.

Do this for me, half-elf, and I will give you the Dragons Heart. Deny me this, and I will kill you all before you can leave here.”

Rone looked at the others then back at the lonely dragon.

“But you are the last of your kind. I am sworn to protect the things of the wild, I can think of nothing that would fit that description more so than you.”

“I am no beast of the woods, HoloFae. I am SkyFae, immortal, and strong. But I grow weary of this world and desire to be free of it. I can not do this myself, for it is the single most terrible sin for one of my kind. If we lose ourselves to the despair of time and take our own lives, our spirit is never allowed to enter the realm of stars. I do not wish to spend eternity alone.

Once I relinquish the heart to you, I will no longer be upholding my penance. Which means I will be Trapped here for all time with no purpose and no escape. If you genuinely wish to take the heart from me, this is what is required.”