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When that was done, she picked up the threaded needle and began to place small, fine stitches in his flesh, closing the wound. The medicinal paste came next and she smeared it over his blotchy red, swollen skin and then placed a soft pad over it and wrapped strips of linen around his shoulder to keep it in place.

Mara worked tirelessly next to her, removing bloody and wet linen, replacing it with fresh and generally doing anything that Kathryn asked of her. The afternoon had waned as she’d worked and now candles blazed around her. Many of the warriors were standing around her makeshift operating table, holding a thick taper high, giving her the light she needed to work.

When she was done, Tienan opened his eyes. They were blurry with pain but he offered her a smile. “Thank you,” he mouthed, no sound coming from his lips.

Kathryn felt a tear roll down her cheek. She raised her shoulder and swiped her face into it. She wasn’t going to break down and cry in front of a room full of strangers.

“No problem. Just don’t make me have to do it again.” Tienan’s eyes were already shut tight, his breathing even. “Now he goes to sleep,” she choked out. Turning aside, she plunged her hands in a bowl of tepid water and washed away as much of the blood as she could before grabbing a towel to dry them.

Logan released Tienan’s shoulders and straightened. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “Thank you.” She patted his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. “You know there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for the two of you.”

He nodded, then released her.

“It was then she remembered that Logan had been wounded as well. “What about your arm?”

A lock of hair had come loose from her bun and he tucked it behind her ear. “It is nothing. I’ll clean it later but it is already mending.” She nodded, knowing that their genetics made them very fast healers.

Kathryn sensed Marc behind her and sighed. She wasn’t ready to deal with the situation she now found herself in. She wanted to clean up and then she wanted to sleep.

Tired. She was so damn tired. Her life had been a pressure-packed tightrope walk for weeks now and her body was showing the strain. As if on cue, her stomach began to ache. And who the heck knew what a jump in time and space had done to her physiology. That is, if she truly believed that’s what had happened.

At this point she didn’t care.

Mara patted her on the arm before gently lifting Tienan’s head and putting a pillow beneath it. “You did well. Get some food and rest. I’ll watch over our patient.” She glanced at Logan.

It was the “our” that did it for Kathryn. She knew that the older woman would care for Tienan. “Thank you. For everything,” she added. Mara smiled and nodded as she draped the patient in a thick fur covering.

“I’ll let you know if anything changes.”

Kathryn handed her the bottle of aspirin. “If he wakes with a fever, give him three of these.”

“Are you done?” Marc’s voice was so close to her ear that she jumped.

“For now.”

The words were barely past her lips when he swooped her off her feet and into his arms. She grabbed his shoulders for support as he turned. “What about Logan?”

“I’ll be fine.” He stood next to them, his gaze on Marc. “I’ll watch over Tienan.” Some look passed between the two men that Kathryn couldn’t understand and she was too damn tired to try to figure it out. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, she’d get the lay of the land and make a plan. Tonight she just wanted a bath and bed.

The men all stepped aside as Marc carried her toward the door. Only Christina stopped them. “I prepared the guest room at the end of the hall and left some clothing for Kathryn.” She patted Kathryn’s arm. “We’ll talk in the morning. I’m sure you must have dozens of questions.”

“Hundreds.” Her voice slurred and she yawned. “Sorry.” Christina laughed. “Rest. There’s plenty of time to get your answers. Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” she agreed as Marc carried her out of the room.

As they left, she heard Jarek talking to Logan. “What was that move you used to disarm Mennoc?”

Chapter Five

Marc carried his precious bundle down the hallway. Kathryn’s head rested against his shoulder, her hand touching his chest. He was amazed at what he’d just witnessed.

She’d stood there for hours, meticulously working to remove the chunk of metal, along with pieces of cloth and even bone from her friend. She’d never wavered, never flinched. Never mind that she’d been in the midst of a battle and then jumped to another world, she’d put her head down and done what needed to be done.

He was in awe of her courage.

He was also hard as a rock and desperate to claim her. For now, however, he was content to take care of her, doing what he needed to do. Once she was clean, fed and rested, he planned to seduce her. The corners of his lips turned upward at the thought of such a pleasant task.

“What are you smiling about?” Her words were slow and slurred, her eyes sleepy.

He shouldered his way into the guest room and kicked the door shut. Carrying her through the bedroom, he entered the small bathing chamber that was connected to it.

Sure enough, steam rose from the water in the tub, a bar of soap sat ready on a low shelf and thick towels rested on a stool. Candles flicked, lending their glow to the room.

“You need a bath.”

“I must stink to the high heavens.”

He frowned, seeing the self-conscious look in her eyes. Inhaling, he could still smell the light fragrance of flowers but it was overlaid by the stench of blood and sweat and the metallic tang of fear. “I thought it would relax you and make you feel better.”

“It looks heavenly,” she added as he released her legs, holding her steady as her feet touched the floor. “I’m okay.” She stepped away, glancing over her shoulder at him.

He knew she expected him to leave but he wasn’t going anywhere. Ignoring her disgruntled gaze, he studied the white garment binding her breasts. The bra seemed to close with hooks in the back. Reaching out, he slipped his fingers beneath the stretchy band and flicked the hooks. The garment parted easily. Marc smiled.

“Hey!” Kathryn whirled around, slapping her hands over her breasts. “What the heck do you think you’re doing?”

“Helping you undress for your bath.” He tried to hide his smile but he couldn’t help himself. Even dirty and disheveled, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

Her hair hung halfway down her back. Part of it was still pinned up but most of it had escaped and tumbled down long ago. There was a smudge of dirt on her cheek and blood stained the edges of her fingernails. His eyes narrowed as he noted the bruises on her upper arms. How had he missed those?

He held out his hand, gently stroking the dark blotches on one arm. “How did this happen?”

“It’s not important.” She glanced down at her feet and then raised her head to look him square in the face. “Look, I can’t deal with all this now. I want a bath, some food and a bed.”

“I agree.” He dropped his hand and took a step closer. She took a step backward, the backs of her knees hitting the edge of the tub. “But I will know the truth.” He glanced at the bruises on her arms and began to study the rest of her body. She was slender, almost too slender.

She held up one of her hands. “I can handle my own bath.” He took her fingers in his and brought them to his lips, kissing each individual knuckle. Her breath caught in her throat and he could feel the pulse in her wrist quicken. “I can help.” He paused. “It’s not as if I haven’t seen you naked.” She pulled her hand away and scowled at him. “You most certainly haven’t seen me naked.”