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Marc grabbed her hips and began to pump heavily, pounding into her body. She could feel the orgasm gathering deep in her core. Throwing her head back, she cried out as he surged heavily within her. Every cell in her body seemed to explode, hips jerking wildly as she came.

She heard him call her name and felt the flood of heat as he spent himself within her. Her pussy tightened and fluttered as she continued to orgasm. Her entire body quivered and finally, her hands and knees gave out and she collapsed onto the fur rug.

Marc’s cock slipped from her and she cried out at the loss. He wrapped his arms around her, covering her legs and back with his body. Kathryn had no idea how long they’d been lying there when Marc finally moved. She thought about getting up and crawling into bed but it seemed like too much trouble.

A few seconds later, Marc was back and pressing a damp cloth between her legs.

She buried her face against the fur, feeling the heat in her cheeks. It was ridiculous to be embarrassed at this point but she couldn’t help it. Without the heat of passion driving her onward, she reverted back to her shy, quiet self.

Marc finished cleaning her and tossed the cloth aside before rolling her onto her back. She tried to open her eyes but yawned instead. Her mouth opened so wide her jaw made a little popping sound. Strong arms lifted her and carried her across the room. She sighed when she felt the mattress beneath her. Suddenly, she was beyond exhausted. She was so tired she wasn’t even hungry anymore.

The mattress dipped and Marc gathered her into his arms. “Sleep.” He pressed a kiss on her forehead and she sighed, throwing her arm across him. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

That sounded ominous but she didn’t care. All she wanted to do right now was sleep.

* * *

Jarek was leaning on the wall just beyond the door when Marc let himself out of Kathryn’s room. “How is she?”

Marc made sure the door was closed before answering. “She’s fine. Sleeping.” His brother met his gaze, his eyes as serious as Marc had ever seen them. “You’ve already claimed her.”

It was not a question, but Marc nodded.

“This is unprecedented.” Jarek fingered the pommel of the sword strapped to his side. “There will be repercussions.”

“I know.” And he did. What he wanted was against all the laws of their people.

“By law, although I am Christina’s husband, you are legally bound to her and yet you have taken another woman.”

“I renounce all claim to Christina, now and forever.” Jarek’s body jerked as though he’d been physically struck. “No one has ever done such a thing in the history of our world.”

“I have no choice.” Marc sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. “Our relationship has been in name only for a long time now. It is not a true joining as most marriages in our world are and we all know it.” Jarek started to speak, but Marc held up his hand. “It is no one’s fault, but it is the truth. Try as she might, Christina wants only you in her bed.” He tried to find a way to make his brother understand just what Kathryn meant to him. “The tapestry took me to her.”

“You disappeared so suddenly. I did not think I would ever see you again.” Marc heard it then, the fear in his brother’s voice.

“I had no choice and would do it again in a heartbeat.” Marc rubbed his hand over his chest, feeling the heavy throb of his heart beneath his palm. “Kathryn is mine. I would die to protect her.”

“You will not be able to keep her for yourself.” Jarek reached out to Marc, but let his hand drop as his brother took a step back. “There are laws. People will protest.”

“I saved her life back in her world. There are men there who want her dead, who want all three of them dead. The tapestry brought them all here. There is a reason for that.” Marc allowed his fear to show for the first time.

“Perhaps that reason is so she can be a bride to another family?” Jarek gently interjected.

“No.” Marc’s voice was a tortured whisper. “There is a way around this. I know there is. There has to be.”

His older brother reached out his arm and clasped his shoulder. Muttering an oath, Jarek pulled him into his arms. “I will stand beside you,” Jarek promised. “No matter what comes, I will stand with you.”

Marc blinked as his brother released him, overcome by emotion. “Thank you.” His brother hadn’t needed to say it. Marc never doubted for a moment that his brother would stand behind him in the troubles ahead.

“Christina is waiting to talk to you.” Jarek motioned him up the hall with a jerk of his head.

Marc sighed, knowing he had to have this discussion sooner or later and he’d rather have it done with. Following his brother, Marc felt the pull of Kathryn with every step he took away from her. It was only the knowledge that she was safe and would be there in the morning that allowed him to keep going.

Chapter Seven

Kathryn woke slowly. She’d had the strangest dreams. Some of them had been more like nightmares. She shuddered and buried her face against her pillow. The General and her father had discovered what she’d done. She’d raced home but not in time to save Tienan and Logan. There had been shooting and Tienan had been wounded.

She shivered, bringing the covers closer to her face. She wrinkled her nose as the fabric stroked her face. It felt unusual, not like her heavy cotton comforter. She stilled as more memories crowded her brain. Had she really performed surgery to remove the bullet from Tienan’s shoulder?

She carefully opened one eye and then slammed it shut. This couldn’t be happening. It was real. All of it. That meant that she’d spent the night engaging in the most wicked sex of her life with a man who was little more than a stranger. The problem was that Marc didn’t feel like a stranger. Being with him had felt right and natural.

Her stomach growled, reminding her vividly that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday and not much even then. Forcing herself to open her eyes, she pushed up and glanced around. Sunshine was streaming in through the two tall, thin windows. They were both made of vibrant stained glass and the colors flashed on the stone walls and floor. It seemed that she’d slept most of the morning away.

The covering dipped low and she grabbed it back to her chest. She was naked and had no idea where her clothing was. Not that she had a top to wear. Her blouse had been sacrificed yesterday. But a bra and dirty pants was better than running around naked.

Sliding her feet over the side of the bed, she let them hit the floor, tugging the thick fur with her. She wrapped it around her, tucking in the ends to create a sarong dress of sorts. The bed she’d been sleeping in was huge with four large posts, one on each corner. Bed curtains hung on thin rails that ran from post to post. She imagined they would be cozy on a cold night.

The room itself was sparse but the furniture that was here looked inviting. A low bench sat in front of one of the windows, inviting a person to sit and peer out at the land beyond. A trunk sat at the end of the bed, a place for storage and another makeshift seat. Two chairs were angled in front of the fireplace, a low wooden table between them.

What was on the table caught her eye immediately. Food. Her stomach growled loudly and she scooted forward, curling her toes against the cool stone beneath her feet.

She felt her cheeks heating when she stepped onto the fur rug that lay in front of the fireplace. What she and Marc had done there last night… She fanned her face as she examined the food.

There was a jug of clear water and one of what smelled like apple cider. Licking her lips, she poured some of the water into a wooden cup and drank it all down. Then she did it again. Thirst quenched, she poured a glass of the cider and sipped as she examined the food. There was a thick loaf of dark, crusty bread, some pale yellow cheese, some apples and what appeared to be some sort of cold meat. Ignoring the meat, she broke off a section of bread and slapped a piece of the cheese on it. Biting off a corner, she began to chew.