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Once again, Marc felt as if he were on the outside looking in.

It hurt when it was his brother and Christina. With Kathryn, he felt a devastating sense of loss. At least he and the other two men were in accord. They would not allow Kathryn to be taken from them. Marc would fight everyone and anyone to keep her with him. They were meant to be. He only needed the time to convince her of that.

Time. Time was the enemy. There was only today and tomorrow left before the tapestry would return and the day was almost half gone already. “Do not be afraid,” he whispered. “I will be beside you.”

She glanced up at him but said nothing. He wanted to carry her to his room, strip off the trousers and tunic she wore and love her until she screamed with pleasure.

Kathryn was an enticing combination of shyness and boldness. One moment she seemed embarrassed that people knew they’d spent the night together, the next she was kicking him in the shins. She was unpredictable and the more he learned about her the more he wanted her.

It had been hard to leave her side this morning. He’d watched her in the early morning sunlight, loving the way her red hair shone. The strands seemed almost alive as he’d gently combed them over his pillow. And soft, ah, her hair was so soft against his cheek. He’d buried his face in the mass and inhaled her unique essence.

His cock had been fully erect and aching from the moment he’d opened his eyes.

But he’d seen the dark shadows under her eyes and known that she was unused to late-night sexual activity, on top of everything else that had happened, so he’d left her to sleep. Now, he wished he’d stayed and awakened her properly, licking her soft skin from head to toe before sliding into the moist warmth of her sheath and rocking both of them to completion.

His cock jerked and he swore under his breath. Now was not the time. He discreetly adjusted the bulge in the front of his pants. Luckily, Kathryn didn’t seem to notice his discomfort. Even though she was right beside him, she seemed far away at the moment.

He knew she was worried about what was to come.

Annoyance ate at him. Did she think he would let them just take her? Didn’t she have any faith in his skills?

How could she, he reminded himself. She knew almost nothing of his skill with weapons or in battle. His hand went to the hilt of his sword, his fingers wrapping around it. He glanced over his shoulder and met Tienan’s gaze. Both men were now armed with swords as well and Marc had no doubt that they could use them. They handled them with a familiarity that bespoke experience.

The noise below reached up the stairs. All were gathered for the midday meal and for a chance to see Kathryn. She hesitated. Marc paused on the stairs beside her, not wanting to rush her. Squaring her shoulders, Kathryn continued down toward the waiting crowd.

Pride filled him to bursting. With her red hair gleaming, her chin tilted upward and her expression determined, she looked like a queen. “I will lead you to the head table where you will be seated between Jarek and myself. Everyone will know that you are under the protection of the House of Garen.”

“Fine. But I plan to set everyone straight about the situation immediately. I am not some object to be fought over and claimed. I am a woman and I make my own choices.” Marc inclined his head, all chance for further conversation gone as they entered the room. As their appearance was noted the voices dropped away until silence reigned. All eyes were on Kathryn and the two men who’d arrived with her. All the unmated men in the room would covet her, while being suspicious of Tienan and Logan.

By now all had heard about their arrival and how Kathryn had performed surgery on Tienan. Her shoulders were set back squarely but her hand shook slightly as they walked toward the head table where Jarek stood waiting with Christina by his side. He squeezed her fingers lightly and was pleased when she returned the gesture.

Mennoc Fairmount stared at her with open lust in his gaze. Marc shot him a glare but it didn’t deter the other man. The Dannon and Nardor families, as well as the Forrester and Hunter brothers all looked on with interest. Marc knew they all had unmated brothers who would want the beautiful and skilled woman who walked by his side.

Every muscle in his body tightened in protest and he had to force himself to relax and keep his expression impassive as they finally gained the head of the room. The tapestry had brought him to Kathryn. If she belonged to anyone, it was to him.

Marc seated Kathryn and waited until Christina sat before taking his chair. Logan and Tienan sat to his left, Kathryn to his right. Immediately a voice rang out, breaking the silence. “I challenge for the woman.” It was Mennoc Fairmount. The man didn’t even have the decency to wait until after Jarek spoke.

Marc began to rise but his brother beat him to it, surging to his feet. As the eldest, it was Jarek’s right to speak first but the need to claim Kathryn as his own burned in his gut.

Jarek was wearing the family torque, proclaiming his power and authority to all.

“Kathryn Piedmont is a guest of the House of Garen. As such, she is under our protection.”

“You already have a woman,” another man shouted. Marc’s eyes narrowed as he recognized Brand Forrester. There were three Forrester brothers and they had no woman.

“The tapestry has brought her here for a reason,” Jarek began, only to be rudely interrupted.

“She was brought here to be a bride to one of us.” The four Fairmount brothers all jumped to their feet. Not to be outdone, the Forrester brothers stood and pushed their claim. The Nardor brothers quickly joined in the fray, arguing with the other two families. The two Hunter brothers appeared more amused than anything else, while the Dannon brothers appeared disgusted by the outbreak.

The Bakra brothers sat with their wives and mother, watching the scene unfold.

They had already told Jarek that they would support the House of Garen whatever decision they made.

The room was fraught with tension as the arguments mounted. The men’s voices rose with each passing second. “She belongs to us!” Mennoc bellowed.

Kathryn was watching it all with wide eyes. Her hands were wrapped tight around the arms of the chair, her knuckles white. Logan and Tienan shifted restlessly beside him. Enough was enough. Marc pushed back his chair and rose to his feet.

Kathryn beat him to it. Jumping up, she grabbed her goblet and flung it at Mennoc’s head. The man yelped and jumped back as liquid splashed over his chest. Luckily, the goblet itself missed his head, although not by much. All eyes fell on Kathryn.

“Enough!” she yelled. She stared at them all, disdain in her eyes. “I am not some cow to be bartered over at market.”

Mennoc started to speak but she held up her hand to silence him. “You’ve had your say, now I will have mine.” He nodded abruptly and she continued. “You all argue and speak as if your words matter.” She rested her hands on the table and Marc could see the fine quivering that shook her arms and shoulders.

“I would not have any of you after this display.”

“It does not matter what you want. You are a woman, meant to be a bride to one of us.” Marc wanted to hit Enoc Fairmount. Slightly younger than his brother, he had little common sense. Plus, Marc didn’t like the way he was staring at Kathryn.

Kathryn shook her head. “I do have a choice. The tapestry brought me here and the tapestry can take me away just as easily.” She turned to Jarek and Christina. “Thank you for your hospitality. I’ll just wait here until the tapestry returns.”

Shouts of denial and dismay erupted. The Forrester brothers turned on the Fairmounts, accusing them of driving Kathryn away. The Nardor brothers began to offer pretty words and compliments to sway her. Marc could have told them it was a waste of their time. Kathryn was not a woman to have her head turned by such things.