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“Go to her!” he roared. Tienan and Logan were already moving toward her. Jarek hesitated and Marc met his brother’s gaze. “Go!” Jarek nodded and started to fight his way through the crowd.

He had to get to Kathryn and Mennoc Fairmount was in his way. Roaring a battle cry, Marc struck hard and fast, attacking his opponent. He drove Mennoc back, giving no ground and no quarter. He slipped under his guard, drawing blood again and again.

Mennoc continued to fall back.

The crowd was out of control, many enjoying the fight, while others sought to get to Kathryn. Glancing around, Marc found himself surrounded by Mennoc and his three brothers. He’d allowed himself to be drawn into a trap. He wouldn’t be surprised if the Forrester and Fairmount brothers had planned this little surprise, planning to fight amongst themselves for Kathryn once they’d killed him and spirited her away.

Marc attacked the youngest brother who was moving in on his left. Peteer was good but Marc was better. His blade bit into his opponent’s shoulder and Marc swooped in, knocking the sword from Peteer’s hand and grabbing it up in his left. With a blade in both hands, he swung around and headed for where he’d seen Kathryn last. He’d deal with the Fairmount Brothers after she was safe.

Sweat stung his eyes as he pushed his way through the crowd. He could hear her now, swearing and yelling as people gave way to his advance. Mennoc and his brothers would be close behind him. He didn’t have much time.

One of the Forrester brothers had his forearm wrapped around Kathryn’s chest, holding a blade to her throat. Jarek was currently beating back two of the Forrester’s men, while Tienan and Logan engaged the other brothers.

Any doubts Marc might have had about the abilities of Kathryn’s friends disappeared. The men fought like demons but with a cold, calculating skill that was brilliant to watch. They attacked, jumping high and bending their bodies at almost impossible angles to avoid counterattacks. They used their feet as well and Logan sent his opponent flying with a solid kick to the midsection.

Neither man showed any mercy. Within seconds, two of the Forrester brothers were on the ground bleeding. Marc wasn’t sure if they were alive or not and didn’t care.

They’d touched Kathryn with intentions to kidnap and harm her.

He met Kathryn’s gaze and her eyes went behind him, widening in fear. He swung around, both swords raised. Heavy blades crashed along his as both Mennoc and Enoc attacked. The entire courtyard was one bloody melee, with skirmishes all around him.

A cacophony of angry voices and the sounds of blades clashing filled the air.

A far cry from the celebration of two days before.

One eye on Kathryn and the other on his opponents, he fought with everything he had. With a swift flick of his wrist, he sent Enoc’s blade flying and wounded him in his side. Enoc fell to his knees in the dirt, holding his side and Marc turned his attention to Mennoc.

He sensed Jarek come alongside him. “Go to Kathryn.” Marc didn’t hesitate but ducked away, knowing his brother would deal with Mennoc. The middle Forrester brother, Ormond, still held her tight in his grasp. Marc was sweating profusely now, as Logan and Tienan moved in closer, like wild animals getting ready to bring down their prey.

“Ormond!” The man jerked his head up, his fingers clutching the blade tighter.

“You know you cannot hurt her.” He kept his voice low and steady, not wanting to upset the delicate balance of the situation.

Anger and despair filled Ormond’s eyes. “She belongs with us, not with you. Your family already has a bride, a tapestry bride.”

“I know you long for a woman but this is not the way. Can you not see you are hurting her, frightening her?” Ormond glanced down at Kathryn, who appeared more angry than scared. Her nails dug into her captor’s forearm and her eyes blazed with fury.

He licked his lips. “She would like it with us. Forrester Castle is a beautiful place.”

“That is her choice to make, Ormond. Release her.” Marc lowered his weapons and strode toward them. Dropping the sword in his left hand, he reached out to Kathryn.

“Release her.”

Ormond’s knife eased from Kathryn’s neck and it was then she struck. She jerked her elbow quickly, sending it into her captor’s solar plexus. Turning in one fluid motion, she tore out of his grip and kicked him in the back of the knee. As Ormond crumpled to the ground, Marc grabbed Kathryn, yanking her against his chest.

She was shaking uncontrollably. He didn’t know if it was from fear or anger or a combination of both. Most likely the latter.

Jarek’s voice filled the courtyard. “Enough.” All around, the fighting stopped and men cautiously lowered their weapons. “This challenge was not met honorably. The Fairmounts and the Forresters have cheated and dishonored their family names and their homes. They are disqualified from competition and must leave. Now.”

Marc heard several grunts of approval around him. Ormond and his men gathered his two wounded brothers and they hurried off toward the stables, followed by a contingent of Garen men. The Forrester brothers were being herded away by loyal Bakra men.

“What about the rest of us?” Abrah Dannon, a tall, dark-haired warrior stepped forward, his brother Heroc by his side. The Dannon brothers were good men, liked and respected by all.

Marc moved through the crowd with Kathryn tucked beneath his arm. Tienan and Logan flanked them as they moved up the stairs to stand beside Jarek. “I will meet all challengers.”

Abrah nodded, satisfied by the reply.

“No.” The word was little more than a whisper from Kathryn. He glanced down, noting her hands were fisted by her sides. When she raised her head, her green eyes were flashing with anger.

“No.” Her voice was louder as she stepped from beneath his arm, leaving him feeling bereft. Some of her hair had come loose from her braid, creating a red halo around her face as the sun shone through it.

She glared at Abrah. “What gives you the right to challenge for me?”

“It is the law of the tapestry. It has always been thus,” he countered, taking a step closer.

“The law of the tapestry,” Kathryn repeated slowly, as if tasting and digesting his words.

Marc stood solidly beside her, ready to protect and support her. He wanted this done so he could take her away from all the carnage around them. They needed time alone to talk. Marc was very afraid that this incident had set the death knell to her remaining here with him.

No matter. He would go with her to her world if that’s what it took and if she would have him. Resolved, he held his sword at his side, his eyes tracking all those around them. He would protect Kathryn and stay by her side until his dying breath.

Kathryn stared at the tall dark-haired man in front of her, unable to quite believe her ears. “The law,” she said again, licking her dry lips.

The man nodded.

“The law certainly did not help this day, did it?” She didn’t wait for a reply but swiveled so she was staring out over the courtyard. All the men watched her with lust in their eyes. Several were wounded and almost all were bloodstained.

“You cannot judge us all by the actions of a few men.” She turned back to the man who stood just beyond her. “Who are you?”

“Abrah Dannon,” he replied, his voice low and even. There was a calmness that seemed to surround the man but underlying it, Kathryn felt a swell of determination.

“Well Abrah Dannon, I can do as I please.” She turned aside and faced the crowd once again. It was almost eerie how quiet they were now, considering the anguished cries and acts of anger of only moments before.