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Her hair flowed down her back, ending just above her heart-shaped ass. Tienan’s face was buried between her breasts as he licked and sucked the tip of one and then the other. Kathryn’s moan of pleasure swirled around him, pushing him over the edge.

Marc had to touch her.

Coming up on his knees, he moved into position behind her. He didn’t touch her, though. Not yet. As if sensing his presence, Tienan raised his head and glared at Marc before giving a sharp nod.

Marc placed his hands low on Kathryn’s hips and pressed his erection against her supple spine. The heat of her body flooded through his cock and his balls drew up tight.

Tienan positioned his grip above Marc’s and began to lift and lower Kathryn. Marc caught the rhythm and together the two men began to move her up and down.

Kathryn’s head fell back on Marc’s shoulder and he turned her head, capturing her lips. He kissed her long and hard, all but devouring her as Tienan continued to fuck her hard. Shifting his hands from her hips, Marc cupped her breasts high and offered them to the other man. He felt Tienan’s mouth brush Kathryn’s tight nipples, licking, sucking and tugging gently on them.

Marc’s cock was one huge ache as he pressed it against Kathryn’s back. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold out this time, knew he would spill his seed. But he didn’t care. Tienan might be the one inside the tight clasp of her pussy but Marc was the one kissing her soft lips.

She tore her mouth from his and screamed. Marc could feel the orgasm take her.

She stiffened and then her body began to quiver. Tienan thrust several more times and then yelled Kathryn’s name. Marc wrapped one arm around her waist as he felt his own need rising. Burying his face in the curve of her neck, he gave a muffled cry as he came all over her back. He pumped his hips, pressing his cock as tightly to her as he could.

When he was done, he slumped back, their bodies making a sucking sound as they parted. Kathryn laughed and then groaned.

Tienan lifted her off his softening erection and she slumped against him. “I’m a mess,” she grumbled. All three men laughed. Kathryn raised her head and glared at all three. “I want a bath and some food.”

Logan reached over and ruffled her hair. “I heard someone in the bathing chamber a few minutes ago. I imagine there’s a fresh tub of water.”

“Oh great.” Kathryn buried her face in her hands. “Now everyone will know what we were doing.”

Marc rolled off the mattress and reached over to tug Kathryn out of bed. “They already knew.” He held her hand until he was certain she was steady on her feet.

“That’s just great.” Taking several steps away, she propped her hands on her hips and glared at all of them but he could see the glint of humor in her eyes. “I’m taking a bath.” She paused for emphasis. “Alone. Then I’ll need some food.” Concern began to nag at Marc. They’d worked her body hard last night and again this morning. Plus, she hadn’t eaten last night. He wasn’t taking very good care of her.

“Hey.” While he’d been castigating himself, Kathryn had come up beside him. “I know what you’re thinking and you can stop it right now.”

“And what am I thinking?” He was surprised by the fervor in her voice.

“You’re thinking that maybe I pushed myself to much physically and that I need taking care of.” He cocked an eyebrow at her but didn’t deny it. She nodded decisively.

“I knew it.”

She poked her head around him so that she could see Tienan and Logan. “Tell him I can take care of myself.”

“She needs a keeper,” Tienan growled.

Logan rubbed his hand over his chin as if in thought but Marc could see the barely suppressed laughter on the other man’s face.

“Men,” Kathryn muttered, whirling around and stomping away. “I’m having a bath. I’ll eat when I’m ready.” They all watched as she strode off to the bathing chamber, completely unconcerned by her nudity.

As soon as she disappeared from sight, Marc turned to the other men. “I will take care of her.” It was a pledge and a promise. Tienan and Logan stared at him as if testing the depth of his word. He met their gazes unflinchingly.

“We need to talk.” Logan rolled from the bed and stretched.

Grabbing up his pants, Marc shoved them on. “We can bathe and talk down in the guest room. I expect Kathryn will be a while.”

The three men left the room, each of them casting a glance toward the door of the bathing chamber and the sound of water splashing.

Chapter Twelve

Scrubbed clean from head to toe, Kathryn felt better than she had in months, though her muscles ached and she had twinges in some strange parts of her body. All the unusual activity, she surmised as she walked down the stairs.

Thankfully, some kind soul had left her a clean pair of pants and a tunic, as well as a pair of short leather boots, so she hadn’t had to put on yesterday’s soiled clothing. She wasn’t wearing any underwear though. Both her bra and panties had been in need of washing, so she’d cleaned them as best as she could in her bath water and left them hanging to dry. It felt odd to be bare beneath her clothing.

She’d been sorely tempted to stay in her room but this was her last day here. If she didn’t look around the castle today she’d lose her chance and she so wanted to see everything. She was nothing if not curious.

Her booted feet made hardly any sound as she went down the stone stairs. She rubbed her hand along the wall, marveling at the building techniques. The castle was very well made. When she reached the bottom, she steeled herself before poking her head around the corner. The large room was almost empty. Many of the tables from the day before were gone and only a few remained.

Mara was busy at the head table but raised her gaze and glanced toward the doorway. “Come in, child. You must be hungry.”

Kathryn went forward, purpose in every step she took. “I could manage a bite.” In truth, she was famished for the first time in recent memory.

Laughing, Mara shooed her into a chair. “I’ll get you something.”

“You don’t have to wait on me.” She felt uncomfortable letting the older woman do for her when she was quite capable of getting her own breakfast.

“Of course I don’t have to.” Mara patted her shoulder. “But you’ve been through a few stressful days. Let someone else take care of you for a change.” Mara disappeared down a short hallway before she could protest. Relaxing in her chair, she looked around the room. A huge fireplace dominated the center of one wall.

It was so big that several people could stand upright inside. The walls were all made of thick stone but the room was fairly well lit from windows near the top of the ten-foot walls. Most of the windows were made of plain glass but there were several with colored glass. The sunlight shot through the stained glass windows, creating cheerful patterns on the walls.

Above the fireplace several large swords were crossed and mounted, the jewels in their handles glinting. The wall opposite the fireplace was filled with a variety of very large tapestries, some of them at least four feet tall and even wider. The scenes on them varied from battles to daily life. All in all, it had a homey feel for a room so large.

Mara bustled back into the great hall carrying a tray with a steaming hot bowl of something that resembled oatmeal, some brown bread, thick slices of white cheese, a small bowl of berries and an apple. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I brought a bit of everything.”

“You certainly did.” Kathryn inhaled as the food was placed in front of her. The mouthwatering smells of fresh bread and honey made her stomach growl. Wasting no time, she dug into the bowl of hot cereal. It tasted nutty and was flavored with honey and, if she wasn’t mistaken, cinnamon. “Delicious,” she told Mara between mouthfuls.