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“She is not going back there,” Tienan stated calmly under his breath.

Marc shook his head. “I would prefer she stay but she is determined to go back. She feels responsible for her father’s actions, for what happened to you and Logan.”

“That is ridiculous,” he insisted, voice even but green eyes snapping in anger.

“That is fact.” Sighing, Marc pushed away from the wall and shoved a hand through his hair. “Do you not think that I wish she was less courageous, that she didn’t feel as much responsibility as she does?” Dropping his hand back down by his side, he faced Tienan, understanding the other man’s frustration. “But if she did, she would not be Kathryn.”

Tienan swore. “It is not her place. Not her fight.”

“You don’t have to return either. You could stay.”

A look of pure longing came over Tienan’s face but disappeared almost immediately behind a mask of indifference. “That is my world and those are my people.

I have heard rumors that not all the other alphas were terminated, that some of them actually made it out alive. I have to find them. Together, maybe we can fight the government and find justice for those outside the Gate.” He swiveled his head, his gaze pinned on the stairs as Christina descended with Kathryn by her side. “Besides, she is your woman.” Marc started to protest but Tienan’s hand slashed through the air, stopping him.

“Logan and I both know it. Yes, she cares for us but it is not the same. She loves you.” His eyes narrowed. “And if you hurt her, I will find a way to travel through time and come back here and cut your heart out.”

“She will not stay,” Marc insisted. He’d seen the determination in her, seen her resolve to return.

“We will see.” Tienan strode across the hall to greet them. Marc watched Kathryn’s eyes light up with pleasure as the other man took her hand, leaned down and brushed a kiss on her cheek. From his vantage point, he could see the light blush creep up her face as she laughed and joined the group.

The afternoon was pleasant enough but everyone’s mood deteriorated as time ticked by. The castle guard trickled in to sit at the long trestle tables that the servants had assembled but even their conversation was kept to a minimum.

By the time the evening meal was served, they were a quiet, morose group.

Everyone knew what was coming, what the night would bring. The tapestry would appear and choices would have to be made. No one knew for certain what the outcome would be.

Mara had herded the children upstairs to their room after they’d said goodnight to all the adults. Marc had held each boy overly long, hugging them tightly, knowing that this was goodbye.

Jarek sat in silence, his actions getting tenser by the moment. Christina said nothing, sitting quietly beside her husband. Kathryn picked at her food, not eating much at all.

“Does your stomach bother you?” Marc hadn’t thought to check with her to see if the food was acceptable. There was a thick beef stew, fresh bread, baked chicken and vegetables, as well as platters of cheese and fruit.

“It’s all delicious, I’m just not hungry.” She sipped the tea that Mara had placed in front of her. Marc wished he’d thought to thank the older woman for her thoughtfulness. She’d been taking care of the occupants of the castle for so long that all of them, including Mara herself, took it for granted.

“Try to eat a little bit more.” She was still far too thin for his liking. Kathryn projected a confident, controlled facade to the world but physically she was delicate to the point of being fragile. He knew it was because of all she’d been through in her lifetime but especially the past few months. He only wished there had been time enough for her to get healthy before they returned. The past few days had only added to the problem, pushing her even further toward her physical limits.

She took two more spoonfuls of the soup before pushing the bowl aside.

It wasn’t enough but time had run out.

Marc pushed his chair back from the table, ignoring the food still piled on his plate.

“It is time.”

Tienan and Logan stood, their expressions grave as they thanked Jarek and Christina for their hospitality. Christina started to stand but her husband put his large hand on her arm, stopping her. “They must do this alone.” Christina nodded but Marc saw the tears in her eyes as she hugged Kathryn. He knew she believed Kathryn was returning to her own time and that he would be left alone. His sister-in-law had no idea he planned to go with them.

He reached down and gave Christina a gentle squeeze. “All will be well. Jarek loves you and so do the children.” She jerked her head back, her eyes searching his face. He could see the worry there and was sorry for it.

Jarek stood and, heedless of the audience watching them, yanked Marc into his embrace, hugging him tightly. Marc knew he had to get away before he disgraced himself with tears. He thumped his brother on the back, released him and turned away.

Kathryn, Logan and Tienan were all waiting for him. He marched through the long hall with them at his side. He looked neither to the right nor to the left. And he never looked back.

He climbed the stairs for the very last time and led them to the room where they’d first appeared. Walking to the window, he stared out over the land for one final time, imprinting the picture on his heart and soul.

The door closed and he turned to face the group behind him. “I’m going with you.” Kathryn couldn’t believe her ears. “What are you talking about?” Surely he didn’t mean what she thought.

His eyes narrowed and he stared at her, resolve written on every line of his face. “I am returning to Earth with you when you go.”

“That’s ridiculous,” she sputtered. “What’s going on there is not your fight. Your life is here. Your family is here.”

He strode to her, grabbed her shoulders in his big hands and shook her lightly.

“Not my fight?” The tension from his hands radiated down her torso and legs until it enveloped her.

He was so much larger than her but she wasn’t the slightest bit afraid of him. “No, it’s not.” There was no way she would let him leave his wonderful home and loving family. What he had here was everything she’d ever wanted. She bit her lip to keep from begging him to go with her. She loved him enough to want the best for him.

Marc lowered his face until their noses were almost touching, anger glowing in his eyes. “You are my life.” He said each word slowly, spacing them apart. “You are the very air I breathe, the reason my heart beats. I will be by your side.” Her heart pounded so hard she feared it might explode from her chest. His words vibrated in her very soul. Never had anyone said such things to her. She’d wanted this kind of love her entire life, had longed for it, craved it. But now that it was being offered to her, she had to turn away from it.

“No. I won’t let you do it.”

He straightened slowly. “You cannot stop me.”

Tears of anger and worry pricked her eyes and she swiped at them as she turned to the men standing silently behind her. “Talk to him. I’m going to get changed.” Stalking off, she headed to the bathing room, slamming the door behind her.

Christina had told her earlier that her original clothing was all cleaned and waiting for her. Neither woman was sure if the clothing from Javara would make it through the transfer. Marc had arrived fully clothed but he wasn’t from Earth and she wasn’t about to take any chances.

Stripping off her pants and boots, she tossed them aside. She yanked the tunic over her head and added it to the pile. Had it only been two days since she’d been plucked from her bedroom and brought here? It seemed impossible, yet it had happened.

She tugged on her clean underwear and pulled on her pants, tugging up the zipper and doing up the single button. Her socks and shoes were next. She had no blouse, as that had been sacrificed as a bandage for Tienan. Christina had left a waist-length tunic for her to wear. It was better than nothing and hopefully she wouldn’t lose it in the transition back home.