Anatolius took a bite of the undercooked egg. He now recalled he had done his utmost to avoid Calyce on the occasion in question, moving from atrium to garden to courtyard. She seemed to appear everywhere he went.
“Do you know the empress very well, Anatolius?” she offered with another sweet smile that made him wonder why he had tried to escape her.
“I have the honor occasionally to speak with her,” he replied politely.
“How wonderful! But then I imagine you are familiar with everyone of importance in Constantinople, being a senator’s son as well as working at the palace. My family is also highly placed, you know. We own land in Italy as well as interests in shipping. I expect our property and businesses will be returned once Roman rule is restored. Then I shall go home although I must say that Italy will seem barely civilized compared to Constantinople.”
She chattered on amiably but Anatolius hardly listened. He was too busy asking himself, now, not why he had tried to avoid her, but rather how he could have overlooked her.
Perhaps his painful visit with Lucretia had been a gift from Fortuna. Having heard his lost love’s voice once again, he recognized a similarity in Calyce’s speech, one he had managed to miss on the night of the banquet. Thus encouraged, he looked at her anew, noting the aristocratic elegance he had dismissed as an overly prominent jaw. How strange that he could have been so blind.
She clasped her pale hands together. “It seems to me that we have a lot in common, Anatolius. I wait upon the empress and you labor on behalf of the emperor. Not that you are a mere attendant like myself, of course. What was it dear Zeno said, that you are Justinian’s legal advisor? How very exciting!”
“My uncle exaggerated a little, I fear. I am Justinian’s private secretary.”
“Oh. Better yet! A man of letters. And poetry also perhaps? I do so love the ancient poets.”
The wool stuffing seemed to be creeping into Anatolius’ head once more. When he spoke his words sounded to him as if they emanated from far away. “It’s true that my father favored a legal career for me, but I believe there is more truth to be found in any one verse of Ovid than in all the orations of Cicero.”
Calyce’s long-some would say patrician-face grew serious. “Ovid? You admire Ovid? Why, this is most remarkable. Are you certain you are not my long lost brother?”
As had too often happened, Anatolius was suddenly acutely aware that his breakfast companion was female, aware of the warm breath carrying her words and the smooth flesh beneath her fine silk garments.
“Your brother?” he replied with mock alarm. “I do most sincerely hope not.”
Calyce, surprisingly, blushed rosily.
“And then,” Anatolius told John, “she said there was something on my face and ran her finger along the edge of my mouth even though I’m certain there was nothing there. Actually, I think it was just an excuse.”
“You do have something on your face,” John told him impatiently. “It’s on the side of your nose. What did you have for breakfast?”
Anatolius, who had searched the garden for John in order to regale him with an account of his newfound joy, was disappointed at his friend’s reaction. The day had hardly begun but already the sun felt hot. Even so, the seasons were turning inexorably. There would be few more mornings such as this before autumn arrived, he thought as he rubbed his nose petulantly. “Still, I do think Calyce is quite fond of me,” he grinned as they strolled along the shady path.
“I thought that was obvious, given that on the night of the banquet you were practically hiding behind me to escape the attentions of the-what was your term? Sharp-beaked harpy?”
“You’re in a foul mood, John. However, I shall forgive you.” Anatolius glanced at the statue of Venus, a shapely reminder of one of Zeno’s past passions, standing in front of a tangle of rose bushes at the fork in the path at which they had just arrived.
John gave a grim smile but did not respond as they strolled down the narrow way on their right. A few turns back and forth and they found themselves looking at the stout door leading to Castor’s estate.
Anatolius tested the door, finding it locked. “Briarus certainly keeps his master’s estate well secured,” he remarked.
John regarded the high wall between Zeno’s overgrown grounds and those of his more security-conscious neighbor.
“I intend to visit Briarus again and ask if there is any news of Castor,” he finally said.
The overbearing estate manager was even less happy to see John and Anatolius than on their earlier visit. The sound of their approach brought him out of his stone lodge before they had reached the entrance of the estate. He was brandishing a broom. In response to John’s question as he unlocked the gate to admit them, he explained he been sweeping out his home.
“I’m glad to hear it,” Anatolius told him. “When I first saw you, I was afraid you intended to drive us off with that domestic weapon.”
Rather than looking abashed Briarus glowered. It was a pity the man was a servant, Anatolius decided. He would have made an extremely effective dictator.
“We have had problems with unruly village children, sir,” Briarus said. “It’s because of the dog.” He pointed at the mosaic adorning the archway over the gate. Below the ferocious black beast was the expected legend warning passersby to beware of the dog.
“Every time children from the village go by they insist on coming up to the gate,” Briarus explained. “They know that we have no dog but they pretend to suddenly notice our guardian here and go staggering sideways from the shock or fall down and roll in the dust. Then they get up and scream and run away.”
“Sometimes life can take you by surprise like that,” Anatolius observed.
“They think it’s a great joke, sir,” Briarus said morosely. “It almost appears to have become something of a tradition. Of course, it’s extremely disruptive of my duties for if I hear a commotion I am duty bound to investigate it.”
“This area is certainly rich in tradition,” put in John, “but we’re here for another reason. Have you had word from your master?”
Briarus shook his head silently. Without further word, John strode through the opened gate and stepped briskly toward the stone lodge. The agitated estate manager rushed after him. Anatolius followed, puzzled by his friend’s uncharacteristic abruptness.
“You will excuse me, Briarus,” John said quietly as he entered the lodge. “I am afraid that this is necessary.”
In contrast to its rough-hewn exterior, the building’s interior was smoothly plastered. John seemed little interested in the brazier set against one wall, the neatly made bed or any of its other sparse furnishings. His gaze had immediately fastened on the one unexpected aspect of the small dwelling-the boxes and baskets stacked carefully in two piles just inside the door.
“These were all delivered for the master during his absence,” Briarus informed his visitors. “I am storing them here where I can keep a close eye upon them. The house servants are sometimes rather careless and to tell the truth, with one or two, I’m not sure they’re entirely honest.”
John hefted a basket from the top of the closest pile. A quick glance showed it contained only dark green apples. “If you’d care to assist me, Anatolius?”
Anatolius made the discovery before he had finished asking John what it was that he sought. It was in a wooden basket with a tight-fitting lid sitting atop the other stack.