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Lily was losing her fear and beginning to get angry. Therefore she didn’t reply because she was attempting to control her own temper.

He took a giant stride forward which meant, when he stopped, he was an inch away, and he dipped his face to hers. Stubbornly and angrily, she held her ground.

“Is that fucking understood?” Nate roared and she’d had enough.

She was just trying to do something nice. She was just trying to melt his heart. She was just trying to make him happy.

“Don’t yell at me!” she yelled.

“Tell me I’m understood!” he yelled back.

“I can’t use seven million pounds on me!” Lily returned just as loudly, head tilted back, hands clenched into fists at her sides and shouting in his face. “You pay for everything! The groceries! My new car! You bought me a new cashmere cardigan that I didn’t even need just a week ago! You even paid off the mortgage! What am I going to do with seven million pounds?”

“Go shopping. Go to a spa. Fly to fucking Paris and watch the Collections and buy every stitch of clothing at Chanel. Get a manicure every day. It doesn’t matter, just use it… on you!” Nate shouted back.

Her eyes narrowed on him. “Go… go… you want me to go shopping with seven million pounds?” she spluttered (still loudly). “Get a seven million pound manicure?” she yelled nonsensically.

He took a step back, his eyes still glittering with anger but she could tell he was trying to control himself.

“I don’t give a fuck, just don’t spend it on anyone but you,” he demanded (also still loudly) and then started to turn away, toward the door, like they were done talking or, more to the point, yelling, which they were not. Then he turned back. “I’ll have the money for the bike transferred into your account.”

“Don’t you dare!” she shouted but she shouted it at his back, he’d opened the door and disappeared.

She stared at the space where his back used to be and she realised she was breathing heavily, her heart was pounding and she’d never been so angry in her entire life.

Lily took a deep breath then a second one then she heard another door slamming somewhere far away but it still shook the house.

Nate’s study.

At the sound, she stopped trying to calm herself and stomped out of her room. Then she stomped down the stairs. Then she stomped down the second flight of stairs right passed Victor, Laura, Fazire and Tash and even Mrs. Gunderson, who sat beside Tash, tail twitching. They were all standing in the hallway, their eyes, in unison, watching her progress as she rounded the ground floor landing and stomped down to the garden level.

Then she walked right up to Nate’s closed study door and without knocking she threw it open, stomped inside and then she slammed it shut.

He was standing behind his desk, papers in his hands, for some reason the brightly coloured plastic box that held her household files was opened and on top of his desk.

She ignored the box and ignored the searing glance he aimed at her.

“We’re not done,” she announced.

“We’re done,” Nate retorted.

“We are not!” Lily yelled.

Calmly, he looked back down at the papers in his hands, dismissing her.

At this, Lily threw her head back and screamed blue, bloody murder. When she was done, she tipped her chin down again and glared at him. He was most certainly looking at her now with narrowed eyes and knitted brows.

“Good!” she snapped. “I have your attention.”

Then she advanced on him, rounding his desk. He turned to face her and she halted a foot away from him and lifted her finger.

“It’s my seven million pounds. You gave it to me!” she shouted and with every verbally underlined word, she poked him in the chest. “If I want to buy you a motorcycle with it, I’ll bloody well buy you a motorcycle. If I want to buy you a prized-pedigree King Charles Spaniel that costs the moon, I’ll buy it for you. If I want to commission blind nuns in a convent in the depths of the Pyrenees Mountains to craft you the finest tailored shirts fashioned from silk spun from a near extinct species of silk worm, I’ll do it! Now, is that understood?”

After she stopped shouting, Lily saw emotions warring on his face and she couldn’t latch onto any one of them but she thought she glimpsed amusement as well as anger there, and something else, something she definitely couldn’t read.

“If something happens to me, I want you to be taken care of. I don’t want you wasting that money on me,” he told her, his voice much softer but his dark eyes were intense.

“Nothing’s going to happen to you,” she snapped, not feeling any less intense and her voice not one iota softer.

Finally, he touched her. He dropped the papers he was holding on his desk and his hands settled on either side of her neck, one of his thumbs moved to stroke her cheek.

When he spoke again, his voice was gentle. “If there comes a time in your life when I’m not in it, I want to know you’ll want for nothing.”

“That’s not going to happen!” she yelled, now her raging feelings even more intense knowing she hadn’t made the tiniest nick in his armour, not even a scratch.

Furthermore, she was beginning to get scared.

Why would there be a time when he wasn’t in her life?

“Nate, I’m not letting you go,” Lily declared, scowling at him to hide her fear. “Whatever is going on in that head of yours, forget it. I’m not letting you go. You’re not letting me go. No matter what.”

“Lily –”

“No! No matter what!” she snapped. “Now we’re done talking.”

She pulled her neck away from his hands and stomped back to the door, feeling relatively pleased with herself, feeling she’d made her point.

“Lily,” he called and she halted, hand on the door and whirled around to glare at him again, not wishing to lose ground. Even if she hadn’t put a scratch in his armour, he’d have to be an idiot not to understand what she just said and Nate was no idiot.

“What?” she clipped.

He watched her a second and she realised whatever emotion that had hold of him was gone. She knew this because his lips were twitching.

“After… that,” he started, his voice was no longer angry, there was no intensity and there was no gentleness either, he was definitely amused, “I hesitate to mention money again, but you’ve a separate bank account with a goodly amount in it.” He pointed to the paper on his desk that he’d been studying when she’d arrived.

She stomped back around the desk to stand beside him, snatched up the bank statement and stared at it. It was Tash’s school fund.

“It’s clear you could have used that money, I’m wondering why –” he began.

“I never touch that. That’s Tash’s school money,” Lily answered his unasked question, tossing the bank statement down on his desk.

He stared at her, eyes blank. “I’m sorry?”

She turned to him and put a hand on her hip. “Tash’s school money. Tash is a gifted child. It’s not just me who thinks so as a doting mother, so do her teachers. They told me she’d benefit from a special school. Those schools cost money, lots of money. I’ve been saving –”

Something shifted in the room and that something emanated from Nate and the power of it made Lily stop speaking. It was something she didn’t understand but Nate didn’t look amused anymore, he also didn’t look blank. His eyes were burning into her so intensely she felt they’d scorch her skin.