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Marcus’s cock slipped out of his ass. Drew felt the sudden emptiness in his bowels, the greasy residue of the lube and Marcus’s cum. He reached back between his legs with his free hand, and explored his tender violated asshole.

Marcus gave him one more slap, and laughed. “Damn, I didn’t know you were gonna like it that much. Maybe I shouldn’t a fucked you.”

Drew looked back over his shoulder, a shy smile on his sweaty face. He felt good. It had felt good when he came, and it had felt better when Marcus came.

Marcus gave him another slap, and another laugh. The big smiled, a wide broad smile.

“Yeah, I’d a still fucked you.”

Drew heard a far-off buzzing, and realized it was a cell phone. Marcus fished it out of his discarded jeans, and listened without speaking.

Then he broke the connection.

“I guess this is really your lucky day, white boy. The crew caught up with Sharlynne. And Sharlynne couldn’t have been more co-operative.”  There was a not of finality in his voice, and Drew shivered.

He felt a moment’s regret, about Sharlynne, but it was gone in an instant. She wasn’t important anymore. Christ, how had he ever thought she was important?

Marcus plucked him off the table with one hand, and plopped him down in the chair. He was still naked, and his cock looked to be stiffening again already.

“You know what, white boy? I do believe you are now my bitch.” Marcus chuckled. “Are you my bitch?”

Again, Drew smiled shyly. He nodded.

Marcus chuckled again. “Yeah, you are. Some people don’t think it be like it is, but it do.”

You can read all of Marcus and Drew’s adventures here:

Drew’s life changed the day he met Marcus. Not his best day, he wasn’t at all sure he’d live through it. Just a skinny white boy, in way over his head. But Marcus showed him his true nature, and Drew was never more happy than when he accepted Marcus as his big black lover. A collection of all of their adventures. Includes “Making Marcus Happy”, “Making Marcus Angry”, “Marcus Delivers”, “Snatched From Marcus”, “Marcus Gets Away”, and “Marcus: Bobby Q”.


© 2017 Connor Clade

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