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“What you got on today, bro?” Darnell asked him.

Braden was staring at the stove top. Out of the corner of his eye, he had seen Lacey slide onto Darnell’s lap. And seen Darnell slide his big black hand between Lacey’s creamy white thighs, the tee shirt bunching up a little.

He kept staring. His cock was pretty much fully hard, now.

“Couple interviews,” Braden said. “First one would be a sweet gig, but I don’t have much of a chance. Second one is shit, but I got a better shot.”

“Sometimes you just got to get your foot in the door,” Lacey said. Her voice had an odd, breathy quality, and Braden knew without looking that Darnell was rubbing her pussy. Maybe even sliding one thick black finger inside her tight slick walls.


There was a faint, wet, squishy sound. Braden flicked on the fan over the stove to drown it out.

The eggs didn’t take long. When he turned around, Lacey had set the table, and was sitting in her own chair. But there was still a faint flush on her cheeks, a brightness to her eyes.

And Braden was still hard, and couldn’t do a damn thing to hide it. He hoped Lacey—and Darnell—didn’t notice, as he dolled out the scrambled eggs onto three plates. The toaster popped at the same instant, and Lacey jumped up to get it.

Her tee shirt was still rucked up, and Braden got a quick flash of her bare, now glistening pussy, before gravity pulled it back into place.

And as Braden sat down, a little uncomfortably, he realized that Darnell was looking at him. And grinning, just a little, his perfect white teeth a stark contrast to his dark skin.

Braden bent his head over his plate, and began to shovel eggs into his mouth.


There was a knock on the door. Braden blanked the screen and rolled up off the couch. Peeked though the peephole.

Huh. Lacey. It was unusual to see her this early in the afternoon. Darnell was still at work, and would be for hours.

It was also unusual for Lacey to knock. She had her own key, of course, and usually just walked in. But then, usually Darnell would be her waiting for her.

Braden opened the door.

“Hey, Lacey,” he said. “Darnell’s not home yet.”

“Yeah, Braden. I know. Can I come in?”

Braden shrugged and stepped back. He might be living here now, but in truth Lacey held a much more important place in Darnell’s life than he did. And more right to be in Darnell’s apartment.

Lacey walked past him. He couldn’t help himself, he checked out her ass. A glorious denim clad double handful. In another world, maybe he’d have made a move on her.

If she wasn’t his roommate’s girlfriend.

If she wasn’t way out of his league.

Lacey walked to the sofa, and sat down casually on it. Her legs were tucked under her, and her full breasts jiggled a little under her blouse.

“How’d your interviews go?” she asked. Sounded like she was actually interested.

Braden shrugged. “You know the drill. They act like they’re hiring for the NSA. So much bullshit. Probably hear back next week.”

She nodded. She did know the drill.

Braden plopped into a chair, feeling a little uncomfortable. Damn, Lacey was hot!

“Anyway, you’re the one I wanted to talk to, Braden.” Lacey was relaxed, mostly, but there seemed just the faintest edge of tension in her voice. That wasn’t like her at all. If Lacey had something to say, the words were out of her mouth before her brain had even registered them.

Braden didn’t say anything. Lacey had always seemed cool with him staying at Darnell’s. But you never knew. If she went to Darnell and said he had to go, what would Darnell do? Friends mattered, bros before hos and all that, but if Braden knew if he was tapping Lacey every night, he would do just about anything to keep her happy.

Anything at all.

“Have a seat,” Lacey said, patting the sofa beside her. “Here.” Still wary, Braden moved, but sat right against the arm of the sofa, as far from her as he could get.

Lacey saw, and understood. And smiled. “Chill, Braden, I’m not here to cause any shit. Or at least, not on purpose.”

Braden was not exactly reassured. But he still didn’t expect what Lacey said next.

“I guess we were pretty hard on you, last night.”

Braden knew what she was talking about. Maybe not from her words, but her tone, and the decidedly wicked smile made it clear enough.

He pretended not to understand, and merely shrugged.

Lacey leaned back a little. The move made her breasts rise on her chest, and press against her suddenly tight blouse.

“Come on, Braden. These walls are made of tissue paper. You can hear everything we do.” She paused, just long enough for Braden to see it coming.

“And we can hear you, too. Thumping away.”

Braden flushed, he couldn’t help himself. But Lacey still didn’t seem mad. Intent, that was for damn sure, but not mad.

“Not that I blame you,” she said. “You’re a healthy young guy, it doesn’t take much to get you going.”

And Lacey moved. Not that much, not really, but definitely in Braden’s direction.

“And I feel kind of bad about it,” she said. Her voice was getting softer. And she moved a little closer.

What the fuck?

He had to be reading this wrong. Reading her wrong.

And even if he wasn’t, this was a very very bad idea.

Braden knew that. Mess with Darnell’s woman? Not smart, even if he didn’t owe Darnell as much as he did.

That is what Braden’s big head thought.

His little head, on the other hand… was hard. Again.

Lacey seemed to be reading his mind. “Chill, Braden. I’m not about to let you fuck me.” She paused, a long pause. “But Darnell and I have… an understanding. Fucking is cheating. But other stuff… not so much.”

She was grinning at him now, a saucy grin. And her hand was on his denim clad thigh, rubbing softly.

Still probably a bad idea. And there was no guarantee that any deal between Darnell and Lacey, even if there was one, applied to him. He was already sleeping of Darnell’s sofa, already eating his food, and--

And Lacey wrapped her fingers around the outline of his hard cock, through his jeans and gave him a gentle squeeze.


The big head was losing the argument, and the little head was in ascendance.

Lacey rubbed the front of his jeans. She was leaning close, close enough for Braden to feel the heat of her body, to feel her breath on his cheek. He turned to face her, reflexively, and her face closed the final distance, and she kissed him.

Her lips were so soft.

Braden had been kissed before. Of course he had, fumbling, awkward, teenage kisses.

This was different. Way different.

Lacey’s soft succulent lips moved on his. Probing, teasing, her prefect pink tongue darting out to flick at his.

And even as her mouth was working on his, her hand was still rubbing at his tented crotch, his cock even bigger now, as big as it had ever been.

Lacey broke the kiss, and looked at him. His face must have been a sight, because she giggled.

“Relax, Braden. You’re gonna like this. A lot.”

She stopped rubbing at him, only to reach for the catch of his jeans.

Her fingers were quick and nimble, and she looked like she done this before. In seconds Braden’s jeans we’re open, and he obediently lifted his butt when Lacey tugged them down. She took them off completely, which some dim functional part of Braden’s mind thought was extra risky, but he didn’t stop her. Couldn’t stop her, really.

The front of his briefs was tented out hugely. His cock was as hard as it had ever been, and there was a tiny dark spot on his underwear where they barely contained his straining tip.