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Cooper’s lip twitches in response. Then he scoops me up in his arms and heads toward the bathroom. “Shower. Then I’ll take you out for something to eat.”

He sets me down on the bathroom vanity so he can regulate the shower water temperature. “Although I do love the just-fucked look on you. You wear it so well.” He kisses my lips and runs his fingers through my hair. “But I am looking forward to taking you out in public tonight. Showing the world you belong to me. Even if none of the people here know who we are.”

Bay Street at night is a world away from the quiet seclusion of Sugar Rose. I’m quickly distracted as we weave our way through throngs of people inside and cross over to the beach extravaganza going on outside. Although I love to dance, clubbing was never my thing. When I lived at home, most of my free time was spent helping out with Kyle or studying. I occasionally went to clubs with Sadie after we first moved in together, but I wasn’t a regular anywhere by any means.

We approach a bar on the back deck, the level before the sand, which is crammed with people. “What do you want to drink?”

I shrug. Not being a big drinker, wine is usually my thing, it’s simple to order and it avoids a concoction whose taste is subjective based upon the mood of the bartender. But this isn’t the kind of place that you order wine. “I’ll have something with an umbrella in it.”

Cooper smiles and yells our orders to the bartender. He hands me a large red drink with not one, but two colorful umbrellas and holds up his small glass filled with amber liquid.

“To showing off my woman in public,” he says, clinking his drink to mine then tipping his head back.

Watching his throat work as he swallows, for a minute I wish we had stayed in. My fruity drink goes down smoothly, the effects heightening the blissful state I’m already in. “I love that smile.” Cooper runs his finger along my bottom lip. “Your smile is always beautiful, but when you let yourself go and really relax, it’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.”

I didn’t realize there was a difference on the outside, but he’s right on how I feel inside. The last five years have been tough, the past two even more so. I’m happy, although it’s always tempered with something else—a weight that keeps me grounded. The happy that Cooper makes me feel is like floating. I don’t know how he does it, but when I’m with him, it’s okay to let it all go.

“Do you dance?” I ask, wrapping my hands around his neck. The music changes from island steel drum to something slow and sultry with a heavy rhythm that pulses through the crowd.

He pulls me flush against him, sliding a knee between mine, and begins to sway to the music. Of course the man can dance, I should have known from the way he moves his body in bed.

We dance close, his arms wrapped possessively around me, holding me tight for three or four songs. Eventually he pulls back to meet my eyes. “I want this all the time. Dance with you, have you on my arm at events, that carefree smile on your face. I didn’t even realize it was what I was missing, until I found you. I want this. I need this.”

“Me too.” Our eyes meet. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. “Soon. I promise.”

chapter thirty


The bed has always been a place for two things—sleeping and fucking. If I wasn’t actively doing one or the other, I saw no purpose in wasting time lying around. Yet waking with Kate’s head nestled into my shoulder, listening to the sound of her rhythmic, peaceful breathing leaves me content to stay put the entire day.

She stirs for a while in her sleep before her eyes eventually flutter open. “Morning,” she says with a lopsided smile when she finds me already awake.

“Morning.” I smile and kiss her forehead. “Blanket hog.”

Her sleepy eyes go wide. “I am not a …” She begins to defend herself and then looks down. Both the sheet and duvet are wrapped around her body like she just lost a battle with a white boa constrictor. I, on the other hand, am completely exposed. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright.” I pull her body on top of mine. “I’ll use you as a blanket.”

She giggles and the sound makes me smile. Shit. I’ve gone soft.

“What do you want to do today?” Kate props her head up in her hands.


“You’ve already done that a half dozen times. Don’t you want to do something else? I don’t want you to get bored.”

“Bored of being inside of you? Never.”

She smiles. “Okay. Well how should we fill the hours between you inside of me this morning and you inside of me later tonight?”

I brush my fingers along her cheek. Something about hearing her say you inside of me, already has my morning semi erection swelling to a full-blown hard on. “However you want.”

She rests her head over my heart. “You said you came here all the time growing up, right?”

“Twice a year.”

“Well what was your favorite thing to do back then?”

I think for a moment. “An afternoon trip on the Jolly Roger. It was a big party boat done up like a pirate’s ship. It sailed out into clear water and Miles and I would swing on a rope and jump off. We’d make each other walk the plank, and snorkel with turtles. It was owned by Marguerite’s family. My Dad would sit on the top dock drinking beer with her uncle while we played for hours.”

“That sounds like fun. Is it still operating?”

“Not sure. I can call Marguerite.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“You woke up filled with questions this morning, didn’t you? Maybe I should fill you with something else to give your mouth a rest.”

She playfully smacks at my abs. “Seriously.” Gripping her lower lip between her teeth, she studies me for a moment. “What happened between you and Miles?”

It’s a question I’m not expecting. And, in all honesty, I’m not even sure it’s a question I know the answer to. “I don’t know. As we got older, he sort of just pulled away. Some people see the glass as half full, he sees the glass as half empty. And thinks it’s half empty because I drank it all on him.”

“When did you stop getting along?” She pushes up onto one elbow.

“When Miles was in middle school.” I still remember the first time he lashed out at me as clear as day. “There was a boy that was picking on him. Miles was smaller than the kid, but that didn’t stop him from running his mouth. The kid challenged him to a fight after school. By the time I got there, Miles already had a bloody nose and black eye. I stepped in front of Miles, caught the kid’s punch, twisted his arm, and brought him to the ground. The kid was out of shape and I was five years older … it didn’t take much.”

“And Miles got upset with you for stepping in?”

“He thought I did it to make him look bad to our dad. He actually accused me of arranging the whole thing with the kid who was kicking his ass when I showed up.”

“Why would he think that? It sounds like a perfectly normal event. A brother stepping in for another brother in a fight. At least it was in my school.”

“I have no idea. But that was when it started.”

“Do you think …”

I cut her off. “I think you’ve had your fill of questions. Time to fill you with something else.” I pull her naked body up mine, lifting her until her neck is within reach. I nuzzle her, cupping her breasts as I tighten my hold.

She moans. “That’s not fair. I have more questions.”

“There’ll be more question and answer time later if you’re good. I want my cock filling you now.” I suck my way up to her ear and nibble on her lobe, something I’ve come to learn makes the sexiest tremble run though her. I grin when I feel it seconds later and then spend the next hour not answering any more questions.

The pool, the beach, the dining room table … hell, the bathroom yesterday on the Jolly Rogers. I wasn’t kidding when I said I was leaving no room for her not to think of us when she comes back to Barbados with the show. Today is the guesthouse. It’s where the four remaining contestants will be staying. I’ve already warned Miles that the main house is off limits for anything intimate, feigning respect for our father’s home. The same home I’ve spent four days claiming Kate in as many places as humanly possible.