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“You say that like it’s a bad thing. I don’t mind at all.” Joshua’s hand stroked harder, his thumb slipping into her sheath.

“Who’s insatiable? I’m just lying here, minding my own business. Oh yes, right there, Joshua.” She felt too good to even break into a blush, her head resting on Anthony’s bare chest while her other lover primed her body yet again.

After retreating to the bedroom, Alexia had slept for a while, only to wake shaking with lust. Three times during the night she’d attacked Joshua and Anthony, demanding they service her until she fell into another exhausted sleep. She kissed Anthony’s chest while he ran his fingers through her hair.

Anthony had gone down on her and spilt his seed on her skin twice, but he’d never entered her pussy. In a possessive manner, Joshua had directed their lovemaking. Even now as Anthony lifted her high enough to be able to kiss her, Joshua slipped his cock between her legs, the heat of his morning erection flaring into her.

A twinge of doubt rocked her for a second. She was in bed with two men. Then the pleasure racing through her drove everything else away. Joshua pumped slowly, his cock stretching her, the sensation familiar and yet still new, while Anthony made love to her mouth. She built to a peak quickly, her climax rolling in long drawn-out waves, leaving her relaxed and sated in their arms.

“Hmmm. Again, that was wonderful.” Alexia planted a final kiss on the corner of Anthony’s mouth before letting her head fall face first into her pillow between the two men. She reached behind her, fingers linking intimately with Joshua’s, their bodies still entwined. The sheets had fallen away and they lay naked in the pale light that snuck through the curtains into the room.

“How do you feel?” Joshua asked, his tongue tracing lazy circles on her shoulder blade, kisses brushing her lightly.

How did she feel? Her body hummed with pleasure because of what they’d done. Her mind spun over the same thing. “I feel like a sex maniac. I can’t believe last night.” Alexia dropped her voice to a whisper. “I can’t believe I’m in bed with the two of you.”

“This is not a typical experience for me as well. I can’t believe I’m here, either.” Anthony cupped her face and let her stare into his eyes. His emotions trickled over her so pure and sweet it nearly brought her to tears. His wonder at being a part of loving her was humbling.

“You’re a good man. I needed you,” she said.

He nodded. “But you need Joshua more, don’t you?” His expression showed no remorse or jealousy as he spoke, simply acceptance. Behind her Joshua’s hold tightened, his love for her covering her entire body.


Alexia stiffened at the brisk knock on the door. She scrambled at the sheets and yanked them to her chin to hide her lack of clothing. It was harder to disguise the two men in her bed, one just withdrawing from her body.

Before she could reply, the door swung open and her grandmother waltzed in. “Good morning, dear. Good morning, boys. I’ve got breakfast cooking and—”

“Gram! Please…” Alexia watched in disbelief as the curtains were briskly thrown open to let the bright morning sun fill the room with light. Gram deposited a duffle bag on the bureau next to Alexia’s suitcase and walked to the edge of the bed. Alexia gasped for air, embarrassed beyond belief.

Gram flicked a glance at the men on either side of Alexia, and her eyes grew wide for a moment. “Well, that’s a bit of surprise. Hello, Anthony, Joshua. Now, I need one of you nice boys to take me into town. I forgot I promised—”

“Gram,” Alexia choked out. “Please, oh Lord, can you not stand there acting like there’s nothing strange with finding…with seeing…” She couldn’t take anymore and twisted around until she had buried her face in Joshua’s chest. Maybe if she didn’t look Gram would go away, or this would turn out to be simply a bad dream.

The old lady chuckled and Alexia felt Joshua’s hands smooth her hair.

“Lady Victoria, you’re upsetting Alexia. Do you mind if we meet you in the kitchen in a few minutes?” There was a trace of laughter in Joshua’s voice.

“Whatever would she be upset about?” Gram asked. “Fine, I’ll take the hot plate out of the oven in thirty minutes. I really do need to get to town this morning or I’d let you stay in bed longer.” Alexia listened until the soft footfalls left the bedside and there was a click as the door closed.

Anthony and Joshua started to laugh, low at first then louder, their bodies shaking the bed. Alexia sat and stared at them in confusion and rising anger.

“What is so damn funny about Gram catching us in a ménage à trois? I can’t believe she didn’t have a coronary or scream. What the heck is going on?” Alexia hit Joshua as he continued to laugh, his shoulders shaking as he spun his legs to the side of the bed. On her other side Anthony rose as well, planting a parting kiss on her cheek.

“You can relax, Alexia. Victoria was the Keeper for years. She understands more about merfolk sex than you do. I’m sure she’ll explain at breakfast, but rest assured she was not upset to see us with you.”

“She was surprised,” Alexia snapped. She crawled off the bed and gave the bathroom a longing stare. Did she have time for a shower? She craved one after all the action of the night.

The door to the bathroom was already open and Anthony winked at her before prepping the water. “I think she was surprised to see you spent the night with Joshua and I, and not some of our older relatives.”

Alexia stepped into the shower and shivered in spite of the warmth. “I feel uncomfortable with my grandmother knowing I had casual sex, let alone her thinking about who I would be with for a one-night stand.”

Suddenly Joshua was there, crowded against her body in the shower stall. He leaned into her and caged her between his firm body and the tile wall. “There was nothing casual about last night. And it wasn’t a one-night stand either.” Anger rolled off him as he kissed her hard, his hand trapping her wrists and lifting them above her head. Her body responded to his aggression by melting under him. She kissed him back, trying to appease with her tongue and lips, offering her neck and body to him. In spite of her embarrassment, she understood why he was upset. It sounded like she had denied her response to them, and that wasn’t what she meant at all.

Anthony’s voice swept over her, his chastisement gentle but clear. “You felt more than sexual need for us. Don’t cheapen what we gave you.” Alexia was ready to break in two. So many strange and unusual things had happened in such a short a time.

Joshua’s hands softened as he released her wrists. He kissed them, one by one, his tongue stroking the tendons before he dropped to his knees in front of her. “I’m sorry, Alexia. I shouldn’t have overreacted.”

He pressed his forehead into her belly. His breath warmed her stomach, his hands wrapped around her torso like he would never let her go. Water cascaded down their bodies, cleaning some of the cobwebs from her mind. Alexia looked at Anthony, standing outside the shower stall, his beautiful face clear and smooth as he waited for her with a towel in his hands.

In one day her world had turned upside down. Men waited to serve her every need, sexual or otherwise. They said they needed her to lead. In the midst of all the confusion, she knew one thing. She touched Joshua’s head tenderly, brushing the wet strands back from his face until he looked up at her.

“I don’t understand what is going on, Joshua. Why I feel so attracted to you, why I had sex with you and Anthony all night long. I don’t understand at all, but I’m not sorry I did it. That’s all I can give you right now.” Alexia brushed his cheek, watching his fire-flecked eyes glint at her. She reached her other hand to Anthony and smiled as he brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles, his expression adding to the fire in her belly.