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Robert Vickers

Tied up sister


The scratching at her window came again. Lisa pulled the thin nightgown around her body. She had the awful feeling of someone watching her and she was unable to look back. She'd been blind since birth. Usually, it wasn't much of a bother for her.

Now it was frightening her out of her wits.

The window popped open and a gust of wind tugged open her nightgown revealing her trim, supple young body. She didn't think of how she looked, that her naked body might be turning on any watchers. Somehow, it just wasn't possible for her to think in sighted people's terms.

The man crouching in the window, however, was getting a real eyeful. Lisa was beautiful. She was twenty, perhaps twenty-one, and every inch a woman. The firm, jutting tits were made to be stuffed into a hungry mouth. The trim waist was almost small enough to circle with both hands. The man couldn't take his eyes off her snatch, though.

That looked promising, damned promising.

"Who's there?" she demanded. "Who is it?"

He made no sound. He only watched and waited.

She began stumbling around the bedroom going for the door. As she turned, he got a good look at her profile. It made his cock turn cartwheels. The woman's nipples were hard, erect. The wind was doing that, the wind and her fright. The flare of her ass gleamed whitely in the dim light of the bedroom. And for a second, the man could see the snowy flash of long, trim legs under the pale yellow dressing gown.

He liked what he saw. His prick was already swelling in his arousal, aching for something warm and wet and willing.

He was going to rape her.

"Answer me!" she screamed from the door. "I know you're here! I can hear you breathing!"

He knew she was blind. Everyone on the block knew it. It didn't take any genius to figure that out the way she used a white cane. A pity. She was a beautiful chick. The wind tore at her hair and swung it back from her frightened face in a golden stream making her even more attractive.

But it was the gold mine between her soft, tender thighs he was after. She probably could hear his breathing. The sight of her excited him. But he wasn't going to do anything to let her be able to identify him afterwards. Since she couldn't see, she was a lovely candidate for a rape.

He dropped quietly into the bedroom. He moved softly on the rug but her acute hearing betrayed his movements.

"Leave or I'll scream!"

He came closer only to have her bolt and run down the hallway. She was futilely trying to dial the police when he caught up with her. The first thing he'd done was cut the phone wires. He wasn't stupid.

He was just hornier than hell.

But not for long. His fingers closed like iron gripe on her soft upper arms. He pulled her struggling body closer and closer to his. This was fun. She couldn't see him, didn't know who he was. And God but she was beautiful!

He could barely believe his good luck. Kissing her was like kissing a wildcat. She scratched and tried to bite him. This only excited him more. He loved it when they fought back.

She managed to pull free for a moment and rush to the front door. It wouldn't open, no matter how hard she tugged at it. Turning, she gasped, "Who are you? What have you done to my door?"

In a low whisper he was sure could never be recognized, he said, "I nailed it shut from the outside, sweetie. Now come here and spread those lovely legs for me."

"You're going to rape me, aren't you?"

"You're wising up fast. Yeah, I'm gonna rape you. Make it easy or make it hard. Don't much matter to me. In fact, I sort of like it when they scream and carry on."

He moved closer toward her. He easily caught her and shoved her hard against the wall. She clutched wildly at the wall for support, panting and beginning to cry. For a second, she was too terrified to fight.

When she felt his wet lips on her naked boobs, she almost fainted. This wasn't the way it should be. That could have been Carl's mouth all over her tits. It should have been.

But it wasn't. That mouth belonged to some man she'd never see. She didn't want him doing any of the things to her that Carl did. The woman wasn't going to expect miracles, though. She knew he was going to rape her, this mystery man who'd come in through her bedroom window in the middle of the night.

"Ummmm, tasty jugs you got," he mumbled.

She felt his tongue stab out and smash hard into her nipple. In spite of her terror, she felt her body begin its instinctive response to pleasure, to the stimulation of her sensitive boobs.

"Hey it's gettin' hard, damned hard." He laughed harshly as he moved her pebble-like nipple around in a wide circle with his finger. "Your nipple's getting like a rock, too. But not as hard as I am."

He stood and pressed his body against hers. She could feel his cock pressing against her leg. Struggling did no good. Her arms were held tightly and she was pinned against the wall.

Screwed to the wall. The expression took on new meaning for her. As his cock rubbed up and don against the tender inside of her thigh, she knew this was literally what was going to happen to her. He was going to fuck her right there.

"Stop, please, I beg you!" she sobbed.

"Hey, tears. I like 'em salty!"

She cringed as she felt his hot breath against her cheek. His rough tongue licked up and down her cheek to slurp up her tears. No matter what she did, he seemed to love it.

"Stopped cryin' already? Christ, what kinds victim are you?"

He shook her a little, then pulled the nightgown down off her shoulders and halfway down her back. There he pulled the ends of the nighty forward. Her arms were held firmly at her sides. She couldn't possibly escape him now, not as long as he held the ends together.

"Yeah, little lady. You ain't going anywhere. Not till I let you. Not till my friend is fed."

She shivered again as she felt the blunt-headed cock poke upwards toward her snatch. Trying to cross her legs did no good. He was already too close to her cunt. His thick hips forced her legs apart with a pressure she couldn't hope to fight.

"Con on, damn you, struggle! Don't make it easy for me to fuck you!"

She felt the knobby end of his prick pushing against her pussy lips. No matter how she turned or twisted, she couldn't move. The cock head thrust against her sex lips, then moved inside her cunt.

For a moment, she didn't know what to do. She wasn't wet with lust. That just wasn't possible for her. Yet… yet the feel of his cock inside her twat made her body turn all weak and shivery. It was just like any other man's cock.

The only difference was she didn't know this man, didn't want him fucking her.

"Don't?" she screamed. There didn't seem anything left to do. He was going to rape her. She might as well scream and take her chances. One of the neighbors might hear her and report it to the police. That was her only hope of escaping sheer and total degradation.

"You shush up or you got big troubles. Bigger'n, my friend here." He jammed his cock another inch up her cunt. She could feel the huge prick jumping around like a racehorse in the starting gate. He was aroused and ready to fuck. There was no way of telling what he would do to her if she robbed him of his moment of triumph now.

"I'm going to scream as loud as I can if you don't leave!"

"You scream and I'll cut your tongue out. You like that? Then maybe I'll cut your ears off, too. Blind, dumb and deaf. You'll be a fucking vegetable. And when you're down to nothing but smell and feel, I'll be standin' there pissing all over you."

The thought of a hot, smelly stream of urine pouring over her made her break down and cry. She couldn't cope with this man.

"Yeah, sweetie, that's what it would be like. The hot piss goin' in your eyes and mouth and nose. And in that lovely hair of yours. You wouldn't want me to cut you up and then do all that to you?"