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leaders. See to it that it is recorded well. You have your place. We leave it to you. Stay in your place. It is large, large enough to accommodate even your animal-breeding habits. Do not ever expect more. We give you your galaxy, and we will not hinder your development in any way. We will not intrude upon your privacy as long as you remain in your place. It is your nature, however, to want more than you have. You will never need more,

but you will want it. Admittedly, this warning is academic, for you lack the capacity to threaten us in any way, but we have had enough of you. We

will not interfere with your actions inside your place, but we will be here,

on the far side of the barrier, in the unlikely event that you develop to the point of threatening our privacy.» The Pride was moving, up and out, positioning itself for the first blink. «When you arrive near your satellite, you will be given time to leave this

ship. Do so at the first opportunity. Do not try to take it to the surface. I will be monitoring until the ship is empty.» «I've grown rather fond of it,» Plank said. «I'd like to keep it.» «I have already explained,» the voice said. «We will not contribute. Some of us were opposed to allowing a continuation of what is obviously

an artificial species. Feel fortunate that we allow you to exist in your own state.» Plank felt the generator building, felt the jump. It must have one heck of a jump, he was thinking, as he looked out the viewers and saw the familiar landmarks of the Orion Arm spread across the space before them. Walker Heath was rumbling around the ship. As the ship prepared for another blink, he returned to the lounge. «I don't know what makes this baby go,» he said, «but it must be something very much like our blink generator.» «She wiped it out of my mind,» Plank said. «I knew this ship.» «Yes, I remember,» Heath said. «She couldn't believe that we had developed the same principle.» He grinned excitedly. «Yes. It will work now. There's no one to stop us, no one to interfere. The blink drive will

work. It's all here.» He tapped his forehead. «She didn't touch it. She didn't believe it was there.» «So they are not all powerful; they are not infallible,» Plank said. «Plank, we have the galaxy. She left us with it. Let's not start wanting more right now,» Hara said. «No,» Plank said. «She did not leave us with the galaxy. It was ours, more so than it was the creature's. It was introduced into it. We are a product of it.» «Are you sure?» she asked. «Somewhere, someplace, back in the dawn of time, an apelike animal stood on his hind legs and pounded his chest,» Plank said. «That was my ancestry. She is not infallible. She depended upon the Eater's information to form her opinion of us. That was false data, for the Eater, himself, thought we were merely more advanced food creatures. But we are man. We grew in this galaxy. We grew from simple one-celled animals, which had formed from the soup of life on a young planet. And, by God, no animated force field is going to make me believe anything different.» As the Pride entered the Orion Arm, blinks became shorter. Out of boredom, Plank tried the manual controls he had once rigged. They had no effect. The tools from the old Pride were no longer in the cargo hold. They had no choice but to be mere passengers during the ship's huge leaps toward home. Plank had one consolation. He was alive, a man, and with him was the woman he loved. There was time for talk, for planning. They would be married immediately. With Hara in his arms, John Plank was happy. He would not have changed places with anyone in the universe, not even a being who could manipulate the whole works at will. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN When the Pride blinked out into normal space in close orbit around the moon, she registered on scanners. Hastily prepared defenses went into effect. A general alarm sent the moon's population into action. When the ship's contours proved to be those of an alien, two patrolling ships made course for her and, without preliminary, ten atomic warheads were launched from pads on the moon. Earth had found her external enemy

and all her warlike feelings told her to strike first and strike hard. She had seen one alien. Aboard the Pride, having no access to the ship's systems, Plank's first knowledge of the attack was the blossoming of ten small stars in the space surrounding the ship. Viewports darkened to protect their human eyes. Plank had been engaged in donning his lsg, because, denied access to the ship's communications, the radio in his suit offered the only chance to contact the moon. «You can't really blame them,» he said, as two ships closed in on the Pride, rockets making misty trails across empty space as the ships fired. «They saw the Eater.» He began to place his call in a steady voice, identifying himself. The attacking rockets exploded prematurely, detonated by the ship's systems or by an overseeing presence. Plank didn't know which and he didn't care. He just wanted out of the ship. He had work to do. The two attacking Earth ships were joined by a third, and the three were hard to convince. The attack continued while Plank patiently called. After shooting up an area of space around the Pride and nothing more, the ships withdrew a distance, orbiting the stationary Pride. Now both Heath and Hara were using the radio in Plank's lsg, adding their own identification to Plank's. Finally, a reply. «We order you to surrender,» the call came. «Yes,» Plank said. «We surrender.» «Stand by for boarding.» «I don't think that's possible,» Plank replied. «Open a lock and stand by for boarding, or we'll blast you out of space,» the voice said. It was tense. Plank pictured a young captain on one of the nearby ships. «You've tried that,» Plank said. «Look, we're Earthmen. We've given you

our identification numbers. We are not in control of this ship. That will all be explained.» «Stand by for boarding,» the voice said. One of the ships blasted, moving closer. «Go easy,» Plank yelled. The ship smashed into the field surrounding the Pride. Only the fact that it was just getting underway saved it from total destruction. As it was, it was damaged, its hull ruptured. One by one figures in lsg left the damaged ship and were picked up by a second ship. During that period, Plank's calls went unanswered. When radio contact was made again, the voice was different. «Again, we ask you, if your intentions are not hostile, to surrender.» Plank muttered an oath. «That's what we want to do.» «Then allow us to board you.» «We have no control over the ship's defenses. We are merely passengers. We are being delivered home. We want to come home.» «Then exit the ship one at a time and you will be picked up,» the voice ordered. It was an older sounding voice, perhaps, Plank thought, a senior commander. «And be blasted in space?» «Not if you surrender.» «We surrender,» Plank yelled, rolling his eyes at Hara and Heath. «Come out one at a time.» «There are three of us and we have only one lsg,» Plank said. «I will come out. Then I'll have to borrow two lsgs and bring them back over.» «If you will allow us to board you we will bring LSGS.» «I have no control over the ship's defense. It will not allow boarding.» «Hold one,» the voice said. When the radio sputtered again, the message was, «All right. One at a time. Come out.» «They're nervous,» Heath said. «I don't know if I want to go out or not.» «We have to go out sometime,» Plank said. He went into the cargo hold. As he expected, the lock operated itself. When the outside port opened and the air was exhausted, he stuck his head out cautiously. The second ship was near, and he could see missile launchers pointed his way. «I'm coming out,» he said. He attached a line and pushed himself away. The line allowed him to travel about three meters before jerking him to a stop. He