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Clawface padded past them, heading into the shade of the oak tree. “I might take a nap,” he muttered. “Before we practice battle moves.”

Tigerclaw blocked him with one paw. “Will you always be able to take a nap before an enemy attacks? No. You’ll train now, with the energy that you have. Understand?”

There was a flash of anger in Clawface’s eyes, then he nodded. “I understand, Tigerclaw.”

Good, whispered the voice in Tigerclaw’s mind. These cats must make no decisions on their own, not unless you want them to feel more powerful than you.

Tigerclaw felt his muscles tense across his shoulders. Never, he vowed silently.

The following day, as the sun reached the tops of the trees, Tigerclaw was gratified to see the relief in the eyes of the gray tabby tom waiting for them at the border.

“I thought you might change your mind,” Wetfoot gabbled as they drew near.

Tangleburr glanced sideways at Tigerclaw. “We will help you if we can,” she mewed carefully.

Tigerclaw stepped over the border. “Right, which way are we going first?”

A small, light brown cat pricked his ears. “Wetfoot’s leading this patrol,” he chirped.

Wetfoot quickly shook his head. “It’s fine, Oakpaw. Tigerclaw can lead us.”

A bony, black she-cat scraped the mulch on the ground. “My belly thinks my throat’s been slashed,” she muttered. “Are we hunting or talking?”

“Okay, Darkflower, keep your fur on,” teased Blackfoot, and Tigerclaw was reminded with a jolt that his companions—apart from Snag and Mowgli—knew these cats far better than he did, were friends and even kin with them. He couldn’t let that become a weakness for him.

“We’ll keep to the border with the wild woods,” he announced. “Follow me, and wait for my command to begin stalking.”

“We usually scent our own prey,” Oakpaw began, but Tangleburr cut in.

“Whatever you think best, Tigerclaw,” she meowed.

Tigerclaw plunged forward, relishing the feel of the ground beneath his paws, breathing in the green scents of the forest that swallowed him up. Behind him, the other cats matched him stride for stride; ahead of them stretched a swath of silent trees, swollen with prey just waiting to be caught.

“Why exactly did you leave ThunderClan?” meowed Applefur. The mottled brown she-cat was lying in a patch of sunlight, lazily flicking her tail.

Tigerclaw studied her, noticing the gleam of curiosity in her pale green gaze. He had just returned to the ShadowClan camp with another successful hunting patrol. The young warrior Russetfur had impressed him in particular—she had been raised in Twolegplace with Boulder, but she was as sharp and lethal as a forestborn cat when it came to chasing prey. Around him, ShadowClan cats ate peacefully, enjoying the feel of sun on their patchy coats. All except Nightstar, who was too sick to come out of his den; Tigerclaw could hear him coughing behind the screen of brambles.

He traced a line in the dust with one long claw. “You’ll hear enough rumors about me to make up your own stories,” he meowed.

Applefur blinked and let her cheek rest on the ground. “That’s why I’m asking you for the truth.”

Tigerclaw stood up and surveyed the clearing. “I cannot be loyal to a Clan that listens to a kittypet over its deputy. I still believe in the warrior code, even if my former Clanmates don’t.”

“Are you talking about Fireheart?” asked Ratscar, a young warrior with the claw mark that had given him his warrior name standing out against his dark brown fur.

Tigerclaw curled his lip. “If you don’t want another stripe in your pelt, you won’t mention his name around here,” he growled. He nodded to Blackfoot, who was talking to Fernshade. “Come, it’s time we left.”

A dark gray tom lifted his head from a pigeon he was sharing with the other elders. “Do you have to leave already?” he called. “The sun won’t set for a while. I was going to tell you about the time I found a badger stuck in the marshes.”

Tigerclaw made himself look disappointed. “Next time, Cedarheart, I’d love to hear that tale. My friends and I have imposed ourselves on your Clan for long enough today.” With a flick of his tail, he gathered his companions around him.

“You’ll come back tomorrow, won’t you?” mewed Runningnose, poking his head out of Nightstar’s den. “I… I thought you might arrange the hunting patrols for me. I need to look for more herbs across the border.”

Tigerclaw tipped his head on one side. “If you wish, Runningnose. We’ll be here soon after dawn.” He padded out of the camp, letting his companions call their farewells over their shoulders.

They are beginning to need you like the forest needs rain, whispered the voice in his head. Good work, Tigerclaw.

The four cats looked excited and proud to have been chosen for Tigerclaw’s hunting patrol. Russetfur’s lean muscles strained beneath her fox-colored fur as if she was already picturing her first pounce, while Ratscar was flexing his claws, checking them for sharpness. Clawface looked as composed as ever, but his ears were pricked and the tip of his tail twitched. Beside him stood Whitethroat, a black-and-white tom who was small for his age but seemed quick and keen. Tigerclaw wanted to see just how fast he could move.

“I thought we’d hunt something other than ShadowClan prey today,” Tigerclaw announced.

Russetfur tipped her head to one side. “What else is there?”

“Perhaps prey from somewhere else?” mewed Clawface, his eyes beginning to gleam.

Tigerclaw nodded. “Let’s try ThunderClan,” he suggested, watching each warrior closely.

Russetfur and Ratscar braced their shoulders and narrowed their eyes, but Whitethroat took a step back.

“Th… ThunderClan?” he stammered. “Really? But that would be stealing!”

Tigerclaw blinked. “Do you have a problem, Whitethroat?”

The little cat looked down at his paws. “I would rather not take prey from ThunderClan, that’s all,” he meowed.

Clawface crossed to stand beside Tigerclaw. “There are rumors,” he began quietly, “that Whitethroat and Littlecloud sought shelter in ThunderClan during the worst of the sickness.”

“Do you think that’s true?” Tigerclaw hissed.

Clawface studied the black-and-white warrior, who seemed to be trying to shrink inside his own pelt. “I can imagine two frightened cats trying to escape from a Clan that was dying around them,” he mewed.

“Then we need to make sure their loyalty to their own Clan hasn’t faltered,” Tigerclaw stated grimly. Raising his voice, he meowed, “Whitethroat, this is not a hunt-if-you-want-to patrol. You will follow where I lead, is that clear?” He padded over to the warrior and let his claws slide out. “All other Clans are enemies to ShadowClan. If we want to take prey from them, there should be nothing to stop us. Do you understand?”

Looking terrified, the small cat nodded. Tigerclaw let his gaze drift around the clearing until it settled on Littlecloud. The gray tabby was shuffling through some herbs for Runningnose. Tigerclaw curled his lip. Now that Littlecloud was an apprentice medicine cat, it would be hard to test his loyalty in the form of hunting or battle. Tigerclaw would have to keep an eye on him.

“Let’s go,” he meowed, curling his tail over his back and leading the way out of the camp at a brisk trot. He swiveled his ears to check that four sets of paws were following, then ducked into the tangled, brittle grass where tiny paths would lead them to the tunnel that ran beneath the Thunderpath. Before he ducked into the narrow hole, Tigerclaw paused to take one last breath of ShadowClan scent. Was this where he belonged now? He hadn’t been into ThunderClan territory since… He pushed aside the memory of Bluestar ordering him to leave and ran into the tunnel. His paw steps echoed hollowly around him for a moment, then he burst into the thick green forest on the other side. Home! screeched his traitorous senses as countless smells of leaves and ferns and lush green growing things filled his nose. Woven among them were traces of tiny furred creatures, rustling through the undergrowth, scrambling over mossy tree trunks, leaving their invisible trails for hungry cats to follow.