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Harry Turtledove

Tilting the Balance

(Worldwar — 2)


(Characters with names in CAPS are historical, others fictional)


ANIELEWICZ, MORDECHAI Leader of Jewish fighters in Poland

Auerbach, Rance Captain, U.S. Army Cavalry

Bagnall, George flight engineer in RAF bomber crew

Barisha Tavern keeper in Split, Independent State of Croatia

Berkowicz, Stefan Landlord in Lodz

BLAIR, ERIC BBC talks producer, Indian Section, London

Borcke, Martin Wehrmacht captain and interpreter in Pskov

CHILL, KURT Wehrmacht lieutenant general, 122nd Infantry, in Pskov

CHURCHILL, WINSTON prime minister of Great Britain

COMPTON, ARTHUR supervisor, University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory

Cooley, Mary Waitress in Idaho Springs, Colorado

Daniels, Pete ("Mutt") Sergeant, U.S. Army, in Illinois; former minor-league manager

DIEBNER, KURT Nuclear physicist, Hechingen, Germany

Donlan, Kevin U.S. Army private in Naperville, Illinois

Embry, Ken pilot of RAF bomber crew

FERMI, ENRICO nuclear physicist at the University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory

FERMI, LAURA Enrico Fermis wife

Fiore, Bobby Lizard experimental subject; former baseball player

FLEROV, GEORGI Soviet nuclear physicist

Fritzie Cowboy in Chugwater, Wyoming

Fukuoka, Yoshi Japanese soldier in China

GERMAN, ALEKSANDR Commander of Second Partisan Brigade in Pskov

Goldfarb, David RAF radarman

Gorbunova, Ludmila Red Air Force pilot

GROVES, LESLIE Engineer, U.S. Army colonel

Harvey Civilian guard in Idaho Springs, Colorado

HEISENBERG, WERNER Nuclear physicist in Hechingen, Germany

Henry Wounded U.S. soldier in Chicago

Hexham U.S. Army colonel in Denver

Hicks, Chester U.S. Army lieutenant in Chicago

Higuchi Japanese scientist

Hipple, Fred RAF group captain in Bruntingthorpe

Ho-T'ING, NIEH Chinese Communist guerrilla officer

Horton, Leo RAF radarman in Bruntingthorpe

HULL, CORDELL U.S. secretary of state

Isaac Jew in Leczna, Polan

Jacobi, Nathan BBC broadcaster in London

Jager, Heinrich Wehrmacht panzer colonel

Jones, Jerome RAF radarman

Karpov, Feofan Red Air Force colonel

Kennan, Maurice RAF flight lieutenant in Bruntingthorpe

Klein, Sid U.S. Army captain in Chicago

Klopotowski, Roman Townsman in Leczna, Poland

Klopotowski, Zofia Daughter of Roman Klopotowsk

KONIEV, IVAN Red Army general

KURCHATOV, IGOR Soviet nuclear physicis

Laplace, Freddie U.S. Army private in Illinois

Larssen, Barbara see Yeager, Barbara

Larssen, Jens nuclear physicist, University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory

Leon Jewish fighter in Lodz

Lidov, Boris NKVD lieutenant colonel, Moscow

Liu Han Chinese peasant woman; Lizard experimental subject

Lo Communist Chinese partisan

Maczek U.S. Army captain in Illinois

Meineckt, Klaus Sergeant, gunner on Heinrich Jdger's panzer

MOLOTOV, VYACHESLAV foreign commissar of the USSR

Morozkin, Sergei Red Army interpreter in Pskov

MURROW, EDWARD R. Radio news broadcaster

Nakayama Japanese scientist

NISHINA, YOSHIO Japanese nuclear physicist

Okamoto, Major Japanese interpreter and interrogator of Teerts

Olson, Louise Inhabitant of New Salem, North Dakota

Olson, Thorkil Inhabitant of New Salem, North Dakota

Oscar U.S. Army bodyguard in Denver

Peary, Julian RAF wing commander in Bruntingthorpe

Petrovic, Marko Captain, Independent State of Croatia

Potter, Lucille Nurse in Illinois

RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON German foreign minister

ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN D. President of the United States

Roundbush, Basil RAFflight officer in Bruntingthorpe

RUMKOWSKI, MORDECHAI CHAIM Eldest of the Jews in the Lodz ghetto

Russie, Moishe ex-medical student in the Warsaw ghetto

Russie, Reuven Moishe Russie ‘s son

Russie, Rivka Moishe Russie’s wife

Sawatski, Emilia Wife of Wladyslaw Sawatski

Sawatski, Ewa Daughter of Wladyslaw and Emilia Sawatski

Sawatski, Jozef Son of Wladyslaw and Emilia Sawatski

Sawatski, Maria Daughter of Wladyslaw and Emilia Sawatski

Sawatski, Wladyslaw Polish farmer

Schultz, Georg Former Welarnacht panzer gunner; Red Air Force mechanic

Sharp, Hiram Physician in Ogden, Utah

Shmuel Jewish fighter in Lodz

Sholudenko, Nikifor NKVD man in the Ukraine

Shura Whore in Shanghai


Sobieski, Tadeusz Grocer in Leczna, Poland

STALIN, IOSEF General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Sumner, Joshua ("Hoot") Justice of the peace in Chugwater, Wyomin

Szabo, Bela ("Dracula") U.S. Army private in Illinois

SZILARD, LEO nuclear physicist, University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory

Tatiana Sniper and companion of Jerome Jones in Pskov

TOGO, SHIGENORI Japanese foreign minister

Tolya Groundcrew man, Red Air Force

Tsuye Japanese scientist

Ussishkin, Judah Doctor in Leczna, Poland

Ussishkin, Sarah Wife of Judah Ussishkin; midwife in Leczna, Polan

van Alen, Jacob U.S. Coast Guard lieutenant in Oswego, New York

VASILIEV, NIKOLAI Commander First Partisan Brigade in Pskov

Vernon, Hank Ship's engineer in the Duluth Queen

Victor Wounded U.S. soldier in Chicago

Whyte, Alf RAF navigator

Wittman, Rolf Driver in Heinrich Jdgers panzer