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“No, take my horse. You can ride faster astride.”

She at once saw the sense in that, for sidesaddles were not meant for flight. Within seconds, he’d assisted her up onto his stallion and was running toward Renee. Jordan had kept his head, too, and was already swinging up into the saddle. All around them, men were racing to reclaim their chain-mail or to mount their startled horses, cursing as the animals shied away. But by then their foes had realized their ambush had been discovered and they were spurring their stallions out onto the road.

“Madame, go! We’ll hold them here!” Salisbury paused only long enough to make sure Eleanor was heeding him before swinging back toward the plunging packhorse. Appalled that he’d let himself be taken unaware like this, as if he were a raw stripling, he was relieved to see the queen send her horse across the field at a dead run, with Jordan and Renee following behind. His nephew had caught the closest horse and leaped into the saddle, sword in hand. Their assailants were splitting into two bands, one group of horsemen peeling off in pursuit of Eleanor, the other intent upon eliminating her defenders as quickly as possible.

“After them, Will!” Salisbury roared a command that was not needed, for Will was already racing to intercept the queen’s pursuers. Christ, there were so many of them! Salisbury fumbled hastily for his hauberk, but even as he struggled to pull it over his head, he ran out of time. He was bitterly aware of how badly he’d failed his queen, but he never saw the weapon that claimed his life, a hunting spear flung with deadly accuracy, burying itself in the small of his back.

Will had sent his stallion crashing into the closest of the queen’s pursuers. As the man’s horse foundered, Will drove his sword into that unprotected area under the armpit, then pulled the blade free in a spray of crimson. To his left, he saw a familiar figure, one of his uncle’s knights, closing fast on a man astride a screaming bay stallion. Sir Roger swung a spiked mace in a lethal arc, smashing into bone and ripping away flesh. Will spurred his stallion after a knight wearing a kettle-shaped helmet without a nasal guard. Drawing alongside, he parried the other’s thrust, then used his shield to club the man from the saddle; there was no time for finesse, for any of the skillful swordplay he’d learned as a squire to the Chamberlain of Normandy. He glanced over his shoulder, could not find Sir Roger in the melee. That distracted moment was to cost him dearly, giving one of his foes the chance to kill his horse.

As the stallion stumbled, Will kicked his spurs free of the stirrups before it went down, and hit the ground rolling. Regaining his feet, he was almost trampled by a man on a lathered bay. He was hopelessly outnumbered by now, stranded in the midst of his enemies. Retreating toward a thorny hedgerow that would offer some protection to his back, he blinked sweat from his eyes, tasting his own blood on his tongue. Swords drawn, they feinted and dodged, cursing him freely. But they kept out of range of Will’s gory sword. By the time he realized what they were up to, it was too late. There was movement in the hedgerow behind him, a blade slashing through the branches. Pain seared up Will’s thigh. His strength draining away in a gush of blood, he wobbled and then sank to his knees, still clutching his sword even as they closed in.

Her escort’s heroic efforts had given Eleanor the time she needed to reach the woods. She checked the stallion just long enough for Jordan and Renee to catch up to her. If they were found, it would mean Jordan’s death, for she knew he’d never stand by helplessly and let her be taken, not even if she ordered him to yield. Renee would likely be ransomed-eventually-but she was far too pretty to be unmolested. As for her own fate, she knew how great a prize she’d be. The fools thought Harry would pawn Heaven and earth to secure her release. She preferred not to put his devotion to the test. Moreover, she could not be sure that she’d be luckier than Renee. Men desperate enough to capture a queen might well be careless of the conventions of warfare, the dictates of honor. And if her suspicions were right about the identity of her assailants, they could have taught the Devil himself about sin.

There was no time to explain herself. Jordan and Renee would have to take her on trust. As Will’s stallion had outdistanced his pursuers, her brain had been racing, too, weighing her options. Even if they could elude these men, they were too far from Poitiers, would never make it back. Thank the Blessed Lady Mary that these were her lands! She’d grown up here, hunted as a girl in these woods, knew the roads and rivers and trails as well as any poacher. Their only possible refuge was the castle at Lusignan. But a return to the Poitiers Road would be madness, would result in their capture straightaway.

Jordan’s face was flushed with exertion; he was no longer in the prime of youth. Renee was perching precariously on her sidesaddle and Eleanor spared a moment to damn the fools who’d decreed that women should not ride astride. Renee’s veil and wimple were gone, ripped off by an overhanging branch, and there was a smear of blood on her cheek. Eleanor knew, though, that the girl had courage. She’d need it; they all would. She gestured silently to her left and turned her stallion in that direction. Jordan and Renee exchanged baffled looks, but they followed after her without hesitation.

It was slow going. Like threading a needle, Eleanor thought, and she’d never been one for ladylike pastimes. A laugh welled up in the back of her throat and she quickly suppressed it, recognizing the symptoms, for this was not the first time she’d faced physical danger. Fear could breed an odd sort of excitement, an emotional rush that had something of the giddiness and caprice usually bottled in wine casks. She ducked under a jutting tree limb, but not in time; it snagged her veil. They were leaving a trail a blind man could follow, but that was the least of her worries at the moment. If her memories were false, they’d be ridden down soon enough, anyway. She resolutely refused to dwell upon that possibility, and soon thereafter her faith was rewarded by the glimpse of a familiar oak tree, splintered and seared by lightning, towering above the spring greenery like a pale, timbered tomb. This time Eleanor did not stifle her laugh. Beckoning to Jordan and Renee, she forged ahead and within moments had emerged onto a woodland path, narrow and winding, but to Eleanor as welcome a sight as the widest of the king’s highways.

The wind carried to them the distant sounds of male voices, hunters tracking their quarry with too much confidence for stealth. She could understand their cockiness, their certainty that she’d soon be so mired down in the heavy brush that she’d be easily overtaken. They would stumble onto the path, too, but she knew she was less than a mile now from safety. The odds were even, and she’d never asked for more than that.

The ground was too irregular to let their horses run full out. They urged the animals forward as fast as they dared, and suddenly the woodland canopy blocking the sun was gone and they were emerging into a blaze of light. The Vonne’s placid surface gleamed like a polished looking glass, and shimmering ahead in the heat was the hilltop town of Lusignan. It lay in a horseshoe curve of the river, and Eleanor felt a grudging admiration for her husband’s military skills; the castle looked well nigh invincible and yet Harry had taken it in less than a week.

“Listen to me,” she told her companions. “I suspect there are men in hiding, watching for our approach. I’d wager my chances of salvation that the de Lusignans are the ones on our trail. If I’m right, they’ll have remembered that this forest track cuts through the woods to the castle. By now they’ll have sent scouts to wait for us. They’ll be out of sight, not wanting to alert the garrison. But as soon as they see us, they’ll have nothing left to lose.”