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Someone said that the stairway was being repaired and was not accessible, but Fitz Stephen had to puncture that faint hope. “The workmen left their ladder and tools there and de Broc is climbing up! Once he gets into the hall, he’ll take them right here!”

The monks renewed their pleading, imploring the archbishop to seek safety in the cathedral, and again he refused, scorning them for their cowardice. It was Edward Grim who finally offered a reason for leaving that Becket could not reject out of hand. “Vespers is nigh, my lord. Would you keep the Lord and your flock waiting?”

When Becket hesitated, the other men took physical action, seizing his arms and compelling him toward a long-unused door that led down to a private passageway to the cloisters. The door had to be forced, but they could hear now the splintering sound of wood and knew that Robert de Broc had broken into the hall. Shoving the archbishop into the stairwell, they fled into the corridor, fear making them fleet. But then they discovered that the door to the cloisters was barred. Some of the monks began to panic, crying out that they were trapped. When the bolt was suddenly lifted on the other side of the door, only the narrow, cramped space kept them from dropping to their knees in wonder at this miracle of God. A moment later, the door swung open, revealing the Almighty’s instrument to be none other than Richard, the cellarer.

Spilling out into the cloisters, the archbishop’s clerks and monks continued to push him toward the door leading into the northwest transept of the cathedral. He eventually stopped struggling once he realized he could not prevail against them and sought to preserve his dignity, insisting that his cross-bearer proceed ahead of them with his archiepiscopal cross. Nor would he permit the cellarer to bar the door to the cloisters.

When they reached the church, vespers for the monks was already in progress, but the service was halted in confusion. As some of them came down the steps leading up to the choir, Becket ordered them to “Go back and finish divine office.” Monks and clerks continued to crowd into the church, and a cry soon went up that there were armed men in the cloisters. Several men ran to close the door and slide its heavy iron bar into place.

“No!” Becket’s voice carried loudly and clearly across the cathedral, halting the men in the act. To their utter dismay, he commanded them to reopen the door. “Christ’s Church is not a fortress. Let anyone enter who wishes.”

They dared not disobey and he returned to the door, shoved it open, and pulled in a few stragglers seeking refuge in God’s House. He then turned and walked without haste toward the choir. He was mounting the steps when Fitz Urse and the other knights burst into the cathedral.

Darkness had fallen and the church was lit only by a few oil lamps up in the choir and candles at the High Altar. The knights peered uncertainly into the murky, swirling shadows, their task made no easier by the fact that Becket and the Benedictine monks were clad in black. Advancing warily into the transept, one of them shouted, “Where is Thomas Becket, traitor to the king and realm?”

Their demand was met with silence. Fitz Urse swore and then called out, “Where is the archbishop?”

Becket turned and slowly started down the steps. “Here I am, no traitor to the king, but a priest of God. What do you want of me?”

Some of the monks had already faded away into the blackness of the nave. Now Becket’s clerks abandoned him, too, even John of Salisbury and Henry of Auxerre, the cross-bearer substituting for the absent Alexander Llewelyn. They hid behind altars, fled down to the safety of the crypt, up the stairs to the Chapel of St Blaise. Only Robert of Merton, his confessor, Fitz Stephen, two monks, and Edward Grim stood their ground behind him on the choir steps.

The knights were a terrifying sight, having shed their mantles to reveal chain-mail underneath, naked swords in one hand, the stolen workmen’s axes in the other. Neither of the de Brocs were with them, although Robert de Broc’s renegade clerk, Hugh de Horsea, was. As they fanned out, approaching Becket from the left and right sides of the massive central column, one of the two remaining monks lost his nerve and bolted for the stairs. Hugh de Morville took up position between the nave and the choir, sword leveled menacingly at a few citizens who’d arrived early for the second Vespers service. Becket continued down the steps, moving at a measured pace, and then halted by the pillar between the Lady Chapel and the Chapel of St Benedict.

Without warning, Fitz Urse raised his sword and used its point to flick Becket’s tonsure cap from his head. There were muffled cries from the monks cowering in the shadows, but Becket did not even flinch.

“Absolve the bishops!”

“I have already said what I will and will not do.”

“If you do not, you are a dead man!”

“I am ready to die for God and the Church. But in the Name of the Almighty, I forbid you to harm any of my own.”

“Come with us, then!” When Becket refused, Fitz Urse dropped the axe and grabbed for his mantle.

Becket jerked free and shoved the other man, sending him reeling back. “Let me go, you pimp!”

Fitz Urse snarled and lunged forward, seizing Becket again. The other men moved in, too, and attempted to drag him from the church. Bounding down the choir steps, Edward Grim joined the fray, throwing his arms around the archbishop to keep them from moving him from the pillar. He was resisting so fiercely that, with Grim’s help, he was able to shake them off.

Fitz Stephen was still standing on the steps, unable either to flee or to go to the archbishop’s defense, unable to move. The scene had lost all reality for him. He heard Grim shouting that the men must be mad, heard William de Tracy calling the archbishop a traitor. And then he saw a shivering glimmer of light as an altar candle reflected off Fitz Urse’s upraised sword.

Grim flung up his arm to shield Becket and the blade came down upon them both, slicing off some of the archbishop’s scalp and all but severing Grim’s arm at the elbow. Both men began to bleed profusely. Fitz Stephen made a shaky sign of the cross, closing his eyes as de Tracy struck. The confessor standing beside him would later tell him he’d said, “ ‘The waters that were in the river were turned to blood.’ ” But he had no recollection of his own words. He remembered only what Thomas Becket said as he fell to his knees. “Into Thy Hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.”

Fitz Urse and de Tracy stood over the fallen archbishop, swords dripping blood. Hugh de Morville was still holding back the people in the nave. Richard le Bret rushed forward to deliver the death blow, almost slipping in Becket’s blood, and brought his sword down with such force that it split the archbishop’s skull and broke in two upon the pavement. “Take that for the love of my lord William, the king’s brother!”

Grim was trying to crawl toward the altar. The knights were staring down at Becket’s body as if stunned by their own deed. It was suddenly quiet, with no sound but the rasping of labored, ragged breathing. Becket’s killers raised their swords again, threatening any who would dare to stop their escape, and then plunged toward the door. But Robert de Broc’s subdeacon turned back. Setting his foot on the archbishop’s neck, he thrust the point of his sword into the gaping wound and scattered Becket’s brains over the floor.

“Let’s go,” he said. “He’ll not rise again.”

Robert de Broc had remained in the archbishop’s private chambers to watch over Becket’s treasure chests, and after the killing, his men looted the palace. They took all the papal letters and documents they found, in the hope that they’d prove treasonous. But they also took Becket’s silver plate, his gold chalice, costly vestment cloths, jewels, and silver coins. Loading their plunder upon horses from the archbishop’s own stables, they rode out of Canterbury, leaving behind a scene of utter devastation.