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My inversion of the Hell Viewing Technique immersed the target in erotic fantasies drawn from their own subconscious, so it was no surprise that Ino moaned and squirmed against me. We were both in Sexy form, cuddling in her bed after an afternoon that made the infamous Sasuke Three-Way seem boring by comparison. “No more! Mercy, Sakura! Ino-kitten needs rest!”

I laughed and hugged her again. “Ok, sweetie. Hey, want to do some training tomorrow? I’ll show you my techniques if you show me yours…”

“Oh, you! You know I can’t teach anyone my clan techniques unless…wait, are you asking me to marry you?”

I laughed. “I would if I could, love, but I think your dad expects grandkids someday. Now, maybe if we found the right guy…”

“Sasuke! No guy can resist two girls, right?”

Oh, brother. I’m not going there again.


Ino was another tough nut, but others weren’t nearly as bad.

“Hey TenTen, I’ve been looking for someone to trade techniques with. You interested?”

“I don’t exactly have a lot of them.” She answered cautiously. “What do you have to offer?”

“Your throwing art counts as far as I’m concerned, and I know you make your own storage seals. I can show you Invisibility Art and all three Mirage variants in trade. That would let you cloak traps and thrown weapons with illusions, mix illusionary weapons in with your real ones, and make enemies burn dispels to figure out where you are unless they’ve just got incredible senses.”

“Wow, I had no idea you were a genjutsu mistress. You’re on!”


“Hinata, you can see really detailed chakra flows with the Byakugan, right? Would you mind helping me figure out how some of my techniques work?”

“I don’t know if I can describe what I see well enough to help.”

“How about if I teach you an illusion technique you can use to show me?”

She smiled quietly. “I’d like that.”


“Anko, what would it take to convince you to teach me some of your ‘H’ techniques?”

The busty assassin lowered her dango and eyed me suspiciously. “Aren’t you a little young for that, kid? Where’d you hear about that anyway?”

“I’m an infiltration specialist. Who do you think I practice on? As for the age thing: Sexy Technique!” I posed, and nearly fell out of my top as it stretched to contain my new assets. “Oops. See why I need training? I’ve got some neat genjutsu I can trade if it makes a difference.”

She snickered. “Cute. There’s more to infiltration that having boobs, kid, and enemy ninja aren’t like the boys at the academy. But I’ll give you a shot. Give me your best come-on. If you can get me in the mood in five minutes I’ll take you home and give you a few pointers.” She leaned back in her chair and reached for a dango stick, obviously expecting me to be too chicken to make a pass at another woman in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

“No problem, Anko-sensei. Heaven Viewing Technique!” She choked and dropped the dango as I slid into her lap, her senses filled with erotic images conjured by her own mind. I put one hand on her chest, and continued my assault. “Sexy Victim Technique!” She lost a few years of age, and I could practically feel her control melting away. “Is that good enough, or should I keep going until my time runs out?” I whispered in her ear.

She dispelled my illusion with a one-handed seal, and body flickered us both to a nearby roof. Then she pinned both my hands over my head with one of hers, and leaned over me as her other hand slipped under my top. She held me down easily despite my frantic squirming, and the sudden hammering of my heart drowned out everything as she leaned in close enough to kiss me.

“Ecstatic Immolation.”

Searing pleasure burned through every nerve in my body, and I shrieked in ecstasy as I lost all awareness of my surroundings.

It occurred to me some time later that I should have thought twice about asking a woman like Anko to teach me seduction techniques. But by then I was gagged, blindfolded and bent over a table with my ankles tied to the legs, and my bound wrists secured to something utterly immovable on the other side. My aching nipples brushed against the rough wood as she did agonizingly delightful things to my exposed sex, forcing me to shudder and writhe in response. At that point it was a little late for second thoughts.


The next loop I somehow found myself lingering outside that dango place again, blushing at nothing and muttering to myself.

What are you waiting for? Get in there and get us a teacher already.

“But I’m not like that!” I protested. “She’s so… and she made me… I just…”

Yeah, she’s a kinky pervert who enjoys blowing our minds, and you’re shocked that you actually liked it. Get over it. Look, if it helps just remember that no one will ever know unless we tell them.

“Well, yes. But what if I end up like her?”

Kinkiness isn’t a disease, dummy. Just don’t use Sexy Victim Technique on her, and she won’t go nuts with the chains and clamps and stuff this time. Remember how she apologized when it wore off?

“Yeah, I know.”

Then what are you waiting for? Learn her techniques and you’ll be able to blow Sasuke’s mind any time you want. Or Ino, or the real Naruto, or anyone else you decide you want.


“Heaven Viewing Technique! Sensitization! Ecstatic Immolation!”

It took a big bite out of my chakra reserves, but by the time I was done Ino was a sweaty, panting puddle of girly euphoria. She gazed up at me adoringly as I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her forehead.

“Rest up, kitten. Tomorrow we’re going to start training together, and you’ll need your strength. I’m going to teach you some of the techniques I’ve been using, and you’re going to teach me your clan techniques.”

“Anything for you, Sakura.”


“You know, kid, it’s really too bad you’re such a natural at this.”

Anko was stretched across her bed in her usual careless sprawl, still naked and sweaty from our latest training session. I was rather proud of the fact that I could make Anko sweat.

I was rather sweaty myself, sprawled sideways across my instructor’s bed with my head resting on her incredible abs. I’d nearly passed out twice, and was still floating near the edge of that helpless euphoria seduction specialists use to get secrets out of their victims. But I wasn’t about to admit that, so I forced my brain back into operation.

“Would it be better if I sucked?”

Anko chuckled. “Not for me. But you’d probably be a lot happier in the end. Seduction specialists have crappy lives, kid. You spend half your career sucking up to people you hate so you can betray them, and the other half doing the same thing to people you like.”

“I don’t plan on making a career out of it, sensei. I’m going to be a medic-nin like Tsunade.”

“That old bat will never train you if she finds out you’ve been studying seduction techniques. Neither will anyone else, for that matter. There are so many wild tales out there about secret brainwashing techniques, no one would dare let you get that close.”

“Hmm. Are there secret brainwashing techniques?”

She snorted. “Who needs brainwashing? Fuck a guy any time he wants, make him think he’s the best lover you’ve ever had and you can’t get enough of him, and he’ll do anything for you. With women you just sweep her off her feet and blow her mind every few days, but spend the rest of the time looking at other women and acting like you might leave. Step up the techniques every couple of months and you can keep most people in that ‘stupidly eager to please’ phase for years. Of course they’ll end up addicted if you aren’t careful, and then things can go south pretty quick.”