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"We shall be very comfortable, and thank you for allowing us to use your blue room."

"It is the least I can do."

"Yes," I said coolly.

He was smiling as we went in.

"You will of course dine with me," he said almost humbly.

"It is kind of you but I think I should be with Teresa."

"Teresa will need rest. When the sedative arrives the doctor wants her to take that right away." "I would not leave Teresa."

He bowed his head.

I went up to Teresa. She was very drowsy. "I'm so glad you're here, Miss Grant," she said.

"I am going to stay with you, Teresa. There is room for us both in this bed. It's a huge one, isn't it? A little different from those at school."

She smiled faintly and contentedly and closed her eyes.

Very soon Jason Verringer was at the door.

"The doctor has sent these," he said. "Here is the liniment. And this is the medicine. He has sent a note to say that she should be given this after you have applied the liniment. Then she should sleep through the night. That is what she needs more than anything."

"Thank you," I said, and I went with him to the door.

"When she is asleep ring the bell," he said. "I will send someone up to bring you down. It will not be a ceremonious meal- just a quiet little tête-à-tête."

"Thank you, but no. I do not think Teresa should be left."

I went back to Teresa and applied the liniment to die bruises. I thought how lucky she had been and my anger welled up once more.

"You will sleep here, won't you, Miss Grant?" pleaded Teresa.

"I certainly shall."

"I wouldn't like to be here on my own. I keep thinking of it. I heard the horses pounding along .. . and I knew old Cherry Ripe didn't like it ... she didn't like me either. I knew she was going to bolt and I shouldn't be able to hold her."

"Stop thinking of it. It's over now."

"Yes, and you're here and I'm never, never going to ride a horse again."

"We'll see how you feel about that later on."

"I don't need to wait till later on. I know now." "Now, Teresa, you're getting excited. You're not supposed to. Let's get this liniment done. What a Snell! Rather nice though, really. Does it smart? Well, that means it's doing you good. The doctor says it is very effective. You'll be all colours of the rainbow in a day or so."

I corked up the bottle and put it down. "Now you e going to have this dose and it will make you keep and you'll forget all about it. All you need to remember is that I am here and if you want anything you only have to tell me."

"Oh, I'm glad you're here. Is Miss Hetherington cross with me?"

"Of course not. She's as concerned as everyone else is."

"Charlotte will sneer now, won't she?"

"Charlotte behaved quite well really. She took the girls back. I am sure she wouldn't want you to be hurt."

"Then why is she always trying to hurt me?" "She doesn't really mean to hurt, only to deliver little pinpricks."

"I don't mind about her nearly so much as I used to. It was different when you came. It was because you were in Africa too, and then you came home to Aunt Patty. I wish I had Aunt Patty."

There was a discreet knock on the door. It was a maid with a case which she said had just been sent from the school. I opened it. In it was a note from Daisy saying that here were some things which she thought we might need. There were my night-clothes and those of Teresa and I was astonished to see that she had sent one of my dresses-my best blue silk.

I wanted to give Teresa her sedative, so I asked if she would care for me to help her into her nightgown as she would be more comfortable in that than in her undergarments. She had discarded her riding habit when examined by the doctor and it now lay over a chair. So I helped her undress and put on her nightgown. Then I said: "Drink this and then I think you are going to feel very sleepy."

She did. She went on talking for a little while in a desultory way, her voice growing more and more drowsy. The sedative was beginning to work.

"Teresa," I said gently, and there was no answer.

She looked very young and vulnerable lying there and I thought how sad it was that her parents were so far away and that the distant relatives in England did not want to be bothered with her. I wondered if her mother and father longed to have her with them; and my thoughts went once more to Aunt Patty and all I would have to tell her when I saw her again.

There was a gentle tap on the door. I crept to it and opened, it. Jason Verringer was standing there with a middle-aged woman.

"How is Teresa?" he asked.

"Sleeping. The sedative worked quickly."

"The doctor said it would. This is Mrs. Keel my very worthy housekeeper. She will sit with Teresa while we dine and if Teresa should awaken she will come for you immediately."

He was smiling at me with just a hint of triumph. I hesitated. I did not see how I could refuse. Mrs. Keel was smiling at me. "You can trust me," she said. "I'm used to looking after people."

There was no help for it. I had given way limply because I could not refuse before his housekeeper. It would be insulting to her to suggest that she was incapable of looking after Teresa-who was asleep in any case. So I should have to dine with him after all. I had to admit secretly that I was not as averse to the prospect as I had pretended to be. I did fend a certain pleasure in letting him know that I was not by any means attracted by him, because I was sure he was trying to impress me. From what I had heard of his reputation he was considered- or considered himself- irresistible to women. It would be amusing and rather stimulating to let him see that here was one who was quite immune to his masculine charms.

"It is good of you," I said to Mrs. Keel. "She is a sensitive girl ... and if she should awake ..."

"She is not likely to," said Jason Verringer. "And if by any chance she does, Mrs. Keel will immediately fetch you. So that is arranged. Mrs. Keel will come up in half an hour. If you are ready then we can go straight in to dinner."

Short of putting myself in the awkward position of explaining that I knew of his reputation and did not consider him a suitable companion, I could see no way out; and the only possible action was to accept graciously and get away as quickly as I could.

So I inclined my head in acknowledgement of the arrangements, thanked Mrs. Keel and said I would be ready in half an hour.

I changed into the blue silk and felt a certain pleasure because Daisy had sent that one which was my most becoming.

I brushed my hair until it shone. There was a faint and rare colour in my cheeks which brightened my eyes. Really, I thought. I am quite looking forward to this just for the pleasure of bringing home to him the fact that all women are not as impressed with him as he believes them to be.

Mrs. Keel tapped gently at the door. She came in and we stood side by side looking down on Teresa.

"She is sleeping deeply," I whispered.

Mrs. Keel nodded. "I'll call you at once if she wakes."

"Thank you," I said.

One of the maids was waiting outside to take me down, and I was conducted to a small room with a door which opened onto a courtyard. He was already there waiting for me, looking very satisfied.

"I thought we would eat in here," he said, "and then, if you have no objection, afterwards we could take coffee and port or brandy or something in the courtyard. It is pleasant out there on summer evenings. I often sit out there if I have a guest."

"That sounds very agreeable."

"You must be hungry, Miss Grant."

"I think the events of the day are enough to rob anyone of appetite."

"When you see our excellent duckling you will change your mind. I am sure you will appreciate our cook. I am very fortunate. I have good servants. It is the result of careful selection ... and training. You eat well at that exclusive establishment for young ladies, I believe."