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They walked along the path that led to the back of the house, where other young people had gathered.

"I do not see Raige anywhere," Jade said, glancing through the crowd.

"I invited him, but I doubt he'll come. You know how he detests parties." Then Tyrone grinned down at her. "Should I worry that he will take my place with you now that he has returned?"

She looked at him carefully, remembering what Lizette had said. "No one could take your place. You are the brother I never had."

Was that anger she saw in his eyes? When he laughed, she was sure that she had been mistaken.

"I must be the envy of every gentleman from Baton Rouge to New Orleans since you favor me with your… friendship. Will you eat your picnic lunch with me?"

She felt that someone was watching her and turned back to see Tyrone's mother staring at her. There was definite dislike in the older woman's eyes, though Jade could not have said why.

"Of course I'll eat with you," she said, turning back to Tyrone. "That is, if you are not carried off by all the females who will want to scratch my eyes out."

Jade expected him to laugh, but he looked preoccupied, as if he had something on his mind.

"Jade," he said at last, "don't… allow Raige to treat you in the manner he does other women."

She raised her eyes to him, pretending a disinterest she was far from feeling. "Whatever do you mean?"

A shadow fell across Jade's face and she stared into the mocking eyes of Raige himself. "He means, Jade, that he feels honor bound to protect you from me-do you need protection from me?"

She raised her chin defiantly and tightened her grip on Tyrone's arm. "I can take care of myself."

"I have little doubt of that, Jade St. Clair. You see, Tyrone, my friend, it is I who am in danger from our charmer-who will save me from her?"

Jade spoke haughtily. "You are in no danger from me, Raige. I have no designs on you."

After a long, poignant silence where Jade and Raige stared into each other's eyes, he offered her his arm. "Will you picnic with me?"

"No" she said almost too quickly. "I promised Tyrone I would lunch with him."

Raige's eyes moved to his friend. "You will excuse her from her promise, won't you?"

Jade held her breath, unsure if she wanted Tyrone to relent or not.

"I would be a fool to forfeit her company," Tyrone said, his hand going to Jade's arm possessively.

Raige bowed to Jade and then placed a hand on Tyrone's shoulder. "The day will come when you will have to give her up, my friend-and soon." His eyes moved to Jade. "I grow impatient to claim what has always been mine."

* * *

A rooster crowing in the new day brought Olivia back to the present.

"No," she moaned in distress. Why did she always have to be pulled back to the present? Why couldn't she remain in the past? It was where she wanted to be-it was where she belonged.

For a long moment she lay there, listening to the sounds of the house coming to life. With a resigned sigh, she slid out of bed. How much longer could she stand being pulled from one world to another? Surely she would soon be a raving lunatic!


It was a dull, gray day. The sky was overcast, and it would surely rain before noon. But that did not keep Olivia from going horseback riding. Bridal Veil boasted a fine stable of horses, and while she was not an experienced equestrienne, she did like to ride.

It was midmorning before Olivia, dressed in jeans and sneakers, rode down the worn path that led away from the river. She was assured that the mare she rode was gentle and would give her no cause for alarm. She bounced along jauntily, feeling the wind in her hair and thinking about nothing in particular.

Suddenly, without warning, her mount reared on its hind legs and bolted across the meadow. Olivia clung to the animal with every ounce of strength she possessed, fearing she would be thrown. Her heart was pounding with fear when the supposedly gentle mare became uncontrollable.


Jade was an excellent horsewoman and she allowed her gelding a free rein. They raced across the meadow, past the ripening corn and into the valley beyond. The sun felt good against her face and the wind had torn the ribbon from her hair, allowing it to blow free.

Her gelding picked its way down the incline to the stream, where she allowed it to drink from the clear water.

Jade could not have said at what moment she realized that she was no longer alone. It was not a sound that alerted her, but more a feeling of being watched. Slowly, she turned, her stomach knotted like a tight fist.

Tall and erect, Raige stood poised against the trunk of an oak tree. The sunlight shimmering through the branches glistened on his thick black hair, and his golden eyes flamed with the fire of life. He was magnificent.

Raige casually propped a booted foot against a wide tree root while his horse grazed nearby.

"You seem surprised to see me, Jade."

She quivered as his dark eyes raked hers.

"How long have you been here?" she demanded.

"For over an hour. But I know your habits and I knew you would come if I waited long enough."

"You shouldn't have troubled yourself."

He grinned. "It was no trouble, I assure you."

Jade held herself stiffly as he walked toward her with lithe movements.

"I was in New Orleans this morning and met your mother and father at the Exchange," Raige told her. "They said they wouldn't be home until tomorrow. Do you know what that means?"

She pushed her tumbled hair away from her face, wishing she hadn't lost the ribbon. "Non, I don't."

He drew in a tolerant breath. "It means, Jade, that we can spend the day together."

"I was on my way to visit a friend." She wasn't, but she was afraid that if she remained, he would surely discover that she loved him.

His strong hands circled her waist, and before she could protest, Raige lifted her from the saddle. Instead of setting her on her feet, he held her close.

"Do not play coy with me, Jade. You know how I feel about you." She saw his nostrils flare and wanted to run away, but he still held her close.

At last he set her on her feet, and she had to crane her neck to look up at him.

"You don't really have anywhere to go, do you, Jade?"

"I… I do later in the afternoon."

Without a word, he swept her into his arms, and his lips descended to kiss her mouth.

It was torture, it was bliss, as her hair entwined around his fingers. He pressed her tightly against him and she could feel the bulging outline of his manly body. Wave after wave of emotions tangled her mind, and she pressed tighter against him, needing to feel his very essence.

Suddenly, in a moment of sanity, she tore her mouth from his and took several retreating steps.

Raige merely smiled and held his hand out to her. "Come here, Jade."

She hesitated, trembling with emotions she did not understand. "Non. This is not right."

He took two long strides that brought him to her. "There is nothing more right in this world than you in my arms. We were created to be together. You belong to me; do you not know that by now, Jade?''

Her eyes searched his, and in mat moment, he saw agony.

"But you went away and left me." It was a cry from her heart.

"I had to."


"To allow you time to grow up."

She looked puzzled. "That is no reason. I would have grown up even had you stayed. Do not say things to me that you don't mean, Raige."

"I will never lie to you, Jade. I want us to have a marriage based on complete honesty. That's why I want you to tell me this moment that you love me."

Her admission came out in a rush that surprised her. "I thought I would die when you left. I counted the days until you would return." She had to look away from the brilliance in his eyes. "And then you came back, and you seemed to ignore me."