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So, again Claire, how did this happen?

I honestly don’t know, Mom. It’s just ... he’s rarely home anymore... 

After what I saw during dinner, I can’t really blame the boy! The most praiseworthy thing he seems to have accomplished in his parent’s eyes was that you don’t have to care for him anymore!” Grandma sounded angry by now.

Of course I do! It’s just ... hard! He doesn’t talk to us anymore either. Any of us. If we talk, it’s always like we’re fighting. We really didn’t even know he had a driver’s license.

Well, one of you had to know.” I heard Uncle John partake in the conversation for the first time.

What do you mean, dear?” Grandma asked, her tone suddenly loving. A stark contrast to the scolding she had handed out until now.

Minors can’t just walk into the DMV and get a license, Mom. Normally, they need documentation of parent-taught driving lessons, but Tim got around those by asking Bill instead. He’s licensed to give lessons because of that safety course Tim talked about, and so he can teach his men how to handle armored cars. But at the very least, Tim absolutely had to have a guardian’s signature on the paperwork. So, either Claire or Aaron must have signed off on that.” He explained.

Aaron!” Aunt Danielle called out loudly. “Did you sign off on Tim’s application for his driver’s license?

I think ... OH GOD! That’s so good honey, keep going!” His voice was barely loud enough for me to hear his answer, so he must’ve been with Ava.

Oh, for Christ’s sake, Aaron. If you can’t be bothered to participate in this discussion about YOUR SON, can you and Mike at least stop spit roasting Ava for long enough to answer a simple question!?” Grandma called out, more than annoyed.

So, Ava was with Aaron and Grandpa. The bitch had ridiculed me for being overweight, but had no problem fucking a flabby sixty-three year old man. Interesting.

Well ... I ... think I did? A few ... weeks ago, he ... asked me to ... sign something. Thought it was ... school stuff.” he panted, clearly unable to stop spit roasting Ava as Granny had asked.

And do you just sign everything someone puts in front of you without checking what it is?” John asked, incredulously. “His car’s insurance would’ve needed to be co-signed as well, by the way.

Oh, come on!” Aaron shot back. Apparently, that accusation irked him enough to stop fucking. “I just can’t relate to the boy. First, he turns into the Buffet King, then he starts with all that nerd-stuff. Sure, Okay, we saw last week that he finally takes some care of himself, but why did he make this dork-shit his career choice?!

Okay, “ Grandma said in an exhausted sigh “Let’s ignore the fact that Tim rather asked his boss for help than his parents. I’m starting to understand why he thought it was the better choice. And let’s also ignore the fact that you apparently think your son not talking to any of you is an excuse not to try instead of another reason to get worried. Are you going to tell him about us anytime soon, now that you finally know how old he really is?

That was met with a moment of silence. Apart from the moaning in the background, that is. Then Logan spoke again.

We already talked about it a few months ago, after Mom’s birthday, and we all thought it would be better not to.

And why is that?” Grandma asked.

Well ... we thought ... it would be better for him that way.” Claire pointed out.

They wanted to spare him the humiliation.” Danielle specified. “I told Claire this was a bad idea, and she said she’d think it over. I didn’t realize she never did until we ... remembered his birthday.

What are you talking about!?” Grandma asked.

I heard something like a loud mumbling that I couldn’t make out.

Take your cousin’s Cock out of your mouth when you talk, honey.” I heard Aunt Danielle say patiently.

I said, “ Maggie explained, “when we talked about it, we kinda found out that none of us was particularly eager to have him. Sure, that was before we found out he got hot! But there is still the thing with his small dick. So, we thought it would be better for him not to know, than to feel left out.

Again! What THE HELL are you talking about!? I was eager to finally have him here! I would have been even if he HAD a small dick! Which he doesn’t, by the way!” Grandma said.

I wasn’t sure how to react to that. Grandma was fifty-eight, so not even old enough to retire yet. And from what I could see, she had kept herself in shape. But then again, I never saw her fully naked. Nevertheless, I did feel flattered.

He doesn’t!?” I heard a chorus of voices ask.

No, he doesn’t. At least not from what I saw in the bathroom on Monday.” Grandma said.

It was true. I knew from her phone call that she and Gramps would visit for Thanksgiving. But with most communication with the family broken down, I had no idea they would arrive the weekend before Thanksgiving. So, when I got up on Monday morning and heard the entire family’s voices in the kitchen, I just walked into the bathroom without bothering to knock, and found myself face to face with Grandma. I stood there in all my morning-glory, wearing nothing but my trunks which, thanks to Tess, were elastic and form fitting. So form fitting and elastic, they showed off perfectly what was waiting underneath and all that was left to her imagination was the skin tone.

When was the last time any of you saw him naked?” Granny asked.

A little over two years ago. Why?” Claire said, now suddenly eager and interested. Figures.

What, when he was thirteen!? Does the rest of him look like a thirteen-year-old? Why would you think that part wouldn’t grow like the rest of his body!? This makes no sense!” Granny asked, irritated. I kind of wanted to kiss her. But then again, I wasn’t sure if I was ready for what else she may had in mind if I actually did it.

Well ... we... ” Claire stammered.

Why are you looking at them now, like they’d be able to answer this for you!? Claire, I love you, but, frankly, you and Aaron fucked up! I don’t know how you could let it come to this, but I really hope you’ll find a way to fix this!” Granny finished.

Still doesn’t change the fact that he’s not interested!” Logan threw in. “It’s not like we’re ignoring him, he doesn’t want conversations with us. He doesn’t want to spend time with us. He doesn’t meet up with friends, doesn’t join any clubs or teams ... Maybe it’s Asperger’s or something.

Really, Logan? Accusing your brother of having autism because he doesn’t like you and your friends?” Aunt Danielle asked, in a lazy and tired voice.

He doesn’t seem to have any problem talking with me. When we talked on the phone on his birthday, he actually seemed happy to hear from me.” Granny added, objecting to Logan’s theory.

Yeah, on the phone, Granny. How many words have you two had in person since you arrived? Just wait ‘till we’re back, I’ll ask him if he wants to join us for a movie or something. You’ll see.” he assured her.