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Achan concentrated on Sparrow's face. Blackness. Hysteria gripped him. Arman, please don't let her be dead. He could tarry no longer. He darted between the men and grabbed each of their wrists, opened a connection, and remembered Sparrow's message, her scream, and how she went silent.

He opened his eyes to see Sir Gavin pale. "She called out to me. Eben's breath: I told her to wait."

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?" Sir Eagan said.

Achan glanced at Shung. "We must take the road north, into Darkness. She's at Esek's camp."

Sir Gavin frowned. "Achan, we cannot allow you to go."

"I am not asking permission, Sir Gavin. Arman will protect me. I will take Shung."

"And me," Sir Eagan said. "I will go with you."

"Thank you," Achan said.

"Gavin, we will ride out with the men, ride through as they attack."

Sir Gavin sighed. "I'll inform Caleb. He won't be pleased."

"You could have put on your helmet, Your Majesty." Sir Caleb looked like a sullen child standing at Dove's side.

"Do not worry, Sir Caleb. I am wearing my chain armor. And my Shield and my father's Shield are with me."

"That's one more Shield than Esek has," Sir Eagan said.

Achan grinned. "See? All will be well, you shall see."

Sir Caleb's nostrils flared. He nodded, walked to the gate, and mounted his steed. Kurtz sat atop his horse beside Sir Caleb, looking fierce in armor.

Sir Caleb heaved his sword into the air and bellowed, "For King Axel and his queen!"

In response, the men raised their swords and echoed Sir Caleb's cry. "King Axel and his queen!"

The portcullis rose. Achan's heart raced, expecting to see a melee already in place or arrows flying his way. But the road was deserted. The army rode out behind Sir Caleb and Kurtz, and turned south along the road.

Then Achan saw them. In the distance, Esek's men, on horseback, riding toward them. Two in the lead fell from their mounts. Achan glanced back to see archers on the sentry wall of Mitspah letting their arrows fly to hold back the enemy.

Kurtz roared, raised his sword, and his horse galloped into the lead. Dove raced along in the cavalry. Achan reached out for Sparrow again and received no answer. His muscles clenched at the thought of losing her. How could he feel so strongly, having only known she was a woman a few days? He knew only that his life would not be the same without her quirky comments, her easy banter, even watching her clean her teeth.

The realization struck him like a gauntlet to the gut. She was the one for him. No matter what, he had to bring Vrell Sparrow back. He saw it as clearly as if it had been there all the time. He had to make her his, despite what Sir Caleb or any of the other knights had to say.

Sir Caleb, Kurtz, and Bazmark led the fray. They peeled aside one by one to engage the enemy. Achan, Shung, and Sir Eagan rode straight through.

A familiar voice cut through the clatter of hooves and swords. "There he goes, Sir Kenton! The white horse! The big one!"

Esek would give chase. Achan spurred Dove on. Faster, boy. We must go faster.

Twilight had fallen and the trees filtered most of the remaining light. Dove did not slow until a mist coated Achan's arm. The horse flattened his ears, his apprehension prickling Achan's arms.

Achan agreed with Dove. He loathed the idea of entering Darkness again. I know, boy, but we must go back in. Sparrow is there.

Dove slowed to a trot, tossing his head in protest. Achan urged him on, patting his mane.

Yellow light flamed behind him. Sir Eagan now held a torch in one hand.

Achan nodded, holding Dove back so Sir Eagan could lead. "Make haste, if you can. I'm sure Esek is not far behind."

Sir Eagan spurred his mount through the mist, torch fire streaming. Achan and Shung followed.

They found Esek's camp just past the Evenwall, a couple dozen tents erected in a clearing beside the road lit by torches mounted on wooden stakes. Sir Eagan rode into the camp and dismounted where two horses were tethered by a squat tree. Achan and Shung dismounted as well.

They weaved between two tents and stopped before a large, round pavilion that glowed with firelight from within. Judging by the drab tents surrounding it, this extravagant one had to belong to Esek.

Two armed New Kingsguardsmen stood at the entrance, swords drawn. Achan recognized both immediately. Atul and Khai. Achan drew Eagan's Elk.

An itch to Achan's temple preceded a knock. Eagan.

Achan opened his mind. What's your plan?

Shung and I will lure these guards aside. Achan will go in and free Vrell. Keep your minds open to each other.

Shung nodded. Apparently Sir Eagan had forged a connection with him as well.

Achan hung back while Sir Eagan and Shung approached the guards.

"Atul, you dog," Sir Eagan said. "The punishment for treason is death, you know."

"I serve my king faithfully."

"Ah, but Esek is no one's king. He is just a poor sap like you. So who is the bigger fool? The insane man who thinks he is king or the man who follows him?"

"It ain't crazy to follow the Council's anointed."

"Again, if the Council is filled with deranged men, I have to disagree. We have come for Sparrow. We believe you took her. Mind if we take a look in that fancy tent?"

"We do mind, actually," Khai said.

"A shame. For we shall have to kill you then." Sir Eagan's battle cry ripped through the quiet.

Steel clashed, feet scuffled over the moist dirt. Sir Eagan instantly drove Atul away from the entrance. Achan kept back, waiting for Shung to get Khai out of the way.

But why wait?

Achan charged and chopped Eagan's Elk at Khai's back. It grated against the chain he wore underneath his cape. Khai spun, swinging his gargantuan sword Achan's way. Achan ducked. The sword slashed into the canvas wall of the tent. Khai grunted and pulled it out, but Shung knocked him out with a crack to the back of his head.

Well done, Shung! Achan sheathed his sword and ran inside. Incense filled his lungs. A brazier crackled in the center of the round room. A small form lay curled on a bed on the other side of the brazier. Achan raced to the bedside. It was indeed Sparrow. She was wearing a red and blue dress. The deep colors against her fair skin made her look like a goddess, though her face was swollen in two places: below her left eye and on the left side of her forehead.

He scooped her onto his lap and tucked her head under his chin, stroking her soft hair, inhaling her rosewater scent. She felt so small in his arms. Warm. That was good, right? Warm meant alive.

"Sparrow." He shook her gently. "Wake up." He heaved to his feet, holding her against his chest. Her long skirt draped over his left hand and down to his knees, the beads on the skirt rattling against his chain armor as he carried her to the door.

Shung stood in the doorway, holding the curtain open. Achan turned sideways to duck past, shielding Sparrow's head with his own. He paused outside to adjust his grip, and Sir Eagan's posture sent a shock of cold through him.

The man stood, crouched, sword ready, facing two men who were dismounting.

Esek Nathak and his Shield, Sir Kenton.

Esek cried out. "Atul! This is not finishing him!"

Sparrow moaned, shifted in his arms, opened her eyes.

Praise Arman! "Oh, Sparrow. I feared the worst. If anything had-"

She squirmed in his grip. "Achan, we must hurry. Put me down."

"It's too late to run, Sparrow." He set her on her feet, keeping one protective arm around her shoulders, holding her against his side. "Look."