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Please, Arman, keep him safe.

No need to dwell. She forced her thoughts to Bran. It had been too long since they'd spoken. It wouldn't hurt to look on him, would it? If she passed out, at least she was in bed.

Closing her eyes, she focused on Bran Rennan.

It's not my fault! Bran stood outside a cottage. Vineyards filled the landscape behind him, green and lush. What would you have me do? She must have protection. This is not the first attack. I'm ashamed to be a Carminian. The people have been merciless.

Sir Rigil stood before a small garden in the cottage's yard, arms crossed, his demeanor calm yet reproachful. Regardless, it is inappropriate for you to continue to be her protector.

Could we move her elsewhere?

Her father does not want to relocate again. I fear I must move you.

Bran's posture slumped. He had served beside Sir Rigil since his eleventh year. He did not want to be dismissed before he became a knight. Where will I go?

The stronghold. The duchess desires more guards in the manor since Esek's last infiltration. I will tell Madam Hoff you have been reassigned and will watch her myself until I can find an old, married replacement.

Bran sighed, relief stretching through his veins. He would not lose his position with Sir Rigil. Can I at least bid her farewell?

That is unwise, Bran.

I'm her only friend. If I were to vanish without a word…it's cruel.

Very well, but I will accompany you.

Bran nodded and entered the cottage. Sir Rigil followed.

Gren? Bran called.

Sir Rigil glared at him.

She asked me to call her Gren, Bran whispered.

Gren entered the room from the bedroom doorway. The right side of her face was bruised, purple and grey. When she met Bran's eyes, her face lit up. Hello.

Bran's heart tightened. If only he could protect her. His failure boasted every time he looked on her beautiful face.

Vrell tensed. Beautiful face?

Madame Hoff, Sir Rigil said. We must discuss an unfortunate matter. I apologize that you have become a target here in Carmine. I feel Master Rennan is part of the problem, since people seem to think there is something clandestine between you two.

Gren's face flushed and she wrung her hands. I assure you, sir, Bran has always treated me real nice.

I do not doubt Master Rennan's character, or yours. I simply must do what I can to protect both your reputations. Ideally, it would be best if you did not go out for a while, but-

You intend to cage me? All I've done is lose my husband. How's this fair?

Please, you misunderstand me. I only suggest keeping to the cottage as an extra precaution, but if you do go out, you must have a female companion.

I only have my mother.

She will do perfectly.

But she has her own work.

Then I will speak to the duchess about finding you a companion.

Gren bowed her head. Thank you, sir.

Master Rennan will be taking a new post in the stronghold. I will take over his position here until we can find a suitable replacement.

Gren's brown eyes shot to Bran's, glistening. She straightened and held her head high. Thank you for telling me about this change. I know Master Rennan has to think about his reputation and betrothal. I never meant to harm either.

I thank you for your understanding, madam. Sir Rigil nodded at Bran, then walked to the door.

Bran crossed the room. Gren, I'm sorry.

She shook her head and a single tear dropped to her chin. Don't apologize. I appreciate all you've done for me.

Bran glanced back at Sir Rigil, then stepped closer and lowered his voice. I'll miss talking to you, Gren. This isn't my idea, you know. I only want to do what's best, and Sir Rigil says-

She pressed a finger to his lips. I forgive you, Bran.

He gripped her hand, held it to his cheek, then kissed her fingertips. Thank you.

Vrell's throat stung.

Sir Rigil cleared his throat.

Bran let go. I'll see you around.

Gren smiled. I hope so.

Sir Rigil opened the door and Bran exited.

I'll be outside, madam, should you need anything, Sir Rigil said. He closed the door behind him and slapped the back of Bran's head. What was that?

Bran shrank back. I don't know.

You don't know. Well, you'd better start thinking before you act.

You're always kissing maiden's hands. At least four or five a day.

I am not betrothed to the duchess's eldest daughter and heir.

Nor am I. Bran blew a gust of air out his nose. The duchess never gave her blessing.

The villagers believe it. Your attention to Miss Fenny fuels their hatred of her. They feel you betray Lady Averella in her absence.

I miss Averella terribly, but what if she never returns? What if Arman sent Gren to me because he knew I'd lost Averella? I've never been worthy of her, anyway. And Gren needs someone. She's all alone.

Sir Rigil set his jaw. Lady Averella is coming back.

Then why has she not sent word?

Jax tells me she is in Tsaftown, so it won't be long now.

She sends word to everyone but me. Either her messages aren't genuine and she is truly lost, or she cares too little to send word to me.

Regardless, you will remain faithful until her return. Then if you must, break your engagement in person, like a man. I will not employ a coward.

Vrell blinked away from Bran's mind, taking deep, calming breaths. In over eight months she had never send word to Bran. Why had it not occurred to her? She focused on the spider in the web. Had Gren caught Bran in her web? Or could it be that Bran and Vrell had never truly loved one another as much as they had claimed?

And why did this realization not bother Vrell more?


Turning his back to these criminals could get Achan killed. Sir Gavin's men hadn't come forward. Who could he trust? He still held them all at knifepoint, rotating slowly.


Achan gasped at the swell of heat that accompanied conversation with Arman. It's been awhile since I've heard from you.


Achan supposed he had been busy, but surely he couldn't have missed it if Arman had spoken. A lot has been going on.


Okay… "This is hardly a shirt anymore anyway." He pulled out the cord from around his neck and unlocked the shackles on his wrists. He tossed them against the wall. They clattered down the privy trench. Silence reigned a long time before a soft clink echoed from below. "Blazes."