By late afternoon, Carr had completed the paperwork. He paper-clipped the sheaf of papers and tossed them into a typing pool basket.
He phoned the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce and learned that First Fidelity Bank of Beverly Hills was holding a bank grand-opening party at 8:00 P.M. Carr wrote down the address.
It was dark.
Charles Carr pulled into an underground garage at the bank building and parked. He took an elevator to the ground floor. A young brunette wearing a strapless red chiffon dress sat at a reception table in front of the glass doors of the bank. "Good evening, sir," she said. "Welcome to First Fidelity of Beverly Hills. May I have your name?"
"Charles Carr."
She checked the guest list. "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't seem to have your name on the guest list."
Carr pulled his Treasury badge out of his pocket. He flashed it at the woman and shoved it back in his pocket. "I'm a federal bank examiner. The president of the bank invited me this afternoon."
"Uh, certainly," the woman said. She handed him a bank brochure and motioned him to the doors. Inside the plushly carpeted lobby, a crowd of well-dressed older men and mostly younger women milled about. In the middle of the crowd was a champagne fountain, a portable bar with two bartenders and an hors d'oeuvre table decorated with ice carvings and bouquets of flowers. As Carr roamed through the crowd, he heard bits and pieces of conversation: purchasing property, taxes, oil stocks, limited partnerships.
Crossing over to the opposite end of the lobby, he almost bumped into Bones Chagra. He was dressed in a blue double-breasted blazer with a Yale emblem, gray trousers and a maroon striped tie. Carr pictured his mug shot photograph. Chagra chatted with two young women wearing cocktail dresses. They looked like models.
Carr strolled to the hors d'oeuvre table and had a snack. He watched Chagra move through the crowd introducing himself and chatting amiably. The women followed him and helped with the conversation.
After an hour or so the crowd noise became louder. Two middle-aged men toting cocktails went with Chagra to a corner of the lobby, with Chagra's women following like quail. The crap game began. Carr joined the crowd that gathered to watch it.
Soon there were at least twenty people watching the game. Chagra lost for a while, and other members of the crowd joined the game. Lost of cash exchanged hands. Chagra's women slipped away from the crowd one at a time, leaving through the front doors. Chagra began to win. The bets increased. Chagra continued to win. Though Carr stared at Chagra's hands on every roll, he was unable to see the dice switch.
As the game started to break up, Chagra's blazer pockets were filled with cash.
Carr spotted a private office near the lobby doors. He opened the door and saw that it was unoccupied.
Chagra patted people on the back as he headed toward the door. As he walked past, Carr tapped him on the shoulder. "I'd like to speak with you for a moment if you don't mind," Carr said, showing him his badge. He motioned to the office.
Chagra gave a look of incredulity. "What's this all about?"
"Leon Sheboygan."
"I'm in a kind of a hurry," Chagra said, swallowing.
"So am I." Carr opened the door of the office. They stared at each other for a moment, until Chagra stepped inside. Carr followed him in and closed the door. The room was handsomely furnished with an oversized walnut desk, a conference table and sofa that looked like a page from an interior decorator's magazine.
"Who told you I was here tonight?" Chagra said.
"When was the last time you saw Lee Sheboygan?"
"I've never heard the name before in my life."
"You lived with him."
Chagra folded his arms across his chest. "I don't know what you're talking about. And I'll tell you something else, Mr. Gumshoe, I don't appreciate being followed around like this. It's very embarrassing."
"I bet you'd really be embarrassed if I yanked those loaded dice out of your pocket right now and showed 'em to all those suckers you just fleeced."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Lee Sheboygan is dead. Answering a few questions about a dead man isn't going to make you a snitch. If you'll answer a few simple questions for me, I'll guarantee that what you tell me will go no further. I'm working on an important investigation, and it looks like you're the only person that can help me."
Bones Chagra reached into his blazer and pulled out a package of cigarettes. He hung a cigarette on his lower lip and flamed it with a lighter. "Questions bore me," he said nonchalantly. He blew smoke and coughed.
"Did you share an apartment with Sheboygan up until a few weeks ago?"
Bones Chagra shook his head. He looked at his cigarette as if it had somehow just appeared in his hand by magic.
"I've already verified you lived there. I've spoken with the other residents at the apartment house."
"Come to think of it, I did live there for a little while."
"How was Sheboygan making a living?"
"I never asked him about personal matters."
"Who did Sheboygan hang around with?"
"He was a loner."
"When did you last see him?"
"I don't remember."
"Did Sheboygan tell you about the burglaries he was committing?"
"Your questions are starting to bore me," Chagra said. He blew smoke in Carr's face.
Carr stared at him for a moment. He reached into his suit coat pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, gave the pack a little tap before removing one. "May I use your lighter?" Carr asked, placing the cigarette between his lips.
Grudgingly, Chagra dug the lighter out of his pocket and handed it to Carr. Carr lit the cigarette, held out the lighter to Chagra. He reached out to accept it. Carr flamed the lighter on the palm of Chagra's hand.
"Ouch!" he said, jumping backward. He kissed the burn.
"Are you still bored?"
Chagra stared at his burned hand. Suddenly he made a fist, swung at Carr and missed. Carr counterpunched and drove his fist into Chagra's stomach. Chagra slammed backward against the desk and slipped to the floor. Eyes wide and mouth open, he struggled to catch his breath. Carr stood over him. "My partner is in the hospital, you goddamn creep. If you play dumb with me I'm going to show you some tricks that'll help wise you up."
Carr straightened his necktie, walked to the door. Without glancing back, he opened it and left.
There was the smell of expensive perfume. The seats in the private projection room were filled with Mrs. Wallace's friends, most of whom were members of the Women's Club. All the women were attired in the latest Rodeo Drive fashions-dresses with thin belts or baggy pants and blouses.
Emil Kreuzer stood with his back to the projection screen. Charlene, the hitchhiker, lay on the floor in front of him with her head resting on a pillow. She wore a stylish blue jump suit he'd bought for her. Her eyes were closed and she breathed deeply. As Kreutzer spoke, he was careful to make eye contact around the room, a technique he'd learned in a Terminal Island public-speaking class. As his eyes roamed the flock of rich bitches, he noticed at least five four-carat diamond rings. In fact, a statuesque matron sipping coffee at the end of the first row had a diamond ring that he estimated at at least six carats. He gave her special eye contact."…and as you can see," he continued, "Charlene has slipped very easily, very comfortably, into a deep and restful hypnotic trance. Before Charlene came to me she suffered from insomnia and had an abnormal fear of heights. Even standing at a second-story window or riding a horse would cause dizziness, then eventually nausea and vomiting due to anxiety. Even two or three rungs on a stepladder would cause her to become lightheaded. Her parents, who are both medical doctors whom I met at a conference at the Mayo Clinic, had tried every form of medical and psychological therapy to help Charlene. Nothing worked. After I was allowed to examine her, I came to the conclusion that she was an excellent candidate for rebirthing therapy."