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The man staggered, almost fell, recovered. He touched his hand to his forehead.

"Who are you?" he asked.

He did not reply, but took several steps toward the man.

Bolting, the man ran by him and disappeared up the road.

Only then did he allow himself the faintest of smiles. No need to go farther. She had been correct.

Turning toward the misty hills to the south, at the first of which and beyond which lay much life, he continued his pilgrimage. A rainbow hung before him.

* * *

At the end of an Earth week, he was still not certain whether Malacar would allow him as company. A decision of some sort was now in order, however. It had become obvious from the preparations being made that Malacar was readying himself for departure within a day or so. He wondered what piece of news might have stimulated this. He was still not privy to his former commander's secrets.

Jackara, on the other hand, obviously was. He felt a twitch of jealousy at this.

He had made his own wishes obvious during the previous week. Now it was up to Malacar. He was willing to accompany him in the name of renascent anger and more than a little guilt. In analyzing these feelings, he knew that they went back to that night on the couch and the thing he had wrought out of dream. No matter. The source was unimportant. He wanted to be trusted now, trusted as Jackara was. Perhaps there should be blood as there had been in the old days. He began to feel the old infection, the old hates.

Where could he be going, though? And for what purpose? Morwin had listened to news summaries religiously, but he had detected nothing that offered opportunity for one of Malacar's hit-and-run sabotage operations. Of course, it could have been information from a non-public source--such as Malacar's underground in the CL. Whatever the source, he became irritated as the Commander grew more and more preoccupied.

He smiled somewhat maliciously as he recalled how, on the previous day, he had upset the old man.

Malacar had come onto the observation deck unannounced, as he had stood there with Jackara, explaining his means of earning a livelihood.

The great silver Service vessel stood before them like an exotic candleholder, in the midst of the steam and the smoke. It stood in a place where no sane pilot would have set it, near to the rim of the crater itself. When Malacar saw it, he crossed the deck in a series of blurred strides and his hands darted like flames across the console. Morwin did not see from where they emerged, but he felt the aftershocks of the missiles. As he turned his head from the Commander to the scene below and back again, the vessel slowly faded from sight. He snickered and Jackara laughed.

"There is nothing there!" said Malacar, regarding his instruments.

"Uh-- No, sir," said Morwin. "I was just showing Jackara how I do dream-globes. I formed a picture out of the particles out there. That is--what you were shooting at."

Malacar snarled then, said, "Jackara, I want to talk with you," and the two of them departed. At dinner, Malacar had joked about the thing. By then Morwin was able to keep his laughter respectful.

_Mr. Morwin_ ...

_Yes, Shind?_

_The Commander is going to ask you to accompany us on a journey we will be undertaking tomorrow evening_.

_Where to?_

_It was a choice between two worids--Cleech and Summit. He chose Summit, for various reasons_.

_What are we to do there?_

_It is in the nature of a recruitment operation. He will tell you as much of it as he feels you should know_.

_If I am to go along, I ought to know everything. Please. This is not an invitation. I trust that he will never become aware of the fact that I have communicated with you_.

_What is it, then?_

_He requested my opinion as to whether you would be an asset to the expedition_.

... _And trustworthy, I daresay_.

... _And trustworthy, of course. My reply was in the afflrmative. I am not unaware of your resurgent sympathies_.

_Thanks for the good word_.

_It was not to preserve your feelings that I made the recommendation_.

_What, then?_

_I feel that this time the Commander will need all the assistance he can get. I wish to assure its presence_.

_What is wrong?_

_Call it a feeling and let it go at that_.

_All right. I will forget that we have spoken. Who else is coming?_

_Jackara. Myself_.

_I will go along, and be ready to help_.

_Good day, then_.

_Good day_.

He looked about. Shind was nowhere in sight. From where had the creature reached him? It was always a strange feeling to speak with Shind in this fashion. It occurred to him that Shind might have been in another part of the citadel, at Malacar's side perhaps, the entire time.

He paced and reflected.

All right, he decided, it is not a typical Malacar operation. There has been no hint of planned mayhem. Yet Shind seems to feel that it is something more dangerous. If I can't be a fop or a good artist, perhaps I can be a decent assistant agitator. Wouldn't it be amusing if a real Service ship put down right now and Malacar thought it was another illusion? I don't think I could operate that console ... --Would I, though? Would I actually fire and kill them, after all these years? In peacetime it is called murder. I wonder ... ? The Commander certainly seemed upset, though. I understand that on other occasions he has actually allowed them to land here and even spoken with them. This thing must be big if he is jumpy. --I probably would fire, and regret it afterward. --What is Jackara's part in this? Is she sleeping with the Commander? Is she a professional member of the network with an assigned role in something that is to come? Possibly both--or perhaps a relative. She could be his daughter, I guess. Wouldn't that be something? Typical too. He seldom speaks of his personal life, and I have never heard him mention relatives. Strange girl--too hard and too soft by turns, and you never know which turn is coming next. Pretty, though. It would be good to know her real status, to decide what I would like mine to be. I will ask her, later . .

After dinner that evening, Malacar carefully placed his utensils across his plate, looked at Morwin and said, "Do you want to accompany us to Summit?"

Morwin nodded.

"What's on Summit?" he asked, after a period of silence.

"A man I've been looking for," Malacar said. "A man who might be able to help us. At least, I think he is there. I could be mistaken. It could be the wrong place. If so, I will simply have to keep looking. The indications are pretty good, though. What I want to do is locate him and persuade him to assist us."

"What has he got that makes him so special?"

"Diseases," said Malacar.

"Beg pardon."

"Diseases, diseases! At certain times this man becomes a walking infection, a plague-bearer!"

"To what use would you put this condition?"

Malacar chuckled.

Morwin sat unmoving for several seconds, then resumed scooping at his lemon sherbet.

"I think I see," he said, finally.

"Yes, I think you do too. A living weapon. I intend for him to walk among our enemies. How does the idea strike you?"

"It-- It is hard to say. I will have to think about it."

"But you _will_ come?"

"Yes, I will."

"Jackara will be accompanying us, and Shind."

"Very good, sir."

"Have you no questions?"

"Not really. Not at the moment. Though I am sure I will think of some later. Well ... What is the man's name?"

"Heidel von Hymack."

He shook his head.

"Never heard of him, sir."

"Yes you did. Only you called him Hyneck--the man Pels was looking for."

"Oh, him. Yes."

"Ever hear of a man called H?"

"It seems to me that I have, though I forget the circumstances. It was not as a disease-carrier, though. Doesn't he have a rare blood type or something?"

"Something. I will send some articles to your room later."

"Thank you."

He glanced at Jackara and returned to his sherbet.