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There were tears in his eyes. He saw them and they pleased him. He was the perfect chivalrous knight rescuing the lady in distress. It was a role he loved so well and had often played it in his imagination.

“That pleases you?” he asked.

She turned her head away to hide her emotion; and he liked that too.

He put his arms about her and kissed her.

“I shall never forget this moment,” she said. “I shall love you until the day I die.”

She heard a chaffinch sing in the gardens. Then the bells were pealing. In the streets the people were waiting to see him and his chosen bride.

“The King is dead,” they would say. “Gone is the old miser and in his place this handsome young man, this golden boy, every inch of him a king.”

Already they were proclaiming him.

“God bless the King. God save King Henry the Eighth.”


Aubrey, William Hickman Smith, National and Domestic History of England

Bruce, Marie Louise, The Making of Henry VIII

Chrimes, S. B., Henry VII

Gairdner, James, Henry VII

Gairdner, James, History and Life and Reign of Richard III

Gairdner, James, Life and Papers of Richard III

Green, John Richard, History of England

Green, Mary Anne Everett, Lives of the Princess of England

Guizot, M. Translated by Robert Black, History of France

Halsted, Caroline A., Richard III

Hume, David, History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution

Hume, Martin A. S., Spain: Its Greatness and Decay

Jenkins, Elizabeth, The Princes in the Tower

Kendall, Paul Murray, Richard III

Luke, Mary M., Catherine the Queen

Mattingly, Garrett, Catherine of Aragon

More, Sir Thomas, Life of Richard III

Prescott, William H. Edited by John Foster Kirk, History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic

Ramsey, J. H., Lancaster and York

Stephen, Sir Leslie and Lee, Sir Sydney, The Dictionary of National Biography

Strickland, Agnes, The Lives of the Queens of England

Timbs, John and Gunn, Alexander, Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales

Wade, John, British History

Walpole, Horace, Historic Doubts on the Life of Richard III

Williams, Charles, Henry VII

A Reader’s

Group Guide

he marriage of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of York united the Lancasters and the Yorks, and began the Tudor Dynasty. Henry’s claim to the throne was tencuous but with Elizabeth of York, the daughter of King Edward IV, as his wife, he created a greater claim to the throne not only for himself, but also for his children. Although his reign was ripe with pretenders to the throne, Henry’s sharp mind, rather than physical combat, enabled him to maintain his position and secure the way for his second son, Henry VIII. Plaidy’s well-researched novel displays a changed England, finally at peace.

The following questions were created to help your reading group discuss Jean Plaidy’s To Hold the Crown.

1.                  The novel begins with a quote from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 2: “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” How does this quote relate to those who wear crowns in this novel? Think specifically of Henry Tudor, James IV of Scotland as well as Isabella and Ferdinand.

2.                  Henry Tudor is described throughout the book as being very “calm.” How does this personality trait affect his decisions in matters of state? In his marriage?

3.                  Elizabeth Woodville and Margaret Beaufort have a superficial relationship for the sake of their children, the King and Queen. As mothers-in-law they are required to respect each other, yet there is much tension between the two. Describe some of their points of contention. Were you reminded of modern relationships between any of your relatives?

4.                  At the beginning of the novel, Plaidy describes Elizabeth: “That was her life—buffeted from one situation to another. Never was she consulted as to her wishes. They would do with her as best suited them” (The Birth of a Prince). Discuss the complexities of being a royal woman with no free will. How does Elizabeth deal with her situation? How would you feel if so much of your life was decided for you?

5.                  When Elizabeth’s first baby is born, her mother thinks: “Oh no, Arthur was not going to find life easy with a name like that and it was a great error of judgment to have saddled him with it” (The Birth of a Prince). Why was he named Arthur? How does her prediction come true?

6.                  Cecilia and Elizabeth are the two eldest York sisters, yet they are very different. Cecilia sees her sister Elizabeth as “merely the King’s wife” (The Baker’s Boy). How was being his wife, and not his partner, beneficial to Elizabeth? How does Cecilia avoid Elizabeth’s fate? Had you been at Court, would you be an Elizabeth or a Cecilia? Why?

7.                  Elizabeth Woodville mourns her two sons Edward V and Richard IV and is haunted by the fact that she will never know what happened to them. From what you knew before reading this book, what did you think had happened to them? Were you surprised by Plaidy’s interpretation? Why or why not?

8.                  Who was Perkin Warbeck? Who supported him? Why was he so menacing to Henry, when Henry knew he was a pretender?

9.                  Henry Tudor discovers that Sir William Stanley, despite changing sides from Richard III to help Henry win the battle of Bosworth Field, has been treacherous in dealing with Perkin Warbeck. Discuss how even with great power, Henry is unable to control every move in his Court. What did you think of the way he handled Stanley’s betrayal?

10.                  How was Henry VIII described in his younger years? How do you imagine he acted as a child? Discuss Henry VIII’s relationships with his siblings. Early on we see his envy of Arthur and his disdain for Margaret. What motivates these feelings? Think of some of his early actions and ambitions—did any of his wishes come true?

11.                  What was Henry Tudor’s motivation behind the forced friendship of the Earl of Warwick and Perkin Warbeck? Why was it necessary to accuse Warwick? What did you think about Henry’s plot? What would you have done, had you been in his position?

12.                  Katharine of Aragon is originally married to Arthur. Why is she, in the eyes of the church, allowed to marry Henry after Arthur’s passing?

13.                  Elizabeth of York “died on the eleventh of February, nine days after the birth of the child. It was her own birthday and she was thirty-eight years old.”(Birth and Death). What does her age tell you about the quality of healthcare at the time? After having six children, were you surprised to know she was pregnant again? What does this tell you about the importance of children in a royal family?

14.                  Juana has a very passionate relationship with Philip, unlike the conventional woman of the time. She is described as being mad, but do you suppose she is? Or is she perhaps a strong-willed woman living in an age that is unprepared for her open jealousy and uninhibited emotions? Could she have been more stable than people thought? What do you think?