Sworn to by me this 17th day of October 1916
Police Report – December 17th 1916
To-day at about 2.30 in the morning, the policeman who stands on guard at the house of the Home Office situated on the Morskaia heard a detonation from the palace of Prince Yusupov situated on the opposite side of the Moika. As this post is a special one and the policeman on duty is forbidden to leave it, he went into the Home Office premises and communicated by telephone with the sergeant on duty at the adjoining station. Then the news of the shooting was passed on to the Kasan police district in which the palace is situated. The chief police officer, Colonel Rogov, with a detachment of men, proceeded to the spot. Examination of the dvornik on duty at the adjoining house elicited the fact that the shot had been fired from the young Prince’s side of the palace. In order to ascertain the causes of the shooting in the palace, the assistant police officer, Captain Krylov, was ordered to enter the building, and he was informed by the butler that a reception was proceeding inside, and that one of the guests, while practising at a target, had missed his aim and fired into the window, in proof whereof Captain Krylov was shown the broken window on the ground floor overlooking the forecourt of the adjoining house. The data obtained through the investigations were communicated by Colonel Rogov the same night to the Police Master of the second division, Major-General Grigoriev, and to M. Chaplygin, the official on duty at the Prefecture.
Scarcely had the police officers left the palace when a motor-car drove up along Moika Canal quay and stopped near a small footbridge almost facing the palace. Four men were seen to alight from the car. The moment they had left it the chauffeur extinguished the lights, and, putting on full speed, made off along the canal. This scene was witnessed by a detective belonging to the Okhrana, named Tihomirov, who had been detailed by the police department to look after Rasputin. Tihomirov – presuming that the men who entered the palace, not by the main entrance, but from a door situated on the side of the palace and opening into the forecourt of the adjoining house, were robbers hurried across the canal to the police station, and thence telephoned a report of what was observed to the Chief of the Secret Police.
Colonel Rogov had no sooner returned to his home than he was notified from the Ochrana that information had been received relative to an attack on the palace of Prince Yusupov. A number of police officers were again dispatched there. The butler came out and explained to them that some very highly placed guests had just arrived from the environs of Petrograd. A report about this was made during the course of the night to the Prefect, General Balk.
Shortly after 6a.m., at the police station beside the palace, while the police officers who had come off duty were being questioned in the ordinary course as to the events of the night, the sound of several police whistles was heard from the street. This drew the police constables and police sergeants to the windows, whence they perceived that from the main entrance of the Prince’s palace two women were being helped out, and that they were offering resistance to their ejection and refusing to enter a motor-car, and doing their best to force a way back into the palace. In response to their protestations the detectives stationed along the canal had sounded the alarm. By the time the police rushed out of the police station the motor-car was already whirling off along the quay. Hastening out after his men, the police inspector, Colonel Borozdin, hailed the motor-car belonging to the Secret Police, which was permanently on duty at the Home Office building, and started off in pursuit. At the same time his men were hurried to the palace. It was impossible to overtake the fugitive car on account of its superior speed; moreover, it carried neither number nor lights. To the police who came to inquire at the palace the explanation was offered that two ladies belonging to the demi-monde had been misconducting themselves and been invited to leave the palace.
On the nocturnal adventures on the Moika a joint personal report was made to the Prefect in the morning by Colonel Rogov and Colonel Borozdin. The whole affair seemed to be at an end when suddenly from the forecourt alongside the palace four shots were heard in succession. Once more the alarm was sounded in both police stations, and again detachments of police appeared at the palace. This time an official wearing colonel’s uniform came out to them and announced categorically that within the Prince’s palace there was present a Grand Duke, and that H.I.H. would make in person to the proper quarters any explanations that might be necessary. After such a declaration, the police inspector, unable to obtain any enlightenment whatsoever, returned to his official’s duties, leaving a patrol on the opposite side of the Moika by way of precaution. About an hour had passed when suddenly from the direction of the Blue Bridge a motor-car drove up to the palace. The servants, assisted by the chauffeur, in the presence of an officer wearing a long fur cloak, carried out what looked like a human body and placed it in the car. The chauffeur jumped in, putting on full speed, made off along the canal side and promptly disappeared. Almost the same time General Grigoriev was informed from the Prefecture that Rasputin had been killed in the Yusupov Palace.
The police officials on arriving at the palace were met this time by Prince Felix Yusupov himself, who told them that it would be necessary to draw up a report as to the killing of Rasputin. At first this announcement was not accepted seriously in view of all the strange occurrences of the night. But the police officials were invited to come into the dining-room in the basement, and were there shown the spot where the body had been lying. They saw on the floor a pool of congealed blood, and traces of blood were also visible on the snow in the forecourt of the adjoining house. In answer to the question where the body was, the Prince replied that the body was where it should be, declining to give any further explanation.
Soon afterwards the palace was visited by the Director of the Police Department, the Chief of the Secret Police, and the whole of the Generals of Gendarmerie. The police patrols were then relegated to their various stations, and at the subsequent investigation sent over to the officials of the Police department. At 5 o’clock on the following afternoon with a view to ascertaining the itinerary of the motor-cars, which had come up to the Prince’s palace during the night, and one of the one which had been removed Rasputin’s body in the morning. At the same time numerous police patrols were dispatched to the islands in the Neva and to the suburban districts.
The following three reports (CTG. 91, CTG. 95, and CTG. 119) sent by Sir Samuel Hoare to Mansfield Cumming, the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, are reproduced below in fulclass="underline"
From: Lt Col Sir Samuel Hoare (Petrograd)
To: ‘C’ (London)
January 1st 1917
In the early morning of Saturday, December 30th, there was enacted in Petrograd one of those crimes that by their magnitude blur the well-defined rules of ethics, and by their results change the history of a generation.
Gregory Efemich Novikh – for Rasputin, ‘The rake’, was only the nickname that his excesses gained him in his village – had governed Russia since the day, four years ago, when first he showed in the Imperial palace in Poland his healing powers over the Tsarevich. To describe the influence that he possessed, the scandals that surrounded his life and the tragedies that followed in his path, is to rewrite a Dumas romance.