11 The bridge is just as long nowadays but is no longer wide. It was two carriage-widths before and is now essentially a footbridge.
12 Statement number 1740 of Police Inspector Asonov, Station no.4, 17 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
13 Lost Splendour, Prince Yusupov (Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1953), p.235.
14 Yusupov, ibid.
15 Statement of Ivan Nefedev to Lt-Col. Popel of the Detached Gendarme Corps, 17 December 1916 and statement of Mounya Golovina to Lt-Col. Popel of the Detached Gendarme Corps, 17 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
16 The Murder of Rasputin, V.M. Purishkevich, translated from the original Russian by Bella Costello, ed. Michael Shaw (Ardis Publishers, Ann Arbor, 1985), p.4.
17 Purishkevich, ibid., editor’s introduction.
18 Purishkevich, ibid.
19 The full text is quoted in The Ochrana, A.T. Vassilyev (Harrap, 1930). Vassilyev was the last Director of the Department of Police.
20 Lt-Col. Sir Samuel Hoare was an officer of the SIS, which was founded in 1909, and at this time (1916) operated under the name MI1c. It had stations throughout Europe and around the world. The Petrograd MI1c Station, run by Hoare, is referred to here and throughout this book as the British Intelligence Mission. SIS operates today under the name MI6.
21 Report ‘The Death of Rasputin’, from Lt-Col. Sir Samuel Hoare to C, 1 January 1917, Papers of the British Intelligence Mission, Petrograd, Templewood Papers, Part II, File 1, (16), CUL.
22 The news was in the 6.00p.m. edition.
23 The Russian Diary of an Englishman, Anon. (the Hon. Albert Stopford) (Heinemann, 1919), p.21.
24 Report on Vera Koralli by Major-General Globachev, Fond 111, Schedule 1, Case 2981 (b), List 12, GARF, Moscow.
25 Samuel Hoare claims that Makarov ‘in the early morning… was rung up by an unknown voice that said ‘Rasputin has been murdered. Look for his body in the Islands.’ The Fourth Seal, Sir Samuel Hoare (Heinemann, 1930), p.151.
26 Diary of the Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, 17 December 1916, Fond 670, GARF, Moscow.
27 Lost Splendour, Prince Yusupov (Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1953), p.186.
28 The existence of this mysterious woman may be fiction. Yusupov included the story in Lost Splendour along with a similar one about threats to Pavlovich which is not independently verified. Golovina is supposed to have heard a group of people at Rasputin’s flat swearing revenge.
29 Yusupov, 1953, ibid., p.239; a similar account of the evening is in Yusupov, 1927, ibid., p.203.
30 Dissolution of an Empire, Meriel Buchanan (John Murray, 1932), p.49.
31 The Fourth Seal, Sir Samuel Hoare, (Heinemann, 1930), p.139. Hoare has a story about Yusupov being at the party with Dmitri Pavlovich and being carried shoulder high, but it is not a first-hand account and Hoare isunreliable.
32 Sir Samuel Hoare, 1930, ibid.
1 Statement of Prince Felix Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston, to General Popov of the Detached Gendarme Corps dated 18 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
2 Rasputin i evrei, Aaron Simanovich (National Reklama, 1923), p.45.
3 Quoted in Rasputin, the Last Word, Edvard Radzinski (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000), p.476.
4 Lost Splendour, Prince Yusupov (Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1953), p.241.
5 Statement of Anna Nikolaevna Rasputina, to Lt-Col. Popel of the Detached Gendarme Corps dated 18 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
6 Ibid.
7 Statement of Maria Vasilyevna Zhyravleva, to Lt-Col. Popel of the Detached Gendarme Corps dated 18 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
8 Statement of Fyodor Antonov Korshynov, to Lt-Col. Popel of the Detached Gendarme Corps dated 18 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
9 Statement of Flor Efimov Efimov, to Lt-Col. Popel of the Detached Gendarme Corps dated 18 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
10 Statement of Stepan Fedoseev Vlasuk to Lt-Col. Popel of the Detached Gendarme Corps dated 18 December 1916, Fond 102, Schedule 314, Case 35, GARF, Moscow.
11 The Forgotten Hospital, Michael Harmer (Springwood Books, 1982), p.117.
12 Rasputin, Prince Yusupov (Jonathan Cape, 1927), p.212.
13 Department of Police Report, 17 December 1916, Papers of the British Intelligence Mission, Petrograd, Templewood Papers, Part II, File 1 (47), CUL. Also reproduced in Appendix III of The Russian Diary of an Englishman, Anon. (the Hon. Albert Stopford), (Heinemann, 1919).
14 Ibid.
15 Appendix II ‘Memorandum privately circulated on December 31, 1916’ in Stopford, 1919, ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Telegram from Lt-Col. Sir Samuel Hoare to C, 31 December 1916, Papers of the British Intelligence Mission, Petrograd, Templewood Papers, Part II, File 1 (47), CUL.
18 Ibid.
19 Report on Vera Koralli by Major-General Globachev, Fond 111, Schedule 1, Case 2891 (b), List 12, GARF, Moscow.
20 The Russian Diary of an Englishman, Anon. (the Hon. Albert Stopford), (Heinemann, 1919), p.44.
21 Ibid.
22 Report ‘The Death of Rasputin’, from Lt-Col. Sir Samuel Hoare to C, 1 January 1917, Papers of the British Intelligence Mission, Petrograd, Templewood Papers, Part II, File 1 (16), CUL.
1 A Collection of Historical Materials, Grigori Rasputin, Vol. 4 (Moscow, 1997), p.236/7.
2 Ibid.
3 The Times, Thursday 4 January 1917, p.7 col. f. (‘From our own correspondent,’ Petrograd 3 January 1917.) It is obvious from his earliest bulletin, which didn’t reach London, that he had seen the Police Report that Stopford and Buchanan saw at the embassy on the Sunday afternoon, as had other journalists.
4 Rasputin, Prince Yusupov (Jonathan Cape, 1927), p.193ff.
5 Ibid., p.191.
6 Thirteen years at the Russian Court, Pierre Gilliard (Hutchinson, 1921), p.47.
7 Telegram from Lt-Col. Sir Samuel Hoare to C, 1 January 1917, Papers of the British Intelligence Mission, Petrograd, Templewood Papers, Part II, File 1 (48), CUL.
8 Report No.2, Death of Rasputin, Lt-Col. Sir Samuel Hoare to C, 2 January 1917, Papers of the British Intelligence Mission, Petrograd, Templewood Papers, Part II, File 1 (50), CUL.
9 The Fourth Seal, Sir Samuel Hoare (Heinemann, 1930), p.156.
10 Report No.3. Further details obtained from the Examining Magistrates and other reliable sources, Lt-Col. Sir Samuel Hoare to C, 5 February 1917, Papers of the British Intelligence Mission, Petrograd, Templewood Papers, Part II, File 1 (20), CUL.
11 Tsaritsa i Rasputin, I. Kovyl-Boybyl (Petrograd, 1917), interview between Kossorotov and Kovyl-Boybyl, a Petrograd journalist.
12 See note 10 above.
13 Report of the Autopsy on the body of Grigori Rasputin by Professor Kossorotov, 20 December 1916 (Museum of Political History, St Petersburg). Also reproduced in Raspoutine est innocent, Alain Roullier (France Europe Editions Livres, 1998), p.514ff.