And then, quite suddenly, Walter was gone.
He went without noise and without a goodnight. Only the bang of the door called their attention to his exit. It was an eloquent slam, furious and final; a very pointed exit.
They looked in a puzzled fashion from the door to the unfinished beer at Walter's empty place, and decided in spite of that angry sound that Walter was coming back. Searle was sitting at his ease, relaxed against the wall, smiling faintly; and Bill Maddox, encouraged by the easing of that secret tension that had hung like a cloud in the corner, moved over and joined him. They talked outboard-motors and debated clinker versus carvel until their mugs were empty. As Maddox got up to refill them he caught sight of the flat liquid in Walter's mug and said: 'I'd better get another for Mr Whitmore; that stuff's stale.
'Oh, Walter has gone to bed, Searle said.
'But it's only — Maddox was beginning, and realised that he was about to be tactless.
'Yes, I know; but he thought it would be safer.
'Is he sickening for something?
'No, but if he stayed any longer he was liable to throttle me, Searle said amiably. 'And at the school Walter went to they take a poor view of throttling. He is putting temptation behind him. Literally.
'You been annoying poor Mr Whitmore? said Bill, who felt that he knew this young American much better than he knew Walter Whitmore.
'Horribly, Searle said lightly, matching a smile with Bill's.
Maddox clicked his tongue and went away to get the beer.
After that, conversation became general. Searle stayed until closing time, said goodnight to Reeve, the landlord, as he locked the door behind them, and walked down the village street with the others. At the narrow lane that led between the houses to the fields he turned off, pelted by their mock-condolences on his lack of a snug bed, and throwing back in his turn accusations of frowst and ageing arteries.
'Goodnight! he called, from far down the lane.
And that was the last that anyone in Salcott St Mary ever saw of Leslie Searle.
Forty-eight hours later Alan Grant stepped back into the affairs of the Trimmings household.
Grant had just come back from Hampshire, where a case had ended unhappily in suicide, and his mind was still reviewing the thing, wondering how he might have managed things differently to a different end; so that he listened with only an ear-and-a-half to what his superior was saying to him until a familiar name caught his whole attention.
'Salcott St Mary! said Grant.
'Why? said Bryce, stopping his account. 'Do you know the place?
'I've never been there, but I know of it, of course.
'Why of course?
'It's a sort of artistic thieves'-kitchen. There's been a migration of intelligentsia to the place. Silas Weekley lives there, and Marta Hallard, and Lavinia Fitch. Tullis has a house there too. It isn't Toby Tullis who is missing, by any chance? he asked hopefully.
'No, unfortunately. It's a chap called Searle. Leslie Searle. A young American, it seems.
For a moment Grant was back in the crowded doorway of Cormac Ross's room, listening to a voice saying: 'I've forgotten my megaphone. So the beautiful young man had disappeared.
'Orfordshire say they want to put it in our laps not because they think the problem is insoluble but because it's a kid-glove affair. They think it would be easier for us than for them to pursue inquiries among the local bigwigs, and if there is any arresting to be done they would rather that we did it.
'Arresting? Are they suggesting that it was murder?
'They have a strong leaning to that theory, I understand. But, as the local inspector said to me, it sounds so absurd when you say it aloud that they shrink from uttering the name, even.
'What name?
'Walter Whitmore.
'Walter Whitmore! Grant let out his breath in a soundless whistle. 'I don't wonder they don't like saying it aloud. Walter Whitmore! What is he supposed to have done to Searle?
'They don't know. All they've got is some suggestion of a quarrel before the disappearance. It seems that Walter Whitmore and Searle were travelling down the Rushmere in canoes, and —
'Yes, a kind of stunt. Whitmore was going to write about it and this chap Searle was going to supply the illustrations.
'Is he an artist, then?
'No. A photographer. They camped out each night, and on Wednesday night they were sleeping on the river bank about a mile from Salcott. They both came to the pub at Salcott for a drink that evening. Whitmore left early-in some sort of pet, it is alleged. Searle stayed till closing-time and was seen to start off down the track to the river. After that he was not seen by anyone.
'Who reported the disappearance?
'Whitmore did next morning. When he woke and found that Searle had not occupied his sleeping-bag.
'He didn't see Searle at all on Wednesday night after leaving the pub?
'No, he says he fell asleep, and though he woke in the night he took it for granted that Searle had come back and was sleeping; it was too dark to see anything. It was only when daylight came that he realised that Searle had not been to bed.
'The theory is that he fell into the river, I suppose.
'Yes. The Wickham people took charge and dragged for a body. But it's a bad, muddy stream, there, between Capel and Salcott St Mary, the Wickham people say, so they weren't unbearably surprised not to find one.
'I don't wonder they don't want to touch the business, Grant said dryly.
'No. It's a delicate affair. No real suggestion of anything but accident. And yet-one big question mark.
'But-but Walter Whitmore! Grant said. 'There is something inherently absurd about it, you know. What would that lover of little bunnies have to do with murder?
'You've been in the Force long enough to know that it is just those lovers of little bunnies that commit murder, his chief said snappily. 'Anyhow, it is going to be your business to sift this artistic thieves'-kitchen of yours through a fine-mesh riddle until you're left with something that won't go through the mesh. You had better take a car. Wickham say it is four miles from a station, with a change at Crome anyhow.
'Very good. Do you mind if I take Sergeant Williams with me?
'As chauffeur, or what?
'No, Grant said amiably. 'Just so that he knows the lay-out. Then if you pull me off this for something more urgent-as you will at any moment-Williams can carry on.
'You do think up the most convincing excuses for snoozing in a car.
Grant took this, rightly, as capitulation, and went away to collect Williams. He liked Williams and liked working with him. Williams was his opposite and his complement. He was large and pink and slow-moving, and he rarely read anything but an evening paper; but he had terrier qualities that were invaluable in a hunt. No terrier at a rat hole ever displayed more patience or more pertinacity than Williams did when introduced to a quarry. 'I would hate to have you on my tail, Grant had said to him more than once in their years of working together.
To Williams, on the other hand, Grant was everything that was brilliant and spontaneous. He admired Grant with passion, and envied him without malice; Williams had no ambition, and coveted no man's shoes. 'You've no idea how lucky you are, sir, Williams would say, 'not looking like a policeman. Me, I go into a pub, and they take one look at me and think: Copper! But with you, they just cast an eye over you and think: Army in plain clothes; and they don't think another thing about you. It's a great advantage in a job like ours, sir.
'But you have advantages that I lack, Williams, Grant had once pointed out.