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“I think it’s supposed to be the other way around, Da,” Faith said, laughing and looking awkward. She handled praise about as well as she handled being dressed down.

“You know what I mean,” Steve said. “All that is true. The other truth is that you have a lot to learn about all the other stuff in being an officer. And, believe it or not, I think that Wilkes can teach you that. And maybe, just maybe, you can teach him what actual leadership means. Sometimes when you’ve got two problems they can cancel themselves out. I’m hoping that’s what this experiment will achieve.”

“I’ll do my best, Da.”

“That’s my Shewolf.”


Cause I’m a pilot

I only care about me

I don’t give a fuck if I bring your bird back

Code 2 or code 3

‘Cause I’m a pilot

And I never make mistakes

I’ll take the credit if it ain’t broken

I’ll blame you if it breaks

Dos Gringo, “I’m a Pilot”

“Captain Wilkes,” Steve said, looking around the embarkation area. “How’s the clearance going?”

After clearing the immediate area and cleaning up, a team under Janu had fought their way to DCC and brought back not only all the hardcopy maps but laptops that, huzzah, contained all the same information. The TOC was set up with several plasma screens connected to those as well as other computers brought aboard. It looked almost professional.

As areas were cleared they were “greyed out” so they didn’t repeat. With four people clearing, that had not been an issue. With thirty Marines working on the boats it had happened.

“Nominal, sir,” Wilkes said. “Would you care to examine the map?”

“No,” Steve said. “Other things to do. How far are you into the ship?”

“We’ve reached deck six and are proceeding upwards, sir,” Wilkes said. “There is a significant infected level throughout the ship. At least, according to reports… ”

“Have you… ” Steve said, then stopped. “Can you turn this over to somebody, we need to have a chat.”

“Yes, sir,” Wilkes said. “Gunny, come get me if anything comes up.”

“Yes, sir,” Gunny Sands said.

Steve gestured aft and Wilkes paused.

“Sir, the infecteds have officially been cleared from these decks, however… ”

“You’ve got an M4, right?” Steve said. “And I’ve got a pistol. That should be enough. As I said, we need to chat.”

They walked back into the bowels of the ship and Steve opened up one of the hatches. The smell of rot was strong.

“Been back here?” Steve asked, stepping over a bloating body. “Keep the hatch open. Decay uses up oxygen.”

“Yes, sir,” Wilkes said.

“But I think this is far enough,” Steve said. “I understand Faith had an incident last night?”

“I thought it might be about that, sir,” Wilkes said. “I take it she complained to you?”

“No,” Steve said. “Nor the Gunny nor any of the Marines. They know, even if Faith doesn’t, about not jumping the chain of command. On the other hand, we’re a mix of civilian and military. And while the military personnel have, in general, not spoken to me of it, I’ve been getting an earful from the civilian side. I was even told there was some sort of message from this Zumwald character. And since I had a previously scheduled meeting with her, I counseled her on this indiscretion as well. Would you care to give me your version?”

“Lieutenant Smith was asked by Mister Zumwald to get him a drink,” Wilkes said. “She responded with physical violence. I counseled her on conduct unbecoming of an officer and, when she reacted with foul language, on disrespect to a superior officer, sir, and I’ll stand by that position. Sir.”

“I agree that her actions were unbecoming, Captain,” Steve said, mildly. “She really should have resolved it with less force. Which I told her as well as a strong lecture on respect to a superior officer. On the other hand, Captain, Mister Zumwald physically accosted her, grabbing her arm and, when she protested, called her a bitch. Were you aware of that, Captain?”

“She did say something about it, sir,” Wilkes said. “However… ”

“I also understand that you spent some time with Mister Zumwald afterwards,” Steve said. “Rather late. Did you at any time express to Mister Zumwald that accosting any woman, much less an officer of… what was it? ‘The United States Naval services’ was unacceptable behavior, Captain?”

“Sir,” Wilkes said. “Mister Zumwald is a major Hollywood executive… ”

“Was,” Steve said.

“Excuse me, sir?” Wilkes said.

Was a major Hollywood executive,” Steve said. “Right now, Ernest Zumwald, Captain, is a fucking refugee off a fucking lifeboat. Period fucking dot. He’s given a few days grace, like most refugees, to get his headspace and timing back, then he can decide if he wants to help out or go in with the sick, lame and lazy. And in this case he’s a fucking refugee who thinks it’s acceptable to accost some unknown chick and tell him to get him a fucking drink. Grab her by the arm and, when she tells him to let go, become verbally abusive.

“What makes the situation worse, Captain, is that the person he accosted was not just any passing young hotty but a Marine officer. He did not know that at the time; the Marine officer was dressed much like other women in the compartment. However, he does not have the right to grab any woman in my care by the fucking arm and order them to get him a fucking drink, Captain! Then, to make matters worse, following the incident, Captain, you spent the entire fucking evening getting drunk with a fucktard who had physically and verbally assaulted a female Marine officer! You dumbshit.”

“Sir, I… ” Wilkes said, paling.

“And not just any Marine officer, oh, no,” Steve said. “Forget that it was the daughter of the Acting LANTFLEET. Forget that it was the daughter of your fucking rating officer, you retard. I’m professional enough to overlook that. I really am. There’s personal and professional, and I do actually know the line. Except that it was, professionally, a disgraceful action on your part, Captain. But not just any Marine officer, Captain. No, this was a Marine officer that, unlike you, is fucking worshipped by your Marines, Captain. This is a Marine officer that the acting Commandant thinks only uses boats so her boots don’t get wet walking from ship to ship. This is a Marine officer who is the only fucking light in the darkness to the entire Squadron, you dumbfuck!

“I’d already gotten the scuttlebutt that you were a palace prince pogue who was a cowardly disgrace to the Marine uniform, Captain. I was willing to let that slide because maybe you could run the fucking clearance from the fucking door. But you just pissed off every fucking Marine we’ve got, you idiot. You incredible dumbfuck, moron!

“In case you hadn’t noticed, you are getting cold-shouldered by everyone you work with while you were brown-nosing some fucking useless POS who used to ‘be somebody.’ ‘Your’ Marines are spitting on your shadow and that includes your fucking Gunnery Sergeant! Captain, am I getting through to you? Are you even vaguely recognizing how badly you fucked up? Professionally, politically, personally?”

“Sir… I stand by my statement that Lieutenant Smith’s conduct was unbecoming and… ”

“Already agreed, Captain,” Steve said. “And if you can get your head out of your fourth point of contact, in general, I’d appreciate you taking her under your wing and giving her some actual guidance on how to act like a Marine officer. Assuming you know. Because this is my official verbal counseling statement, Captain.