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“Yes, Sergeant Major,” they chorused.

“I can’t HEAR YOU!”


“Good,” Barney said, mildly. “Now that we’ve got that straight. The Lieutenant gave me an order to get the topside of the yachts cleared with a second security team. You are detailed. Moving carefully and covering each other, you shall clear the topside of the yachts. Is that clear?”


“Lieutenant, do you have any additional information for these two?”

“Make noise before you board,” Sophia said. “We’ve got the area clear so don’t worry about drawing infecteds. One of you, Hill, have your weapon loaded and ready. Hadley, shout and yell to wake the dead. Then, if there’s no response, safe your weapon and board. Check for open doors. Do not go below. Topside only. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Hill said.

“Together and the Lieutenant can’t HEAR YOU EITHER!”


“And I’d like a repeat back,” Sophia said. “From Hill. And not shouted.”

“Check the topside, aye,” Hill said. “Uh… Hadley’s going to yell. I’ll cover. Don’t board until we’re sure there aren’t infected. Just check the topside. Uh… I want to ask a question… ”

“Not yet,” Barney said.

“Questions, comments, concerns?” Sophia asked.

“What do we do if we find an open door, ma’am?” Hill asked.

“Call it in,” Sophia said. “Otherwise, stay off your radios except to report the yacht clear. But do check the hatches just to see if they’re open.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Hill, you are in charge of the team,” Barney said. “If you have further questions, and only if you have important and valid questions, ask for me on the radio and I will clarify. Understood?”


“Very good,” the Sergeant Major said. “Off you go, lads.”

“Sorry,” Sophia said. “We’ve really never gotten into the whole discipline thing. Which I know is a bad thing.”

“The Army and the Navy have very different approaches to, well, most things, ma’am,” Sergeant Major Barney said. “But discipline is important in both, ma’am.”

“Am I really responsible for Anarchy’s death?” Sophia asked, quietly.

“Officially and legally, yes, ma’am,” the Sergeant Major said. “That is the hard part of being an officer. Had he any family, it would be your job, not mine, to write them a letter telling them what happened, how he died. You have the authority to order them to perform actions which I do not have the authority to order. By the same token, you bear the responsibility of the result of those actions. From all I’ve gleaned, there was little that you could have done to prevent his death. You were under orders, yourself, to gather the boats. He died as the result of an accident while performing that mission. There will be more, ma’am. That is the nature of this profession and the sea, of itself, takes lives. It is one of the reasons that I am less than sure it is entirely wise placing a teenager in the position of an officer. That is a terrible burden to bear. By the same token, you do the job quite well.”

“Thank you,” Sophia said, clearly thinking about it. She was watching Hill and Hadley tentatively board one of the yachts.

“If I may add, ma’am,” the Sergeant Major said. “The other problem of being in this position is that you have to set aside such thoughts. It is my job to watch the teams and ensure that everyone is doing their jobs and doing so in such a way that they, probably, are not going to kill themselves. Speaking of which, I need to get up to the defense team in a moment. However, your job, ma’am, is to put aside anything but anticipating future issues and plans. Let me handle this. You think about what is next. Because, among other things, I haven’t a clue about any of this and don’t know what is probably going to go wrong.”

“Yacht’s clear. Dead batteries. Fuel. Some stores. No infected. Mechanic’s working on it. As usual, he’s afraid of the dark. What do you want us to do?”

“Stand by,” Sophia said. “Division, can we get another repair crew? We’ve got four yachts. Topsides are clear on at least two so far. Doors are locked. They’re all going to need batteries. Over.”

“Away Team, Division. Roger, we’ll scrounge up another mechanic.”

“Have Hill and Hadley stop checking topsides,” Sophia said. “One of them can stand by and help the engineer on the first yacht then the other on the second.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Sergeant Major Barney said. “We need more than one frequency. Hill, Sergeant Major. Status.”

“Topside is clear. Door’s locked.”

“Send Hadley back to the first yacht. You stand by on the second, the one that you are on. Just wait there. Over.”

“Ok… Roger, Sergeant Major.”

“Uh… Sergeant Major, Rusty. We’ve got an infected coming down the way… ”

“Gunboat,” Sophia said, looking through her binoculars. “That’s on me, I think.”

“Very well, ma’am,” Sergeant Major Barney said. “but if I may… Singer Team. Stand by. Gunboat should take care of it. Do not fire unless ordered.”

“Uh… Roger, Sergeant Major.”

* * *

“We’re Singer Team, right?” Rusty said.

“Hell, I dunno… ”

* * *

Guppy, Away Team, over.”

“Away Team, Guppy. Yes, we can.”

“If you would, please,” Sophia radioed. “Nuke ’em from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

* * *

“Aim,” Chief Schmidt growled, pointing at the oncoming infected. It was approaching more or less directly at the gunboat’s position. “If you cannot hit that target with your first burst, I will find a new gunner and you can just spend the rest of your career humping ammo.”

“Yes, Chief,” the Seaman Recruit said, sweating.

“One burst,” Schmidt said. “Take your time.”

“Yes, Chief,” the gunner said.

“Wait,” the Chief said. “Your sight’s off for this range.” He clicked the ladder sight. “You’d have fired over.”

“Thanks,” the gunner said.


The burst, fortunately for the gunner, hit the infected with one of its rounds.

“And you get to keep your job,” Schmidt said, taking off his earmuffs. “For now.”

“Thanks,” the gunner said.

“That would be… what?”

“Thank you, Chief,” the gunner said and gulped.


* * *

“Okay,” Sophia said as the last yacht cleared the marina and joined the growing Flotilla. “Now we need wheels if we’re going to clear this town.”

With the yachts cleared, the team had gathered at the point that the breakwater reached the shore for a little huddle.

“Very well, ma’am,” the Sergeant Major said. “If I may?”

“On you, Sergeant Major,” Sophia said, nodding.

“First, all but Zelenova Team and Singer Team, drop your magazines and clear your weapons.”

“Sergeant Major?” Rusty said, raising his hand. He had the 240 slung.

“You’re not in bloody primary school, Seaman Apprentice,” the Sergeant Major said. “Seaman Recruit Steinholtz, what is the proper way to ask a question?”

“Permission to speak, Sergeant Major,” Steinholtz said.

“So, Seaman Apprentice,” the Sergeant Major said. “Try it again.”

“Permission to speak, Sergeant Major?” Rusty said.

“Permission granted, Seaman Apprentice,” Barney said.

“Uh… ” Rusty said. “I forgot what I was gonna ask… ”

Sophia turned around and covered her mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. She coughed instead.