They drove off. Beth was crying quietly. Lucille was not - I don't think she understood any of it - but was solemn and round-eyed. Mother did not cry and neither did I... not then. But Mother went upstairs and closed her door... and so did I. I now had a room to myself, ever since Agnes married, so I threw the latch and lay down and let myself cry.
I tried to tell myself that I was crying over my brother, Thomas. But I knew better; it was Mr Smith who was causing that ache in my heart.
I wished, with all my soul, that I had not caused him to use a French purse in making love to me a week earlier. I had been tempted - I knew, I was certain, that it would be ever so much nicer just to forget that rubber sheath and be bare to him, inside and out.
But I had told Father solemnly that I would always use a sheath... until the day when, after sober discussion with the man concerned, I omitted it for the purpose of becoming pregnant... under a mutual firm intention of marrying if we succeeded.
And now he was going off to war... and I might never see, him again.
I dried my eyes and got up and took down a little volume: of verse, Professor Palgrave's ‘Golden Treasury'. Mother had given it to me on my twelfth birthday, and it had been given to her on her twelfth birthday, in 1866.
Professor Palgrave had found two hundred and eighty-eight lyrics which were fine enough, in his exquisite taste, for his treasury. That day I wanted just one: Richard Lovelace's To Lucasta, On Going To The Wars':
- I could not love thee, Dear, so much,
Loved I not Honour more.
Then I cried some more, and after a while I slept. When I woke up, I got up and did not let myself cry again. Instead I slipped a note under Mother's door, telling her that I would get supper for all of us by myself... and she could have supper in bed if it pleased her to do so.
She let me cook supper but she came down and presided and, for the first time, Frank seated Mother and sat opposite her. She looked at me. ‘Maureen, will you return thanks?'
‘Yes, Mother. Dear Lord, we thank nee for that which we are about to partake. Please bless this food to our use and bless all our brothers and sisters in Jesus everywhere, both known to us and unknown.' I gulped and added, ‘And on this day we ask a special blessing for our beloved brother, Thomas Jefferson, and for all other young men who have gone to serve our beloved country.' (Et je prie que le bon Dieu garde bien mon ami!) ‘In Jesus Name. Amen.'
‘Amen,' Mother said firmly. ‘Franklin, will you carve?'
Father and Tom returned the next day, late in the afternoon.
Beth and Lucille threw themselves on Tom and Father, and I wanted to, but could not, as I was carrying George and he had picked that moment to wet a nappy. But I just held him and let him wait, so that I wouldn't miss any news - a spare nappy under him; I knew George. That baby peed more than all the rest put together.
Beth demanded, ‘Did you do it, Tommy, did you do it, did you do it, did you?'
‘Of course he did,' Father answered. ‘He's Private Johnson now; next week he'll be a general.'
‘He will?'
‘Well, maybe not that fast' Father stopped to kiss Lucile and Beth. ‘But they do promote them fast in wartime. Take me, for example. I'm a captain:
‘Doctor Johnson!'
Father straightened up. ‘Captain Johnson, Madam. Both of us enlisted. I am now Acting Surgeon, Medical Detachment, Second Missouri Regiment, with assigned rank of captain.'
At this point I ought to say something about the families of my parents, especially Father's brothers and sisters, as what happened that week in April 1898 in Thebes had its roots a century earlier.
Father's grandparents were:
George Edward Johnson (1795-1897) and Amanda Lou Fredericks johnson (1798-1899);
Terence McFee (1796-1900) and Rose Wilhelmina Brandt McFee (1798-1899).
Both George Johnson and Terence McFee served in the War of 1812.
Father's parents were:
Asa Edward Johnson (1813-1918) and Rose Altheda McFee Johnson (1814-1918).
Asa johnson served in the War with Mexico, a sergeant in the Illinois Militia.
Mother's grandparents were:
Robert Pfeiffer (1809-1909) and Heidi Schmidt Pfeiffer (1810-1913);
Ole Larsen (1805-1809) and Anna Kristina H Larsen (1810-1912);
and her parents were:
Richard Pfeiffer (1830-1932) and Kristina Larsen Pfeifer (1834-1940)
Father was born on his grandfather Johnson's farm in Minnesota, in Freeborn County, near Albert, on Monday August 1852, the youngest of four boys and three girls. His grandfather George Edward Johnson (my great-grandfather) was born in 1795, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He died in a nursing home in Minneapolis in December 1897, and newspapers made a to-do over the fact that George Washington was still alive when he was born. (We had nothing to with this publicity. While I was not aware of the policy until I was married, even at that time Howard Foundation family avoided public mention of ages.)
George Edward Johnson married Amanda Lou Fredericks (1798-1899) in 1813 and took her to Illinois, where she had her first child, Asa Edward Johnson, my grandfather, that same year. It seems likely that Grampaw Acey was the sort of ‘premature' baby as my eldest brother, Edward. After the war with Mexico the Johnson family migrated west homesteaded in Minnesota.
There was no Howard Foundation in those days, but all my ancestors appeared to have started breeding young, had lots of children, were healthy despite the uncontrolled diseases of those times, and lived long lives, mostly to hundred and more.
Asa Edward johnson (1813-1918) married Rose Alth McFee (1814-1918) in 1831. They had seven children:
1. Samantha Jane Johnson 1831-1915 (died injuries suffered while breaking a horse.)
2. James Ewing Johnson 1833-1884 (killed attempting to ford the Osage during spring flood. I bare remember him. He married Aunt Carole Pelletier of New Orleans.)
3. Walter Raleigh Johnson 1838-1862 (killed at Shiloh.)
4. Alice Irene Johnson 1840-? (I don't know what became of Aunt Alice. She married back east.)
5. Edward McFee Johnson 1844-1884 (killed in a train wreck.)
6. Aurora Johnson 1850-? (last heard of in California circa 1930. Married several times.)
7 Ira Johnson 2 August 1852-1941 (reported missing in the Battle of Britain.)
When Fort Sumter fell in April 1861, Mr Lincoln asked for volunteers from the militias of the several states (just as Mr McKinley would do in a later April). On the Johnson farm in Freeborn County, Minnesota, the call was answered by Ewing (28), Walter (23), Edward (17)- and Grampaw Acey, at that time forty-eight years old, thus producing a situation that utterly humiliated Ira Johnson, nine years old and a grown man in his own estimation. He was going to be left home to do chores, while all the other men went to war. His sister Samantha (whose, husband had volunteered) and his mother would run the farm.
Small comfort to him that his father returned home almost at once, turned down for something, I do not know what.
Father endured this humiliation for three long years... and at twelve ran away from home to enlist as a drummer boy.
He found his way down the Mississippi on a barge, managed to locate the encampment of the 2nd Minnesota before it joined Sherman's drive to the sea. His cousin Jules vouched for him and he was tentatively accepted (subject to training; he knew nothing of drums, or of bugles) and was assigned quarters and rations with headquarters company.
Then his father showed up and fetched him home.
So Father's service in the War was about three weeks and he was never in combat. He was not credited even with those three weeks... as he learned to his dismay when he attempted to join the Union veterans organisation, the Grand Army of the Republic.