3. By this time US President F.D.Roosevelt was killed[5] (hardly without participating of British Freemasonry periphery in this dirty business) because:
Yalta Conference conclusions didn't respond to interests of those powers, which were personified at public policy by W.Churchill;
and F.D.Roosevelt and J.V.Stalin since the time of their personal dialogue at Tehran Conference (1943, F.D.Roosevelt lived at USSR embassy by the invitation of J.V.Stalin) developed a certain mutual understanding for the need of solving of global and regional problems on the basis of some socialism (Soviet power) and capitalism (bourgeois democracy) convergence, which had not been provided the subsequent “cold war”, but had been threatened with destruction of bourgeois liberalism. “London Central Committee” used both bourgeois liberalism and Marxism as instruments for submission the whole world to usurious community, whose most active representatives run their business from London City.
4. W.Churchill's Sinews of Peace (March 5, 1946 г.)[6] — message from higher bros-freemasons to lower bros-freemasons from USA, owing to what it became defining for the statehood of the USA policy until current moment and for further perspective.
5. «SS European Charter» (1944)[7] В was the basis for «European Union-2» (Maastricht Treaty 1992, effective since November 1, 1993), so it defines domestic policy for states-members:
on announcement, publicly defiantly — bourgeois liberalism and social democracy, as the compelled observance of "decencies" after defeat of «European Union-1», created by Hitler;
and by default — long-term strategic course on revival of national socialism in every of states-members with the aim of liquidation of capitalism (which is based on bourgeois liberalism and liberal market-based economical model).
Therefore watchword “Drang nach Osten!” again dominates (now – by default, but not publicly as in Third Reich) in foreign policy of “European Union-2” (as coalition formation of the states, no one of which possesses completeness of the sovereignty – because all of them are conceptually powerless (reasons for this: (1) they are overwhelmed by Biblical globalization concept, and (2) freemasonry controls their government structures)). At the same time Jews have been admitting (yet) as full Europeans in “European Union-2”. And Muslims (including those living outside “EU-2”) and natives from former colonies of “great European powers” living in “EU-2” regardless of their confession have been appointed to the role of “defective Jews of Third Reich and European Union-1”. European Jews and natives from former USSR republics — as carriers of unacceptable for national socialism ideas of liberalism and so-called “internationalism” ideas – can be attached in perspective to “defective” category.
6. The celebrating of the USSR and the USA victory over “European Union-1” is absence in todo-lists of “EU-2” masters and heads of its members, because (1) for them its – crush of one of their projects celebrating, and (2) besides that anti-Russian Nazi regimes corporation at “European Union-2” is more preferable for them. According with the called above reasons “EU-2” management pretends not to see marches-pasts of former SS-mans and their successors in Baltic states and Nazi rushes of post-Euromaidan Kiev regime, and а number of Western countries leaders (who were invited to Moscow for the 70th anniversary of Great Victory celebration) under various pretexts declared that they'll celebrate “their own victory” at another place.
7. The tendency for identification of V.V.Putin with A.Hitler and Russia with Third Reich respectively is dominating in “EU-2”-members and USA propaganda in view of Russia' relation to Nazi coup in Ukraine, which was made with participation of intelligence agencies from number of European (“EU-2”) countries and the USA (scenarios development, activists training, special forces secret participation in provocations and the like).
8. The company on re-writing of history of Second World War (WWII) and history of Russia-USSR-Russia and on propaganda of new version of history with mass-media and education system was started. The essence of history rethinking by West:
the USSR and Third Reich — are equally totalitarian, fascist regimes, which had been threaten for all mankind freedom.
J.Stalin with his aggressive aspirations and misanthropy prepared so-called “liberation campaign” of Red Army to Europe.
A.Hitler (though he wasn't right in his relations to Jews, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria and other European countries occupied by Third Reich) was compelled to start “preventive war” against the USSR, because of J.Stalin' hypocritical policy and preparation of Red Army “liberation campaign” to Europe[8].
There was no “European Union-1”, but there were different European countries occupied by Third Reich. Resistance (supported by Great Britain) actively functioned in these countries.
At Third Reich (and also at SS) there was its own anti-totalitarian underground. “SS European Charter” (1944) appeared as a result of its activity. Therefore its not correct to “paint all SS-mans with black color”: there were worthy peoplу, who became hostages of the circumstances created by Hitler and Stalin.
USA and Great Britain made a decisive contribution to defeating of Third Reich and releasing European nations from hitlerism by crushing Hitlerite strategy of world supremacy gain with battles in Africa (operations against Rommel' army), Allied invasion of Italy (1943), Battle of Normandy (1944), rout of Japan (global-strategic Reich' ally) at Pacific.
There was so-called “Eastern Front”, but it has exclusively “tactical” value: its value is represented big because of its huge extent, but it wasn't globally strategically critic, because “Eastern Front” passed only on USSR territory and until the end of 1944 was on considerable removal from Third Reich territory, without making any impact on its life (men in the street are not obligatory to know that “Eastern Front” provided 80% Wehrmacht irrecoverable attrition). Soviet propaganda unfairly inflated its value along with belittling of the USSR anti-Hitlerite coalition allies role. Nowadays V.V.Putin's regime pursues the same policy of inflating “Eastern Front” value, belittling Allies role and history fabrication: see what N.V.Starikov, A.G.Dugin, S.E.Kurginyan, A.A.Prokhanov and other ideologists and analysts of “patriotic” sense (nuts about world conspiracy theories) tell and write about Great Britain' role in the history.