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Because of the separation into the obvious invariant and means of payment, the purchasing power and nominal paying capacity turned into different economic indicators, which could change independently. This is how they are different:

nominal paying capacity is represented directly by the amount of means of payment;

purchasing power is represented only in the consumption spectrum, in some kind of ‘consumer goods basket’ which can be purchased for a particular sum of the means of payment when there is an established nominal price-list.

Nominal paying capacity is a measure of purchasing power and economic wealth only for a certain price-list and a certain consumption spectrum (‘consumer goods basket’). It has no managerial value per se.

Respectively, the masters are those who, directly or indirectly, manage (turning that activity to their own advantage) the purchasing power of a monetary unit and the distribution of nominal paying capacity among the participants of production-and consumption exchange of goods. It is accompanied by the re-distribution of the purchasing power that, in turn, represents an indirect macrolevel management by means of production-and consumption exchange of goods.

The above means that all the tasks of macroeconomic management cannot be solved by the statehood, if there is a global, supranational usury corporation behind the purchasing power of a currency, and if the active generations within the society do not realize the mechanism of management behind those processes, so they are do not know how to create an alternative to be used to protect their own statehood and its economic policy. They are the slaves of the tycoons pulling the strings, and they pay off the costs of their slavery[7] themselves, however, the tycoons always became the hostages of their own parasitism.

Monetary unit purchasing power management is the management of the dependence that has one-to-one correspondence with the price-list invariant.

In the days of gold standard the law concerning the exchange of paper and other kinds of money for gold provided the uniqueness of that dependence. However, if we introduce the direct elecric power invariant, the tariffs on electric power consumption will not be an energy counterpart of the ‘gold standard’. It is due to the fact that the character of credit money exchange for gold at a fixed rate (which was the main point of the ‘golden standard’) is different from the character of electric power consumption for production or consumer exchange of goods in a society.

The exchange volume of credit money was not determined by the needs of production or consumer exchange of goods (gold coins and credit money coped with goods exchange equally well). It was determined by social nervousness and psychological instability, which led to an intense exchange of the bills for gold, when purchasing power of the means of payment really dropped, or the wealthy social layers expected it to drop soon. In such cases they sought for ‘accumulators’ where they would be able to keep the purchasing power of their money till the better times come, so they disposed of extra nominal paying capacity by investing the money into gold, real estate (land), antiques, works of art etc. If the resulting demand for gold soared, it was impossible to keep the ‘gold standard’ at the previously established level of gold backing of ‘slips’, and such impossibility emerged as a result of existing disturbances in paper money circulation and the connection between the parameters of paper money circulation with the exchange of goods as such.

Thus, the need of devaluation in terms of the transition to a new value of the ‘gold standard’ in case the energy dependent price-list invariant was indirect, was the consequence, not the first evidence, of the disturbance of the energy standard backing of a monetary unit. It was that kind of disturbances of biogenous energy backing standard in the XIV century’s Spain that led to triple growth in gold equivalent (i.e. gold went three times as much more expensive).

Electric power consumption is not a reaction of the society to some disturbances in the exchange of goods of in paper money circulation. It is a component of production or consumer exchange of goods as such. The society does not have auctions for electric power consumption: there are electricity meters, and the tariffs are set in advance. Moreover, the capacities of power stations and the systems of power supply redistribution through the regions as well as different tariffs (reduced and increased tariffs, which may depend on time of the day and aggregate electric power consumption for a particular term) have been satisfying the needs of the customers (including ‘peak’ ones) for the past decades in a reliable way as soon as they have been connected to the main electricity supply grid. Emergency interruptions of power supply of production facilities, inhabited localities or regions due to overloads have been extremely rare[8]. Thereof, the electricity consumption tariffs are basically connected with the money circulation parameters the same way the other nominal prices are.

Accordingly, the monetary unit backing standard, whether it is a precious metal coin or a nominal means of payment, in metrological terms, has to connect (one to one) the production spectrum in energy units and the aggregate nominal paying capacity of the society that defines the nominal price scale.

The production spectrum in energy units represents the amount of electric power produced for a year[9]. The consumption of goods produced by all the sectors in financial terms is given by such statistical indicators as the aggregate number of purchases and sales, their distribution by the seasons of the year, by specialized markets, by regions as well as the their costs. The aggregate cost of the deals is the annual volume of trade in nominal values, i.e. the turnover volume, or the turnover volume of means of payment.

If, firstly, there are no short-term (for an annual scale) structural redistribution of production and consumption needs due to natural disasters, severe technogenous catastrophes, wars, silly economic reforms, etc., and, secondly, the system of production and consumption performs steadily, then the structure of the annual exchange of goods for the past several years will change smoothly, i.e. with no sharp hikes or drops.

This is a balancing mode of autoregulation of the production-and-consumption system of the society. The taskof a macroeconomic management is to maintain that balance. That is the normal mode of macroeconomic performance.

For normal modes, the value of the niminal volume of trade – the volume of means of payment turnover, is mainly dependent on, among other factors, by the value of an APPARENT instantaneous aggregate nominal paying capacity of the society, because an aggregate seller will squeeze out of a buyer that really needs a particular item of goods everything that he is able to pay. That value exceeds the factual apparent instantaneous aggregate nominal paying capacity of the society (the underlined words are terms), equal to the amount of means of payment in circulation. The apparent instantaneous aggregate nominal paying capacity of the society is given by a sum of two components: S+K.

S — stands for the aggregate sum of nominals of means of payment that the would-be buyers possess (factual nominal paying capacity);

— stands for the credits lent (including repeated lending), ignoring the debt rate of the society as a whole to the usurers.