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Colin had tried to control the depth and speed of his thrusts. His jaw was locked with the effort, his muscles straining. But she refused to let him be gentle, meeting each thrust with one of her own. Suddenly his control broke and he drove hard and deep, his hips echoing the earthy movement of hers.

He had been with women before, he had loved Deirdre, but nothing he had experienced prepared him for the powerful force building within, becoming more fervent, more intense as they strained together. His breath changed to short gasps.

Makenna felt him deep within her and discovered the connection of two souls suffused together through their bodies. With a soft, choked exclamation, she surrendered to the tumultuous storm of sensation sweeping over her. The world had erupted into an array of dazzling stars. Nothing could have prepared her for the emotions associated with such rapture.

A second later, she felt Colin’s hands pull her buttocks to him with a powerful strength that only added to her ascent. She heard him call her name, and then a heavy shudder racked him as his body surged to climax. A final triumphant exclamation escaped Colin’s lips as he sagged against her. He had been torn apart and put back together again, this time whole and complete.

Makenna felt her body float back to earth and held on tightly to the one solid thing in her universe. Colin was hers, she thought happily. For this moment in time, he belonged only to her just as she belonged to him. Tomorrow would come and remind them both of ghosts and current responsibilities, but tonight he was hers.

Colin rested silently and tried to catch his breath. For years, he had heard men talking about their women or wives. And during those long weeks when they were forced to be away from their loved ones, he had never understood their talk of anticipation and need.

Even Conor had alluded to such bedroom pleasures, unwittingly chiding him saying that it was a shame only two of the McTiernay men knew the unequaled satisfaction of a wedding night. Pride had kept him from divulging that he and Deirdre had slept separately on theirs. The few times they had shared a bed, it had not possessed any of the magic he had just shared with Makenna.

Makenna. The wildest and most aggravating of the Dunstans.

He should be shocked for feeling this way about a woman who enjoyed arguing with him publicly, defied his orders, and actively looked for ways to infuriate him. At a minimum, he should feel guilty for finding such pleasure from a woman he didn’t love when he couldn’t find it with the one he had. He searched for the feelings of betrayal but found none. Only gratitude for the precious gift Makenna had given him. A surprisingly beautiful and spirited gift he hoped to be worthy of receiving.

Colin rolled to his side, and Makenna sucked in her breath, preparing herself to be told to leave. Instead, he pulled his plaid over them both and drew her into his arms. Makenna exhaled and snuggled closer, treasuring being the object of his strength and security. She felt a lock of her hair being brushed aside and looked up into blue eyes shimmering with the intensity of a passing storm. His lips were so close to hers she could feel his breath on her upper lip.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

Makenna suddenly felt like an awkward little girl again, unknowing what to do or say in the company of a man. “I thought you considered me aggravating,” she countered, hoping that levity would ease her discomfort.

Colin shifted so he could hold her gaze steady with his own. He could see her fear, but knew that he had the power to make it go away. “Aye, you are impetuous, stubborn, and indeed aggravating. But you are also very beautiful and incredibly alluring.”

Makenna never thought anyone would find her beautiful, and certainly not alluring. Colin thinking her both made her a little uneasy. She was about to make another jest when he laid a finger lightly across her lips. “I cannot explain what just happened between us, Makenna. But it was incredibly unique and special.”

Then something primitive and utterly feminine deep inside her stirred under the impact of his possessive gaze. His eyes burrowed into her deepest subconscious. I know you, they said. I know you as no one ever has. And I want you. She reached up and buried her fingers in his dark hair to pull his mouth down to hers. You have me, she answered.

She closed her eyes as his teeth suckled her bottom lip and willingly parted her lips beneath his gentle, persuasive mouth. How could she ever have thought his mouth hard and without feeling?

Makenna had ridden him with the passion she applied to anything she loved—fierce, wild, and free. He needed to show her the beauty and enjoyment of slowing down the experience. To savor the precious moments of pleasure. He was going to teach her about life, and she would teach him about living. Tonight was only the beginning.

Colin moved his tongue across her lips. They were still warm and full from when he had ravaged them earlier. He knew he would never get enough of their taste. She trembled and moaned, urging for more. He smiled and played with her bottom lip before releasing it to scatter light kisses over cheek and forehead. This time, he would take his time with their lovemaking. He would craft a slow, sensual dance, and Makenna would learn how much fun it could be to ride slow.

Chapter Five

Makenna stirred and flipped onto her back, feeling incredibly relaxed and happy. Life with Colin was not going to be the miserable one she had feared, but an exciting and blissful adventure. Finally, all was right with the world.

Sitting up, Makenna stretched her arms high and realized she was alone. The sun coming in from the window was bright, indicating she had slept in. She gathered her knees close and hugged them tightly to her. She wondered how late in the morning it was when Colin had left. He must have moved very quietly to have kept from rousing her. “Understandable, you were incredibly tired,” she said, defending her unusual fatigue with a smile on her face.

She remained seated, motionless for several moments enjoying the peace. Her family was probably looking all over for her. It was past time to rise and meet them. She knew she would be unable to hide her joy, especially from her father. As soon as he saw her, he would begin congratulating himself on his prophetic knowledge. This time she would allow him such pleasure. Compared to the gift she had received last night, it was very little in return.

Stepping onto the wood-planked floor, Makenna saw the evidence of her virginity on the bed. Throwing the blanket to cover the stains, she walked over and washed herself with the small basin of water on the table aside the bed. Turning to get dressed, Makenna remembered she had nothing but her wedding dress to put on.

She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s not like anyone will be surprised after Colin’s show of hauling me away.” She sighed.

Donning the chemise, Makenna considered calling for a chambermaid to fetch her new clothes when a knock came at the door.

“Thank the Lord,” Makenna mumbled to herself. Then a sudden thought of terror came to her. It might be a soldier looking for Colin. “Who is it?” she called out, hoping a woman’s voice would answer and not a man’s.

“It’s Ula, Makenna.”

Makenna grabbed her bliaut and tried to tie it quickly, but it was not cooperating. Of all people, why would Ula be coming to see her? “Obviously, it’s later than you think, amhlair,” Makenna said to herself.

“That better not have been me you were calling stupid,” Ula hissed through the door. “Let me in.”

“I’m coming. I’m sorry, but I was not prepared for visitors,” Makenna called out, rushing across the room to open the heavy door. “Including family, Ula. It was my wedding night.” She couldn’t help but add the snide sound to her voice as she faced her older sister.