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“I won’t miss you,” she promised softly as he walked to the door.

He turned back and replied, “Aye, you will.” His answer was filled with both arrogance and fear. Colin looked at her for one last moment. And then he was gone.

Makenna stood transfixed for several moments. Their argument had been completely overshadowed by his last request. Take care of the keep. The words kept repeating themselves. Makenna felt the dark walls of the tower begin to close in on her. Ula had been right. The day when her lack of domestic skill would ruin her life had arrived.

“Damn you, Ula!” Makenna muttered as panic invaded her limbs, causing the need to move.

As she paced back and forth, every half-learned lesson about weaving, candle making, running the household, and preparing meals flashed in her head. In her youth, such activities seemed so simple and boring. Now they loomed in front of her as the most complex of chores. How could she take of the keep when she had no idea what to do?

“Stop, Makenna, and think. You can do this. You mastered the battle-axe and the claymore. You learned to hunt and ride. Each seemed impossible at first. You can do this; it’s just a decision. You’re smart, and probably know much more than you think. And what you don’t know, someone can teach you. You’re the Lady of Lochlen Castle.”

Finishing her self-directed pep talk, Makenna felt enormously better. She poured some water into her hands and rinsed off her face. Deciding to forgo the bliaut today, she created an arisaid from the McTiernay plaid and marched out of Colin’s room and toward the stairwell.

Clutching the thick rope attached to the center, Makenna moved to descend when a conversation drifted up the narrow cylindrical structure. Prepared to ignore the two women and go by them, Makenna stopped cold upon hearing her sisters’ names followed by her own.

“Glad I found you,” whispered the first voice. “We can talk now that the Highlander has departed.”

“But what about…?” asked a second woman. Makenna could not make out the rest of the question and assumed the woman was gesturing.

“Do not concern yourself so,” the first voice replied. Makenna recognized its owner. Lela. “No doubt our mistress is still sleeping while we work.”

“If you are so bitter, why did you elect to come back to Lochlen for work? Rumor has it you have a new suitor.”

The second woman sounded familiar, but Makenna could not put a name or face with the voice. If only she had heeded her father’s advice to learn all those who worked at the castle. “There will be times when recognizing the faces and voices of the castle will be more important to you than knowing how to wield a sword,” he had warned. She had truly not believed him at the time, unable to envision a situation when domestic responsibilities would overlap with her life.

Ask her about horses, the stables, or even the stable masters. Ask her about weapons, their use, or her skill. These topics could hold her interest for hours. But the women who supported Lochlen were bizarre creatures with whom she had nothing in common. She had never spent one minute longer than she had to in their company.

“I do have a new man,” Lela haughtily replied. “It was he who convinced me to stay and assist Lady Ula and Lady Rona while they were visiting.”

“Didn’t I just see Lady Rona leave?”

“Aye, she cannot stand to be at Lochlen without her older sister. And you-know-who has never been one for keeping a woman company.”

Makenna bit her bottom lip and wondered if they were referring to her. She shrugged her shoulders and decided it did not matter. Restarting her descent, she had not totally lifted her foot when again their conversation stopped her.

“Too bad Lady Rona’s husband did not show the same spine of Uilleam.”

“I don’t know, Lela. I doubt Ula will be allowed to visit again with her husband backing MacCuaig so publicly.”

“It will not matter when Lochlen falls into MacCuaig’s grasp. He may even have Uilleam manage Lochlen under his rule.”

The second voice sighed. “I think Laird MacCuaig is somewhat delusional if they think the Highlander is going to so easily give up his clan and ranking. Uilleam is a fool, and Ula even more so for marrying him. He may have a pretty face, but weak knees. Same for Rona’s husband. To tell you the truth, I’d rather have the Highlander.”

Makenna smiled to herself, feeling a rush of pride that Colin was the preferred choice among some women. But just as hope was emerging in, a wave of reality washed it away.

“Never!” Lela hissed. “I would rather die the way of Wallace than submit to an outsider.”

“Were you not an outsider coming from the Highlands yourself, Lela?”

Makenna mentally cheered the woman with her lips pressed together to ensure that her comments did not accidentally escape.

“The land, its people, and its customs never laid claim to my soul. Those mountains are miserable, and the men who claim them are barbarians. And now that one of them heads the clan of my dead husband’s, the only peace I have is knowing that his home will soon be in complete disorder under the supervision of his new wife.”

“’Tis true, what you say. Our new lady has not a notion of who comes and leaves. And it is certainly not my responsibility to know or care. The laird must be ashamed that his wife is so ill-equipped to help him run and protect his home.”

Makenna took a step back and leaned against the cold stones of the staircase wall. What did they mean ill-equipped to protect his home? Wasn’t it Colin’s duty to see the keep was safe?

Lela tapped her fingers loudly along the small windowsill and looked out through the dirt coating the glass. It had not been cleaned for months. Her hostility was distancing Doreen. A new direction was needed. “I would wager a new luckenbooth our lady doesn’t care. She doesn’t care about her clan, her keep, or even her appearance.”

“Aye, and what a shame. Who knew Lady Makenna could be such a bonnie lass? She caused quite a stir among the men at her wedding, even my boy Rufus went on about it. It’s a pity she doesn’t continue to at least try and make herself presentable.”

“I predict the Highlander’s eye will soon rove if she continues to be unsightly and conduct herself with such rebellious behavior,” Lela prompted.

A light laughter tinkled up the stairs. “Your new beau’s eye maybe, Lela, but not that Highlander’s—even if she gives him reason. You may have your harsh opinion of the Highlands, but that man stayed true to Lady Deirdre despite her being ill nearly their entire marriage. I know; I attended her.”

“Still, Doreen—”

“Still nothing, Lela. I was there when Laird Crawford told all who could hear that when the McTiernays make a promise, it is for life. And I believe him. I’ve seen it.”

“Hmph,” Lela muttered. Doreen was obviously not going to disavow their new laird…yet. “Well, regardless of how you feel about McTiernay’s ‘noble heart’, he now is with a woman who would rather play all day than tend to her home.”

Makenna’s jaw tightened. Playing! These people think I am having nothing but fun training and hunting! Aye, it’s what I enjoy, but those things are hard. “I’d like to see you hunt for the food I place in your mouth, Lela Fraser,” Makenna whispered aloud.

Balling her fist, Makenna painfully banged the stone barrier. It mattered little what these two women thought.

Doreen clucked her tongue. “Now, that, Lela, is a topic we do agree on. Indeed, wouldn’t we all want to be riding in the breeze or doing only what we enjoyed? You know, I think the lass actually believes we like cleaning, cooking, and taking care of this place.”