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Sybella’s eyes widened innocently. “So I take it he wasnae a man to be trusted.”

“Trusted? I wouldnae trust him alone with a dog. He held my cousin against her will in order to force MacGregor to break King James’s command. The man got what he deserved. He had nay honor.”

Alex had said that he trusted the MacKenzies as much as Ciaran trusted the bloody Campbell. Granted, the words Sybella overheard had been spoken with a heavy wooden door between them, but did Alexander truly think her clan had earned the same fate as the bloody Earl of Argyll? Something clicked in her mind: she believed the Campbell had met his demise upon the blade of Ciaran’s broadsword. Is that truly how her husband felt?

Rosalia cleared her throat. “Can we nae speak of the bloody Campbell? The man has been buried for some time, and he still manages to anger Ciaran. Please donna even whisper the earl’s name.”

“Aye, there is much to celebrate,” said Aunt Iseabail.

Alex smiled. “Of course there is, Aunt.”

“After a long journey, I would love to walk. Why donna we all walk down to the loch?” asked Rosalia. “I am nae sure how long Lachlann will sleep.”

“I would rather ye nae leave the gates. Why donna ye walk to the parapet? I will join ye after I escort Aunt Iseabail to her chamber. Ye look weary, Aunt.”

Aunt Iseabail looked startled by Alex’s suggestion. “Aye,” she replied hesitantly. “If ye insist.”

Rosalia rubbed Aunt Iseabail’s arm. “’Tis all right, seanmhair. Ye rest and we will have plenty of time to spend together.”

While Alex cared for his aunt, Sybella found herself walking the halls of Glengarry once again with Rosalia when all she wanted to do was retire to her empty chamber. She desperately needed an end to this brutal day. She continued to struggle with the memory of her husband’s words and the duty she felt to her clan. This was all one big nightmare, and honestly, she wasn’t sure what to do.

They stepped out onto the parapet, and Rosalia gave Sybella a knowing look. “Now ye can tell me the true reason why Alexander doesnae want us to walk to the loch.”

Sybella rubbed her fingers over the stone wall. “Ye are verra observant.”

“Aye, well, when ye live with Ciaran and his two brothers, ye donna miss too much. Tell me. What is amiss?”

Sybella became increasingly uneasy under Rosalia’s examination. Frankly, she was tired. Her clan wanted her to betray her husband; her husband didn’t trust her; and now she was standing here with her husband’s cousin, who wanted answers.

“I can see it in your eyes.” Rosalia paused. “Listen, if it wasnae for the company of my sisters-by-marriage, I would be daft. We are all kin. Ye can tell me anything that is troubling ye. I am a verra good listener.”

Sybella rubbed her brow. She was somewhat reluctant to speak, but she gathered that Rosalia would find out the truth eventually. “Someone aimed an arrow at my head while I walked in the forest with Alexander.”

Rosalia gasped. “Are ye all right?”

“I am fine. Naught untoward has happened since Alexander has confined me within the walls of the castle. His men still scour the woods.”

“What enemies has my cousin made to warrant such an act?” asked Rosalia in a tone indicating that she did not necessarily require an answer.

“What makes ye think the man is an enemy of my husband?”

Rosalia shook her head. “I find most often that women are only pawns in the games of men.”

“Be that as it may, my clan was the only known enemy of Alexander. But we are wed and our clans are now joined. I donna know of anyone who would want to cause me harm.”

“Alexander must be worried about ye something fierce.”

Mixed feelings consumed Sybella. Her husband worried for her safety simply because it was his duty. He was her sworn protector. It wasn’t as if he actually cared about her. He’d basically said so himself. When Sybella didn’t answer, Rosalia tapped her arm.

“I know this may nae sound too comforting at the moment, but donna worry about it. Ciaran and his men are here and will help my cousin capture the miscreant. Ye are safe. Your husband will protect ye.”

“Rosalia’s right, ye know.”

Sybella whipped her head around as Alexander approached them on the parapet. The gentle breeze blew a piece of his hair onto his face, and his words didn’t register on Sybella’s dizzied senses. Her feelings toward him were so mixed up that she mentally chided herself.

“Why are ye women speaking of this? Do ye nae have womanly subjects to discuss such as raising a bairn or stitching tunics or the like?”

Stitching tunics? Sybella was about to open her mouth when Alex’s cousin spoke before she had the chance.

“I think someone taking aim at your wife’s head is more important to discuss than talking about stitching tunics, Cousin,” Rosalia said in a scolding tone.

Alex draped his arm over Rosalia’s shoulder. “I donna want ye causing Sybella more worry.”

“Aye, let her be mute. That will surely fix all of your problems.” When Alex’s eyes darkened, Rosalia murmured softly, “Pray excuse me.” Rosalia lifted her skirts and simply walked through the parapet door.

Sybella was somewhat surprised that Alexander’s cousin spoke her mind. In fact, she liked it very much. She hadn’t often found a lass who would stand up to a brawny Highland laird.

“I meant what I said. There is nay need for ye to be worried about such things. Now that MacGregor is here, we will find the man responsible. Did ye have a pleasant visit with your brother?”

At the mention of Colin, Sybella nervously wiped her sweaty palms on her day dress. She suddenly had the feeling that she was one of Anabel’s brothers caught doing something he shouldn’t. She stood to her full height. “It was nice to see him again.”

Sybella was drawn to the sound of pounding hoofbeats below. She looked over the side of the wall to see a score of armed MacDonell men heading out the gate. “Where are they going?” Surely Alex wouldn’t send that many men to search the forest again.

“My men travel to Lewis.”

Her eyes shot up in surprise. “Lewis?”


“This wouldnae have anything to do with the MacLeod, would it?”

His expression became guarded. “And what do ye know of the MacLeod of Lewis, lass?”

She lowered her gaze. “Naught but that the man is verra uncivilized.”

Alex remained perfectly still. When she looked up, he gave a brief nod. “Ella, these arenae matters for ye to be concerned with.” When she looked away from him uneasily, his fingers reached out and grabbed her chin. “Are ye all right? Something seems amiss.”

“’Tis naught.” She reached up to remove his hand and became aware of the warmth of his touch. Damn. She was more shaken than she cared to admit.

“If something is troubling ye, tell me. I told ye this before, lass.”

Sybella searched anxiously for the meaning of his words while attempting to keep her fragile control. The man was unnerving. If she hadn’t heard his words through the study door, she would’ve sworn he actually cared how she felt. Praise the saints, the man was good. She would give him that.

She gently tapped his hand away. “I would tell ye, Alex. As I know ye would tell me if something was amiss.”

A smile played at the corners of his lips. “Before long, ye will be able to travel beyond the walls. Ye have my word. We will find the man. Until then, ye need to have faith in me and nae worry.”

Sybella laughed to cover her annoyance.

Have faith in him

If she remembered correctly, Alex was the one who said he trusted the MacKenzies as much as the MacGregor trusted the bloody Campbell. He clearly didn’t trust her, but she was supposed to “have faith in him.” How typical. Now the brute wasn’t even paying attention to her. He gazed over the wall and she stared at his broad back. He didn’t even turn around. Her anger could no longer be controlled.